Texans Boycott Girl Scout Cookies Over Planned Parenthood Ties


Nov 25, 2001
Did someone say Texas? ;)

Texans Boycott Girl Scout Cookies Over Planned Parenthood Ties

CRAWFORD, Texas ? Some families are boycotting Thin Mints and Do-Si-Dos and other Girl Scout cookies. Troop 7527 is down to just two members after the other girls were withdrawn by their parents. And Brownie Troop 7087 is no more.

Why are folks in this Texas town where President Bush has his ranch so mad at the Girl Scout organization?

Planned Parenthood and sex education.

The furor was started a few weeks ago by the leader of the anti-abortion group Pro-Life Waco, who sent out e-mails and ran ads on a Christian radio station urging people to boycott Girl Scout cookies because of the "cozy relationship" between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood.

Parents were upset to learn that the local Girl Scout organization had given a "woman of distinction award" last year to a Planned Parenthood executive. And they were disturbed to find out that the Girl Scout organization has been giving its endorsement for years to a Planned Parenthood sex-ed program in which girls and boys are given literature on homosexuality, masturbation and condoms.

"It's not that we're a bunch of activists. We're just a bunch of moms who care about their kids," said Lisa Aguilar, who took her 10-year-old daughter out of her eight-member Girl Scout troop. "For us, it's the morality. Where is Girl Scouts going?"

The two troops in Crawford, population 700, decided not to deliver the cookie orders that they had already taken.

But cookie sales have skyrocketed this year as many people bought cases just to show their support for the Girl Scouts, said Becky Parker, a troop leader who is the cookie distributor for Waco-area troops.

"People thought the boycott was ridiculous and was one man's extremist views," Parker said.

While the cookie boycott may have backfired, the furor prompted the parent leaders of the two Crawford troops to quit.

"You're telling these girls to raise their fingers up to pledge to honor God and country, and yet you're handing out materials saying homosexuality is OK," said Brownie leader Donna Coody, who disbanded her five-member troop.

Because of the uproar, the Bluebonnet Council of Girl Scouts, which oversees troops in the Waco area and 13 other counties, announced last week that it would not be affiliated with Planned Parenthood sex-education programs this year.

In an editorial in Friday's Waco Tribune-Herald, Pam Smallwood, the Planned Parenthood of Central Texas executive director who was honored by the Girl Scouts last year, complained that Girl Scouts had thereby demonstrated that "bullying tactics are more effective than an informed democracy."

The Waco-area Girl Scout organization has been putting its name and logo on brochures for the Planned Parenthood sex-education programs but said it does not contribute any money and does not send girls to attend.

Some 400 to 700 fifth- through ninth-graders attend the half-day Nobody's Fool conference in Waco each July. The program never mentions abortion, according to Planned Parenthood. The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.

Some Girl Scout mothers called it soft-core porn.

"It embarrassed me to look at it with my husband," said parent Shannon Donaldson.

Pro-Life Waco director John Pisciotta, an economics professor at Baylor, the world's largest Baptist university, said his call for a cookie boycott "was a way to bring attention to the issue and wasn't really about cookies."

The Girl Scouts national organization, which is based in New York and has 2.9 million girl members and 986,000 adult members, takes no position on sex education or abortion and has no national relationship with Planned Parenthood, according to the Bluebonnet Council.

The Crawford mothers are forming their own girls organization and will use a Christian-based curriculum. Beth Vivio, director of the Bluebonnett Council, declined to say if parents in any other troops had taken their daughters out.

Some parents decided to explain abortion to their girls. Others gave only a vague explanation about the uproar.

"Our girls have been through a lot these past three weeks," said Jennifer Smith, who quit as leader of Girl Scout Troop 7527 and removed her daughter. "After I told my 10-year-old daughter that they are supporting some things that are not morally right, she understood."


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Man...Texas is like another world. :confused:

Crawford, Texas: Proud to be Ignorant.

Did they catch their ignorance from Dubya or did he move there to be with his kin? Is it contagious? We should give the whole state to Mexico to be safe.
May 10, 2001
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?

Psssst....did you read it, or are you just having issues with comprehension.

The furor was started a few weeks ago by the leader of the anti-abortion group Pro-Life Waco, who sent out e-mails and ran ads on a Christian radio station urging people to boycott Girl Scout cookies because of the "cozy relationship" between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood.

Parents were upset to learn that the local Girl Scout organization had given a "woman of distinction award" last year to a Planned Parenthood executive. And they were disturbed to find out that the Girl Scout organization has been giving its endorsement for years to a Planned Parenthood sex-ed program in which girls and boys are given literature on homosexuality, masturbation and condoms.


"You're telling these girls to raise their fingers up to pledge to honor God and country, and yet you're handing out materials saying homosexuality is OK," said Brownie leader Donna Coody, who disbanded her five-member troop.


The Waco-area Girl Scout organization has been putting its name and logo on brochures for the Planned Parenthood sex-education programs but said it does not contribute any money and does not send girls to attend.

Some 400 to 700 fifth- through ninth-graders attend the half-day Nobody's Fool conference in Waco each July. The program never mentions abortion, according to Planned Parenthood. The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.

Some Girl Scout mothers called it soft-core porn.

"It embarrassed me to look at it with my husband," said parent Shannon Donaldson.

LMFAO @ the last quote. These people got married and had kids, but they get embarrassed looking at a sex ed pamphlet together? I wonder how they ever managed to have children if such things upset and embarrass them so.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?

Psssst....did you read it, or are you just having issues with comprehension.

The furor was started a few weeks ago by the leader of the anti-abortion group Pro-Life Waco, who sent out e-mails and ran ads on a Christian radio station urging people to boycott Girl Scout cookies because of the "cozy relationship" between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood.

Parents were upset to learn that the local Girl Scout organization had given a "woman of distinction award" last year to a Planned Parenthood executive. And they were disturbed to find out that the Girl Scout organization has been giving its endorsement for years to a Planned Parenthood sex-ed program in which girls and boys are given literature on homosexuality, masturbation and condoms.


"You're telling these girls to raise their fingers up to pledge to honor God and country, and yet you're handing out materials saying homosexuality is OK," said Brownie leader Donna Coody, who disbanded her five-member troop.


The Waco-area Girl Scout organization has been putting its name and logo on brochures for the Planned Parenthood sex-education programs but said it does not contribute any money and does not send girls to attend.

Some 400 to 700 fifth- through ninth-graders attend the half-day Nobody's Fool conference in Waco each July. The program never mentions abortion, according to Planned Parenthood. The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.

Some Girl Scout mothers called it soft-core porn.

"It embarrassed me to look at it with my husband," said parent Shannon Donaldson.

LMFAO @ the last quote. These people got married and had kids, but they get embarrassed looking at a sex ed pamphlet together? I wonder how they ever managed to have children if such things upset and embarrass them so.
The lights were turned off!


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
good for them, if they don't like what is going on then they have every right to either quit the scouts or stop buying supporting their activities....

What I find truly ironic is all of the libs that get upset with conservatives pushing conservative messages yet when liberal views are pushed and people/parents don't like it... then the people must be backwards hicks....gotta love the hypocritical mindset of the loonie libs.

With re. to the pamphlet, I would have to see it before passing judgement, but these parents who did see it obviously didn't feel it was appropriate for their children to see....and depending on the age I might agree with them...if we are talking about highschoolers then that is one thing, but if this is being handed out to eight year olds and kids in middle school then I would agree it might go over the line.....

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.
Yeah it's best to keep the Kids ignorant. That way there is a higher chance they will grow up to be good Southern Baptisits!


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
just re read that and they are distributing that info to fifth graders??? now I can see why the concern, heck my school didn't start getting into sex ed until 7th grade and it was very vague at that...granted it was a private school but still....is child pregnancy that much of an issue down there? If I were a parent I would most likely have concern if my fifth grader was getting pamphlets detaling how to have sex ..I know for myself at least I didn't even start thinking about that stuff until at least 7th grade, more like 8th...same went for many in my class..... but then again that was a different time.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: bozack
just re read that and they are distributing that info to fifth graders??? now I can see why the concern, heck my school didn't start getting into sex ed until 7th grade and it was very vague at that...granted it was a private school but still....is child pregnancy that much of an issue down there? If I were a parent I would most likely have concern if my fifth grader was getting pamphlets detaling how to have sex ..I know for myself at least I didn't even start thinking about that stuff until at least 7th grade, more like 8th...same went for many in my class..... but then again that was a different time.
I'm a lot older than you Boz and we had it in 6th grade. What a hoot that was! I remember the most asked question was "Will Masturbating cause you to go blind?" The movies showing the Statue sporting an erection was also hillarious. Of course that wasn't in a Co-Ed Class.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

I'm a lot older than you Boz and we had it in 6th grade. What a hoot that was! I remember the most asked question was "Will Masturbating cause you to go blind?" The movies showing the Statue sporting an erection was also hillarious. Of course that wasn't in a Co-Ed Class.

I cannot remember but I know we didn't have it in fifth, we were co ed so there wasn't too much with re. silly remarks and the video was very very tame (two dancers most of the time just dancing around) sure a big beave shot when a baby popped out and some head when they showed the fiber optic view of conception (always wondered who would sign up for that and hope they got paid alot)...but definately no books on banging the bishop and or homosexuality...went to a small private school in Massachusetts so last time I checked no hicks here....
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.
Yeah it's best to keep the Kids ignorant. That way there is a higher chance they will grow up to be good Southern Baptisits!

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.
Yeah it's best to keep the Kids ignorant. That way there is a higher chance they will grow up to be good Southern Baptisits!

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?
Depends. They do have a right to boycott Girl Scout Cookies if they will. Do you think that the Community should be able to set up their own Moral Standards as law? What about Gay Marriage?


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
What I find truly ironic is all of the libs that get upset with conservatives pushing conservative messages yet when liberal views are pushed and people/parents don't like it... then the people must be backwards hicks....gotta love the hypocritical mindset of the loonie libs.

What I find truly ironic is how the conservatives have this knee jerk reaction to call anyone that doesn't agree a "lib" or a "liberal" or a "loonie lib", and make generalizations about people they don't even know to discredit what they are saying. So, by your reasoning I guess everyone who sees a problem with this is just a loonie lib? Did it ever occur to you there are lots of positions in between the extreme right and extreme left, and most people don't fit into nice little groups like conservative or liberal, and often fall in between.

Eh...WTF do I know...I'm just a loonie lib...only conservatives with flag avatars truly know what's best.


May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.
Yeah it's best to keep the Kids ignorant. That way there is a higher chance they will grow up to be good Southern Baptisits!

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?
Depends. They do have a right to boycott Girl Scout Cookies if they will. Do you think that the Community should be able to set up their own Moral Standards as law? What about Gay Marriage?

depends on how wide of a location it causes changes for.

communal property recognition should be limited to the state level. but if san-fransico wants to create an ordinance that recognizes the ability of homosexual people to be 'married' in their city, able to share in all the rights responsibilities and benefits of city-level laws that affect 'married' people, then they should have that right.

an individual city should have the right to not allow any kind of building or commercial action they don't want, via ordnance: less religious discrimination. *it's unconstitutional to not-allow people freedom to build their house of worship if they own the land*; This might be a loop-hole for all sorts of things, so we'll trust the judiciary to keep it in check.

of course the state always has the right to takeover a city, such is the definition of the state-city relationship. the Feds have the right to take over a state, such is the definition of the fed-state relationship.

I think that things like homosexual sex, and adulterous activity are things people should be able to be 'fined' for, of course the police shouldn't have the right to 'investigate' such things either. I'm also against no-fault devoice. It's smaller to my view on pot, it should be de-decriminalized but not legal, so if you are doing it in public view you shouldn't feel any more 'safe' than you do speeding or parking in a handy-cap space. It's also a good idea that we offer social services to help people if they feel they have a problem.

Offenses that threaten no one's person or property shouldn't send you to jail except when it's preferred by the individual over fines;

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
This article doesn't give the facts of the issue; they probibly have a reason to think the local GSs are supporting things they are opposed to that isn't given.

or is this just making fun of someone for haven an ideology that disagrees with yours?
Isn't this the same area of Texas where that women was arrested (or at least cited) for selling adult toys? Sounds like a strong Southern Baptist Community (Southern Baptist= the looneyist of Fund A Mental Case Christians)

I'm a southern Baptist from Texas; southern-Baptist is actually the largest protestant denomination, and i also agree with sticking to the fundamentals. And you'll find much more conservative people in the Pentecostal community, you'll also find a much more 'charismatic' spiritual relationship with God.

Good to know that it's just making fun of an ideology that you don't agree with, as opposed to truly being suckered by the misleading article.

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?

The youngsters receive a book with chapters on homosexuality and masturbation, as well as illustrations of couples having sex, people examining their naked bodies and a boy putting on a condom.
Sounds like the kind of child-hood destroying thing i would like to keep yonger kids away from, and want parental permission prior to the age of consent.
Yeah it's best to keep the Kids ignorant. That way there is a higher chance they will grow up to be good Southern Baptisits!

Do you disagree with a comunity's right to set it's own standards?
Depends. They do have a right to boycott Girl Scout Cookies if they will. Do you think that the Community should be able to set up their own Moral Standards as law? What about Gay Marriage?

depends on how wide of a location it causes changes for.

communal property recognition should be limited to the state level. but if san-fransico wants to create an ordinance that recognizes the ability of homosexual people to be 'married' in their city, able to share in all the rights responsibilities and benefits of city-level laws that affect 'married' people, then they should have that right.

an individual city should have the right to not allow any kind of building or commercial action they don't want, via ordnance: less religious discrimination. *it's unconstitutional to not-allow people freedom to build their house of worship if they own the land*; This might be a loop-hole for all sorts of things, so we'll trust the judiciary to keep it in check.

of course the state always has the right to takeover a city, such is the definition of the state-city relationship. the Feds have the right to take over a state, such is the definition of the fed-state relationship.

I think that things like homosexual sex, and adulterous activity are things people should be able to be 'fined' for
of course the police shouldn't have the right to 'investigate' such things either. I'm also against no-fault devoice. It's smaller to my view on pot, it should be de-decriminalized but not legal, so if you are doing it in public view you shouldn't feel any more 'safe' than you do speeding or parking in a handy-cap space. It's also a good idea that we offer social services to help people if they feel they have a problem.

Offenses that threaten no one's person or property shouldn't send you to jail except when it's preferred by the individual over fines;
Fined for Homosexual sex and Adultery? Are you joking? Who are you to push your archaic Morals regarding sex on others? Does this have to do with your religious views. WTF makes you think you can push your religious views down others throats? I think the most you nut cases should be able to do is expel a member from your church for those activities but no more than that!

And you wonder why those who do not share your archaic religious views think you guys are Loony and Oppressive!