Thanks Everyone


Dec 28, 2003
I had a few problems with my first build of a A643000, most of it was a bad vid card, and a bad motherboard. People on this site helped me figure out, and I finally got it together about 3 weeks ago. I gave it to my brother-in-law for doing some work for me. I liked it so well that I went, and bought some more parts to build another one. AMD64 MSI K8 MSI 5900XT, WD Raptor 36gig, I only have geil ram now, but will put some corsiar in next week.This is my second build, and I had everything put together, and all windows, and apps loaded Totally through in about 5 hrs. Which is eons below looking for bad parts on the other system. Not one single hitch, and I absolutely love the MSI live update. For noobs I HIGHLY reccomend them. My point being that if I had not lurked, and asked questions on these, and Sharky'sforums, I simply could not have done it Thanks alot for inspiring me, and I am sure it is not my last. Now I need to build a AMD barton, so I can try my hand at serious OC, and see how far I can go. I am really impressed with AMD64's, and these are my first AMD products, but will not be my last. They are fast
Updated my sys config