Thailand Jihad continues with 6 dead today.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
NARATHIWAT, Thailand (AFP) - Suspected Islamic separatists have killed three people in Thailand's restive south, including one man they beheaded and set alight, police said Wednesday.

The 53-year-old rubber tapper was beheaded Wednesday in Yala, police said, one of three Muslim-majority provinces along the Malaysian border hit by a worsening insurgency that has killed about 2,000 people in three years.

The man's head was left in the middle of the street, about one kilometre (half a mile) from the charred remains of his body, police Lieutenant Mit Khunchum told AFP.

Mit said the attack was aimed at terrifying residents in the region, where violence has escalated recently despite a raft of peace-building measures proposed by the government, which was installed after a coup in September.

Must be Thai's support for Israel.. No wait they don't

Might the attackers be inspired by a Qur'an verse like this one? "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly." 008:060

Nah can't be, Religion of Peace, nothing to see here.


Jan 5, 2003
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.


Senior member
Aug 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

If it can't be translated, how could i read it?

Oh, something tells me they do not see it as murder, they see it as purifying the non believers. Bottom line, its murder, this is Islams version of the Crusades, question is, how long will it last.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.
There are alot of Muslims who disagree with that statement. Religious leaders too.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

I have read the Qu'ran have you? Let me ask you what order are the chapters in? That "junk web site" as you call it is translations by preeminent Muslim scholars both Islamic and Western whom I trust more than a guy who calls the whole Qu'ran poetry.

To deny Islam advocates murder is ridiculous. Offensive warfare in order to convert the unbelievers to Islam or make them pay the jizya is seen thoughout the Qu'ran and supporting text (see Qur'an 9:29, Sahih Muslim 4294, etc.). Teaching on jihad, culminating in offensive warfare to establish Islamic law (the Sharia), has been affirmed by Muslims Qutb, Maududi, the Pakistani Brigadier S. K. Malik (author of "The Qur'anic Concept of War"), Saudi Chief Justice Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid (in his "Jihad in the Qur'an and Sunnah"), and others.

If you're making the assertion there is no such thing as murder if non-Muslims heads roll, you're right since Infidels arnt people according to the Qu'ran.


Jan 5, 2003
The Quran makes it clear no civilians, especially women and children shall ever be armed. Only men with arms.
There is no debating that.

This harm shall only come when your religion is being threatened or your family is in danger.

Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. If they believed that message why don't they go and carry it out? Rather they spread a message of hate without following up on it. They are not true Muslims. They are village donkeys who probably never read the Quran because it is in poetry.

Give a poetry book in English to 90% of the people on ATOT and most of them will not know what the message was.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

I have read the Qu'ran have you? Let me ask you what order are the chapters in? That "junk web site" as you call it is translations by preeminent Muslim scholars both Islamic and Western whom I trust more than a guy who calls the whole Qu'ran poetry.

To deny Islam advocates murder is ridiculous. Offensive warfare in order to convert the unbelievers to Islam or make them pay the jizya is seen thoughout the Qu'ran and supporting text (see Qur'an 9:29, Sahih Muslim 4294, etc.). Teaching on jihad, culminating in offensive warfare to establish Islamic law (the Sharia), has been affirmed by Muslims Qutb, Maududi, the Pakistani Brigadier S. K. Malik (author of "The Qur'anic Concept of War"), Saudi Chief Justice Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid (in his "Jihad in the Qur'an and Sunnah"), and others.

If you're making the assertion there is no such thing as murder if non-Muslims heads roll, you're right since Infidels arnt people according to the Qu'ran.

The whole Quran is poetry.
If you say otherwise you sir have never read the Quran.

Your entire posts was not out of memory. There is no way you remembered all that. You did a google search.

You expect anyone to take your post seriously when you are simply copy pasting names?

You don't even know what an infidel is and you claim you read the Quran?

Keep fooling yourself.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Aimster
You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.
There are alot of Muslims who disagree with that statement. Religious leaders too.

AFAIK all Immans teach Jihadist ideology - they wouldn't be Muslim otherwise. Like 100% of Catholic Priests teaches that contraception is immoral, 90% of Catholics practicing contraception doesn't change the message of Church teaching. Likewise just because the overwhelming majority of Muslims ignore jihad warfare, that doesn't mean that the schools of Islamic jurisprudence don't teach jihad warfare.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

I have read the Qu'ran have you? Let me ask you what order are the chapters in? That "junk web site" as you call it is translations by preeminent Muslim scholars both Islamic and Western whom I trust more than a guy who calls the whole Qu'ran poetry.

To deny Islam advocates murder is ridiculous. Offensive warfare in order to convert the unbelievers to Islam or make them pay the jizya is seen thoughout the Qu'ran and supporting text (see Qur'an 9:29, Sahih Muslim 4294, etc.). Teaching on jihad, culminating in offensive warfare to establish Islamic law (the Sharia), has been affirmed by Muslims Qutb, Maududi, the Pakistani Brigadier S. K. Malik (author of "The Qur'anic Concept of War"), Saudi Chief Justice Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid (in his "Jihad in the Qur'an and Sunnah"), and others.

If you're making the assertion there is no such thing as murder if non-Muslims heads roll, you're right since Infidels arnt people according to the Qu'ran.

The whole Quran is poetry.
If you say otherwise you sir have never read the Quran.

Your entire posts was not out of memory. There is no way you remembered all that. You did a google search.

You expect anyone to take your post seriously when you are simply copy pasting names?

You don't even know what an infidel is and you claim you read the Quran?

Keep fooling yourself.

Can't answer a simple question can you? I knew you never read the Qu'ran and are just an apologist trying to divert attention from the horror Islam brings to the world and people in under it's thumb.

Fortunately there is nothing you can do to stop more and more Infidels from reading their newspapers or turning on the evening news and seeing the horror for themselves. Piking their interest then opening History books and realizing how much of it is about the manifestation of the worldwide and permanent Jihad. The Qur'an is just a click away too ( And so are the Hadith. And so is the Sira. There is nothing you apologists and liars can do about all that, except what you have been doing all along making excuses and apologies like: "three Abrahamic faiths," "one of world's great religions," "hijacked" or "perverted" by "extremists", "can only be read in original Arabic" etc. I won't work cat is out of the bag as West comes in close contact with Islam people are learning slowly but surly.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Denial Aimster, denial.

I'm assuming you're Muslim. IMO only Muslims can reform Islam.

Lose the denial. There's no shame in what OTHERS are doing with the religion.


Apr 25, 2001
Typical right-wing bullshit. You have a group of Muslim murderers, or Muslim terrorists, or Muslim extremists, or Muslim insurgents, and the word you have a problem with is the FIRST word in those descriptions. Now maybe it's just my liberal thinking here, but it seems like the fight should be against TERRORISTS, regardless of what religion they practice. This holy war, jihad, if you will, you people have against Islam makes little's needlessly broadening a conflict that's bad enough as it is. Would it have been OK if the Thai terrorists WEREN'T Muslim? Should we fight less hard against terrorists who kidnap and behead people if they go to a church instead of a mosque? I figure there must be some explanation as to why the "Muslim" part of "Muslim terrorist" is what draw all the attention, but it's beyond me what we gain from that. Assuming of course that our goal is to fight terrorism and not to just find some people who are different to hate.

The funny part is that in another context this would be bleeding-heart liberal thinking, rightly derided by the same conservatives who post these never ending Islamophobia threads. This is basically just another exercise in finding some "big enemy" to blame, instead of just blaming the stupid jackasses who did the deed. Some kids shot up a school? Oh, well it couldn't be that they are stupid or their parents lousy, it must be that rap music and the violent video games they played. This is exactly the same thing, it's another exercise in trying to find some big, evil enemy to assign blame to instead of admitting that there are a lot of unpleasant people out there and dealing with them when it becomes necessary.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
And just so there is no"confusion" about Jihad being an "inner struggle to find god" as appolistis claim rather than violent attacks and subjugation of infidels:
Tashbih Sayyed: "Jihad is not an 'inner struggle'...As a Muslim, I have not seen an artist or an author ever designated a mujahid"

Ibn Warraq began the Monday opening session with a call for an independent institute of Koranic studies. He noted that the existing institutes of Islamic studies, even in the U.S., are under the firm control of the Saudi islamists that fund them. He recounted stories of academics in Western universities who have been pushed out after refusing to toe the official Saudi party line, and argued that open inquiry on Islam can only succeed in an environment free from heavy-handed Saudi influence.

Ibn Warraq was followed by Nonie Darwish, who denounced the "moderate" Muslims as being mere apologists for Islamic misbehavior. "Those who dare ask for change [in the Middle East] are made the enemy." She asked, "Where are the truth-seekers in Islam?" Islam's only response to opposition, she noted, is to become offended. Why do they have to kill apostates? Where is the confidence in what they have to offer? The most critical element of reform is to allow for freedom of conscience in religion.

Darwish was followed by Wafa Sultan. "We live in dangerous times," she noted. At the same time, many have faced fascism and communism within our lifetimes. We have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion. This not only allows us to speak, it makes it our obligation.

In the 21st century, we need to reconsider the literal language of the Koran. We have changed a lot, and we must change the practice of Islam. We must educate our population from an early age to place value on life. We need to educate the very young. Teach love, not hate. We know for a fact that Saudi Arabia builds the majority of the mosques and provides the textbooks for education. These are full of hardcore Wahhabi propaganda, which teach children to hate Jews and Christians.

"U.S. Air acted for us all when six imams acted strangely on that flight. And we apologized for their acts, which might have averted a disaster. America is the most tolerant country, but it is being abused on all levels. We cannot remain silent while calls for destruction of the West echo around the world. . . . It is not what we CAN do, but what we MUST do, to protect the United States. Our children and grandchildren are entitled to the same freedom we enjoy. We must abondon political correctness, which prevents us from speaking the truth. . . We must be united, strong and courageous. Americans are good people, and find it difficult to believe in evil. . . . Are the "moderate" Muslims afraid to speak, or are they sitting in silent support of the Islamists? . . . Wake up, America, before it is too late."

Next up was Tashbih Sayyed.

"The foundations of radical Islam are in the history of Islam." Sayyed noted that Mohammed was a prophet successful in acquiring religious converts and also in setting up a state. If Mohammed had distinguished between his role as prophet and his role as head of state, his acts as head of state may not have been interpreted as endowed by God. Examples include Mohammed's slaughter of the Jews and Mohammed's call to non-Muslims to embrace Islam.

Islam does not distinguish between mosque and state. We speak of "political Islam," but there is no such thing as apolitical Islam. Jihad is not an "inner struggle." "As a Muslim, I have not seen an artist or an author ever designated a mujahid."

There are aspects of the foundations of this faith, that prevent reform unless and until these foundations are challenged. If Mohammed had been a secular head of state rather than a prophet, those opposing Mohammed's state would not have been considered an enemy of Allah. But anyone who fights against a Muslim state is considered an enemy of Allah.

Fundamentalists consider Islam to be the ultimate truth. If Islam is the ultimate truth, reform is impossible. Unless you are ready to accept that truth is a work in progress, you cannot expect to live in peace with others. If I hold the ultimate truth, how can I allow my fellow world citizens to continue to live in darkness? Islamic thought is aimed at the consolidation of the Islamic state.

The problems we face can only be addressed in the United States. This is the only place where a dissident Muslim can speak and not be lynched. After a television interview over the meaning of Sami al-Arian's call for "death to America," he was called by CAIR. Who was he working for? Who was paying him? Why was he speaking against the ummah? His response : can I not be a good Muslim and also speak the truth?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Typical right-wing bullshit. You have a group of Muslim murderers, or Muslim terrorists, or Muslim extremists, or Muslim insurgents, and the word you have a problem with is the FIRST word in those descriptions. Now maybe it's just my liberal thinking here, but it seems like the fight should be against TERRORISTS, regardless of what religion they practice. This holy war, jihad, if you will, you people have against Islam makes little's needlessly broadening a conflict that's bad enough as it is. Would it have been OK if the Thai terrorists WEREN'T Muslim? Should we fight less hard against terrorists who kidnap and behead people if they go to a church instead of a mosque? I figure there must be some explanation as to why the "Muslim" part of "Muslim terrorist" is what draw all the attention, but it's beyond me what we gain from that. Assuming of course that our goal is to fight terrorism and not to just find some people who are different to hate.

The funny part is that in another context this would be bleeding-heart liberal thinking, rightly derided by the same conservatives who post these never ending Islamophobia threads. This is basically just another exercise in finding some "big enemy" to blame, instead of just blaming the stupid jackasses who did the deed. Some kids shot up a school? Oh, well it couldn't be that they are stupid or their parents lousy, it must be that rap music and the violent video games they played. This is exactly the same thing, it's another exercise in trying to find some big, evil enemy to assign blame to instead of admitting that there are a lot of unpleasant people out there and dealing with them when it becomes necessary.

Your "solution" is akin to fighting to rid the world of the blitzkrieg and kamikaze pilot while the political and religious regimes that manufactured them went unchecked. Until we address Islams tenants, atmospherics, motives and teachings and it evolves like the other religions or maybe even outlaw it's practice, like we did German Naziism and Japanese Kodo in WWII, the basis for jihad and instruments of jihad will continue indefinity. Can the world live with your solution of law enforcement? Probably most can, but at great expense financially to protect our airports, harbors, buildings etc, and in lives like the Thai's 3000-4000 know all to well, or the 70 million Hindus slaughtered, or the 2 million Armenians, or... well you get the point. Nuclear weapons can kill a lot of infidels quickly. We will never address all the muslims who are forced to live in toil, women especially treated little better than vomit, under Islams thumb either with going after the weapons/perps one at a time.

"Murderers" like Osama are extremely pious men who would easily win free and fair elections as Emir of the Muslim world.. Has never been denounced by Clerics and has even gotten a fatwah to kill up to 10 million Americans - so your ldeas about lone killer and a few bad apples don't wash. How about all these Clerics who have their own armys/militias? You don't think it odd a man of the cloth has murderous armies?


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

I have read the Qu'ran have you? Let me ask you what order are the chapters in? That "junk web site" as you call it is translations by preeminent Muslim scholars both Islamic and Western whom I trust more than a guy who calls the whole Qu'ran poetry.

To deny Islam advocates murder is ridiculous. Offensive warfare in order to convert the unbelievers to Islam or make them pay the jizya is seen thoughout the Qu'ran and supporting text (see Qur'an 9:29, Sahih Muslim 4294, etc.). Teaching on jihad, culminating in offensive warfare to establish Islamic law (the Sharia), has been affirmed by Muslims Qutb, Maududi, the Pakistani Brigadier S. K. Malik (author of "The Qur'anic Concept of War"), Saudi Chief Justice Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid (in his "Jihad in the Qur'an and Sunnah"), and others.

If you're making the assertion there is no such thing as murder if non-Muslims heads roll, you're right since Infidels arnt people according to the Qu'ran.

The whole Quran is poetry.
If you say otherwise you sir have never read the Quran.

Your entire posts was not out of memory. There is no way you remembered all that. You did a google search.

You expect anyone to take your post seriously when you are simply copy pasting names?

You don't even know what an infidel is and you claim you read the Quran?

Keep fooling yourself.

Oh, you are muslim then, your other posts about deaths in Iraq makes sense.

Why dont you STFU and go live there then, you will be with friends....



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: SolMiester
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Read the Quran rather than some junk website linking to versus from the Quran?

You are not allowed to murder anyone in Islam.

& I love how websites have managed to translate the Quran which is 100% poetry. They must be scholars at poetry and also Arabic studies.

I have read the Qu'ran have you? Let me ask you what order are the chapters in? That "junk web site" as you call it is translations by preeminent Muslim scholars both Islamic and Western whom I trust more than a guy who calls the whole Qu'ran poetry.

To deny Islam advocates murder is ridiculous. Offensive warfare in order to convert the unbelievers to Islam or make them pay the jizya is seen thoughout the Qu'ran and supporting text (see Qur'an 9:29, Sahih Muslim 4294, etc.). Teaching on jihad, culminating in offensive warfare to establish Islamic law (the Sharia), has been affirmed by Muslims Qutb, Maududi, the Pakistani Brigadier S. K. Malik (author of "The Qur'anic Concept of War"), Saudi Chief Justice Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid (in his "Jihad in the Qur'an and Sunnah"), and others.

If you're making the assertion there is no such thing as murder if non-Muslims heads roll, you're right since Infidels arnt people according to the Qu'ran.

The whole Quran is poetry.
If you say otherwise you sir have never read the Quran.

Your entire posts was not out of memory. There is no way you remembered all that. You did a google search.

You expect anyone to take your post seriously when you are simply copy pasting names?

You don't even know what an infidel is and you claim you read the Quran?

Keep fooling yourself.

Oh, you are muslim then, your other posts about deaths in Iraq makes sense.

Why dont you STFU and go live there then, you will be with friends....

Once you understand Allah and Mo gave Muslims permission to lie to Infidels if it suits the purpose of Islam all his posts make perfect sense.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Typical right-wing bullshit. You have a group of Muslim murderers, or Muslim terrorists, or Muslim extremists, or Muslim insurgents, and the word you have a problem with is the FIRST word in those descriptions. Now maybe it's just my liberal thinking here, but it seems like the fight should be against TERRORISTS, regardless of what religion they practice. This holy war, jihad, if you will, you people have against Islam makes little's needlessly broadening a conflict that's bad enough as it is. Would it have been OK if the Thai terrorists WEREN'T Muslim? Should we fight less hard against terrorists who kidnap and behead people if they go to a church instead of a mosque? I figure there must be some explanation as to why the "Muslim" part of "Muslim terrorist" is what draw all the attention, but it's beyond me what we gain from that. Assuming of course that our goal is to fight terrorism and not to just find some people who are different to hate.

The funny part is that in another context this would be bleeding-heart liberal thinking, rightly derided by the same conservatives who post these never ending Islamophobia threads. This is basically just another exercise in finding some "big enemy" to blame, instead of just blaming the stupid jackasses who did the deed. Some kids shot up a school? Oh, well it couldn't be that they are stupid or their parents lousy, it must be that rap music and the violent video games they played. This is exactly the same thing, it's another exercise in trying to find some big, evil enemy to assign blame to instead of admitting that there are a lot of unpleasant people out there and dealing with them when it becomes necessary.

Excuses, denial, apologies... same thing for Communism and same thing for Nazism. Always the same when it comes to global "philosophical" differences. LaLa-Land.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Originally posted by: cwjerome

Excuses, denial, apologies... same thing for Communism and same thing for Nazism. Always the same when it comes to global "philosophical" differences. LaLa-Land.

You just finished studying the Iraqi insurgency for a year, as an Intelligence Officer in the US Army. And it really appears your marching lockstep in agreement with Zebo here

That concerns me



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Typical right-wing bullshit. You have a group of Muslim murderers, or Muslim terrorists, or Muslim extremists, or Muslim insurgents, and the word you have a problem with is the FIRST word in those descriptions. Now maybe it's just my liberal thinking here, but it seems like the fight should be against TERRORISTS, regardless of what religion they practice. This holy war, jihad, if you will, you people have against Islam makes little's needlessly broadening a conflict that's bad enough as it is. Would it have been OK if the Thai terrorists WEREN'T Muslim? Should we fight less hard against terrorists who kidnap and behead people if they go to a church instead of a mosque? I figure there must be some explanation as to why the "Muslim" part of "Muslim terrorist" is what draw all the attention, but it's beyond me what we gain from that. Assuming of course that our goal is to fight terrorism and not to just find some people who are different to hate.

The funny part is that in another context this would be bleeding-heart liberal thinking, rightly derided by the same conservatives who post these never ending Islamophobia threads. This is basically just another exercise in finding some "big enemy" to blame, instead of just blaming the stupid jackasses who did the deed. Some kids shot up a school? Oh, well it couldn't be that they are stupid or their parents lousy, it must be that rap music and the violent video games they played. This is exactly the same thing, it's another exercise in trying to find some big, evil enemy to assign blame to instead of admitting that there are a lot of unpleasant people out there and dealing with them when it becomes necessary.

Excuses, denial, apologies... same thing for Communism and same thing for Nazism. Always the same when it comes to global "philosophical" differences. LaLa-Land.

Hard core liberals always embrace totalitarian doctrines so it makes sense they rush to defend Islam like Communism. Total Regulation of Life and Complete Explanation of the Universe w/o question is what they admire. They wish they could throw you in jail for finding loopholes in taxes or talking "hate speech" about Islam or smoking on a public beach or bar. I think what they admire about Islam is it actually gets to visit severe punishment on those who don't tow the line.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Orignal Earl
Originally posted by: cwjerome

Excuses, denial, apologies... same thing for Communism and same thing for Nazism. Always the same when it comes to global "philosophical" differences. LaLa-Land.

You just finished studying the Iraqi insurgency for a year, as an Intelligence Officer in the US Army. And it really appears your marching lockstep in agreement with Zebo here

That concerns me

I don't march lockstep with anyone, but I do believe Rainsford minimizes -no, simply doesn't understand- the depth and breadth of an evil and threatening idea that exists... globally.

I'd rather recognize it early. There is no excuse.

Personally I believe some people's negative attitudes towards GWB have completed obliterated common sense and distorted their perception.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Orignal Earl
Originally posted by: cwjerome

Excuses, denial, apologies... same thing for Communism and same thing for Nazism. Always the same when it comes to global "philosophical" differences. LaLa-Land.

You just finished studying the Iraqi insurgency for a year, as an Intelligence Officer in the US Army. And it really appears your marching lockstep in agreement with Zebo here

That concerns me

Tell us what you know from your study Islam and the history of Islam besides simply dismissing those with intelligent apprehensions over Islam....

You can dismiss me, call me an "Islamophobe", whatever, I dont care - but you won't silence those freedom lovers or free thinkers like me who are rightly troubled by what we have learned of Islam largely through the observable behavior of Muslims not only in the West, but around the world. Also troubled by the canonical texts and of the history of Jihad-conquest over the past 1300 years. So go ahead address where we are mistaken if you can.



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
"Suspected Islamic separatists".

I love how you blame Religion for Political struggle,

I can guaranty you that this was the acts of Wahhabies you know your Nations

Best Allie in the Mid East Saudi Arabia?s religion.

I just finding hard to believe that 1.3 Billion people practice in that bullsh!t your trying

to advocate "kill the infidel" mentality!


Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Zebo

Tell us what you know from your study Islam and the history of Islam besides simply dismissing those with intelligent apprehensions over Islam....

You can dismiss me, call me an "Islamophobe", whatever, I dont care - but you won't silence those freedom lovers or free thinkers like me who are rightly troubled by what we have learned of Islam largely through the observable behavior of Muslims not only in the West, but around the world. Also troubled by the canonical texts and of the history of Jihad-conquest over the past 1300 years. So go ahead address where we are mistaken if you can.

Originally posted by: Zebo

Once you understand Allah and Mo gave Muslims permission to lie to Infidels if it suits the purpose of Islam all his posts make perfect sense.

I've watched magomago reply to your posts, trying to educate you and the other Islamophobes on Islam. I certainly could not even come close to the depth he understands Islam or begin to explain as well. You've already dismissed all Muslims as liars when it comes to Islam anyways, if a person can't use Muslims for referrence to Islam then the point is pretty much toast

As a fellow freedom lover and free thinker I think your mistaken about alot.



Jan 5, 2003
1) I am not a Muslim
2) Anyone calling me an apologist whatever is nothing more than a hillbilly redneck who has never even associated with a Muslim in his/her entire life.

3) The country of Iran has 68 million people. 20,000-50,000 Jews live inside Iran. Why are they still alive if the Quran teaches violence against these "infidels". Exactly, I just proved your entire theory to be complete B.S.
No government can stop the belief of the religious people if they truly think it is their duty to kill the non-believer.

Jews surrounded by 68 million Muslims and still alive proves that you hillbillies have no idea wtf u r talking about. All you know is what your little website tells you.

So go on tell me why are Jews alive inside Iran?

4) explain number 3


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster

3) The country of Iran has 68 million people. 20,000-50,000 Jews live inside Iran. Why are they still alive if the Quran teaches violence against these "infidels". Exactly, I just proved your entire theory to be complete B.S.
No government can stop the belief of the religious people if they truly think it is their duty to kill the non-believer.

4) explain number 3

I can explain: I don't know wtf I'm talking about, tells me everything dododada!!! :D