Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: Paveslave
I think for now I'm going to stay where I'm at. I wanted to get over the 3 GHZ hump and as long as I'm stable I'm gonna be fine for now. I know with a 2.8 it's not that big of a deal, but this should be fast enough to keep me happy for a while.
I wouldn't know why I would want to remove two sticks of RAM just for the purpose of overclocking. I spent a good chunk of change on obtaining it and I think perfomance wise, 2 gig of DDR Ram is better than 1 gig. Until games need more speed than what I have, I'll be happy with the novice overclock that I have.
One thing I'm still curios on though is why my easytumer4 doesn't reflect my PCI/AGP lock that I set in bios. I thought when you locked it in bios it couldn't go above what you locked it at. Anyway, I don't put too much faith in the Easytuner4 so I don't mess with it settings there, I just keep it running so I can view my temps and fan speeds.
Thanks for the advice, I'm sure I will need more as time goes on, hehe.
Just for testing purposes only, naturally.....Your uses may dictate you need 2gb of ram...I don't know...What do you do with it if you don't mind be asking???
I don't know if my uses dictate using that much RAM, but it was a peeve of mine to overdue it I guess. All the computers I have had in the past have been RAM limited and no mater what I was doing, at sometime it would lag bad. I've never been able to play SimCity 3000 without it lagging, or Age of Empires II with a lot of enemies or big armies. I used to be addicted to half life on my old P200 MMX with a voodoo2 card with 256 Mb RAM (I don't have that comp plugged in anymore). I hated it sometimes because my computer couldn't handle being in a large multiplayer room or it would skip all through the game (not because of modem). It was annoying to say the least, but it did limit me severely.
Even running any version of windows I hated having all the performance tweaks running just to have somewhat of a fast operating time. You know, trying to open multiple windows and such... long pause times.
Anyway, On those computers the mobo was always maxed on RAM and it still needed tons more. Not to mention every new game required more RAM. Well, when I built this computer (my first build) I was building it with RAM in mind. In fact, I almost dumped money into that PC1600 RAM (RDRram I think) that would have cost me a fortune. Luckily I found this Mobo before I bought anything.
Not to bore you with my reasons but that is a good cause to why I invested so much into RAM. Do I need that much? I don't know. Am I happy, hell yes. This computer doesn't lag, not doing anything I've tried yet. I still run Windows XP like my 98 with all the performance tweaks on, but that's just because I don't like the look of Windows XP, hehe. To say the least though, I can run multiple windows now and there is no "think time" involved, everything pops up in miliseconds it seems. I have not gone back to half-life yet because I'm having too much fun with Unreal2003. Now, it is my lame killing skills that annoy me, not the lag..lol.
reply to thugs..
Thanks, I will be looking forward to your review of the RAM. Then maybe I can put some reasoning behind having 4 instead of 2.