thanks. got the help that i needed


Golden Member
Apr 11, 2005
does this sentence make any sense? and is the grammar correct? if not, can someone help me reword it to make it correct? i need it to be one sentence. i can't separate it into two sentence.

Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus asking the question ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??

The Pentium Guy

Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2005
It's fine. Just wondering...uh...... why do you need to correct a sentence? This is perhaps one of the most amusing threads I've read here.

Originally posted by: unarmdragon
does this sentence make any sense? and is the grammar correct? if not, can someone help me reword it to make it correct? i need it to be one sentence. i can't separate it into two sentence.

Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus asking the question ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??
"Altho credet crrds are capabel of beeng benefishal, thay can also b dizastrous; thos asquing the kwestion "Is Kredet Crrd a Frend or Foa?"

Jun 4, 2005
Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus raising the question : ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2004
How 'bout, "Credit cards are capable of being beneficial. However, they can also be disastrous. This begs the question: "are credit cards friends or foe?"

There is no way you can have a semicolon in that sentence.

edited: corrected


Feb 29, 2000
Credit cards are capable of being beneficial. However, they can also be disastrous. This raises the question, "Are credit cards our friend or our foe?"
Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: yankeesfan
How 'bout, "Credit cards are capable of being beneficial. However, they can also be disastrous. This begs the question, "are credit cards friends or foe?"

There is no way you can have a semicolon in that sentence.

edited: corrected

That's three sentences.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2004
Originally posted by: LoKe
Originally posted by: yankeesfan
How 'bout, "Credit cards are capable of being beneficial. However, they can also be disastrous. This begs the question, "are credit cards friends or foe?"

There is no way you can have a semicolon in that sentence.

edited: corrected

That's three sentences.

must have missed that part

The Pentium Guy

Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2005
Semicolons are evil anyways; There are several books (by some whacko authors) that .... well ... don't have any periods; the entire book is typed using semicolons;

Actually semicolons are rather useful, especially when you program :eek:. You can't program (except in vb) without semicolons!
int x.
x = 2.
^-- not valid :(.

Edit: Added smiley for desired effect.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2003
Since I'm kinda bored right now I'll help you rephrase it. Or at least try to.

Although the general purpose of credits cards are beneficial to its users, malicious use can lead to disaster. Thus the question "Is the Credit Card a Friend or Foe?" often arises.

My second sentence is awkward cause I'm too lazy to integrate the question.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2004
Submission 2: Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous, raising the question as to whether credit cards are friends or foe.

The Pentium Guy

Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2005
Originally posted by: unarmdragon
does this sentence make any sense? and is the grammar correct? if not, can someone help me reword it to make it correct? i need it to be one sentence. i can't separate it into two sentence.

Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus asking the question ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??

Are you trying to impress your teacher by the use of ... "squishing-things-all-in-1-sentence"?

Obwohl Kreditkarten fähig sind, förderlich zu sein, können sie auch verheerend sein stellend; folglich die Frage ?Kreditkarte Ist ein Freund oder Feind??

¿Aunque tarjetas de crédito sean capaces de es beneficioso, ellos pueden ser también desastrosos; así haciendo la pregunta ?Tarjeta de Crédito Es un Amigo o el Enemigo??

Bien que les cartes de crédit sont capables d'est avantageux, ils peuvent être aussi désastreux ; ainsi demandant la question ?la Carte De Crédit Est-il un Ami ou un Ennemi ??

Sebbene le carte di credito sono capaci di è vantaggioso, possono essere anche disastroso; facendo così la domanda ?la Carta di credito È Amico o il Nemico??

Hoewel kredietkaarten bekwaam van het zijn heilzaam zijn, kunnen zij ook rampzalig zijn vragend; dus de vraag ?Kredietkaart Is een Vriend of de Vijand?? ?

Embora cartões de crédito são capazes de ser benéfico, eles também podem ser desastrosos; assim fazendo a pergunta ?Cartão de crédito é Amigo ou Inimigo???

???? ????????? ???????? ???????? ? ????, ????? ???? ????????, ??? ????? ????? ???? ??????????; ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? "????????????? ?? ????????? ???????? - ???? ??? ?????????? "

Skjønt kredittkort er i stand til være fordelaktig, de er også katastrofal; spørre følgelig spørsmålet ?Er kredittKort en Venn eller Fiende??

This will be enough to impress your teacher.


Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: yankeesfan
Submission 2: Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous, raising the question as to whether credit cards are friends or foe.

I'd say that's a run-on sentence.

Hoewel kredietkaarten bekwaam van het zijn heilzaam zijn, kunnen zij ook rampzalig zijn vragend; dus de vraag ?Kredietkaart Is een Vriend of de Vijand?? ?
Ja wel!

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Originally posted by: The Pentium Guy
Originally posted by: unarmdragon
does this sentence make any sense? and is the grammar correct? if not, can someone help me reword it to make it correct? i need it to be one sentence. i can't separate it into two sentence.

Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus asking the question ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??

Are you trying to impress your teacher by the use of ... "squishing-things-all-in-1-sentence"?

Obwohl Kreditkarten fähig sind, förderlich zu sein, können sie auch verheerend sein stellend; folglich die Frage ?Kreditkarte Ist ein Freund oder Feind??

¿Aunque tarjetas de crédito sean capaces de es beneficioso, ellos pueden ser también desastrosos; así haciendo la pregunta ?Tarjeta de Crédito Es un Amigo o el Enemigo??

Bien que les cartes de crédit sont capables d'est avantageux, ils peuvent être aussi désastreux ; ainsi demandant la question ?la Carte De Crédit Est-il un Ami ou un Ennemi ??

Sebbene le carte di credito sono capaci di è vantaggioso, possono essere anche disastroso; facendo così la domanda ?la Carta di credito È Amico o il Nemico??

Hoewel kredietkaarten bekwaam van het zijn heilzaam zijn, kunnen zij ook rampzalig zijn vragend; dus de vraag ?Kredietkaart Is een Vriend of de Vijand?? ?

Embora cartões de crédito são capazes de ser benéfico, eles também podem ser desastrosos; assim fazendo a pergunta ?Cartão de crédito é Amigo ou Inimigo???

???? ????????? ???????? ???????? ? ????, ????? ???? ????????, ??? ????? ????? ???? ??????????; ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? "????????????? ?? ????????? ???????? - ???? ??? ?????????? "

Skjønt kredittkort er i stand til være fordelaktig, de er også katastrofal; spørre følgelig spørsmålet ?Er kredittKort en Venn eller Fiende??

This will be enough to impress your teacher.

I vote pentium guy for a new title

"No Lifer"


Golden Member
Apr 11, 2005
thanks for your help guys! :) i think i know what my sentence is gonna be. this is for my thesis btw. i know its a poor thesis, but thats the best i can do.


Sep 21, 2001
Though credit card use may be beneficial, misuse can be disastrous, raising the question, "Are credit cards friends or foe?"

It's a bit of a run on sentence still because you're forcing too much into it.

[edit] Credit cards themselves can't be disastrous - if you have a nitpicky teacher, they may nab you for that. It's the use of credit cards that makes them good or bad.


Oct 16, 2004
Originally posted by: unarmdragon
does this sentence make any sense? and is the grammar correct? if not, can someone help me reword it to make it correct? i need it to be one sentence. i can't separate it into two sentence.

Although credit cards are capable of being beneficial, they can also be disastrous; thus asking the question ?Is Credit Card a Friend or Foe??

"Is a Credit Card a Friend or Fow?"