Terminal Services How to's


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2007
I am running a Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with Terminal services installed on it. I have a specific piece of software that about 5 users need access to. The reason that I need to do it through terminal services is that, the program keep trying to transfer 7GB of data to the client machine everytime they run a report through the software. This is very time consuming. The fastest way that I can think of and if this can be done is to run the application on and from the termainl server. The application just needs to be able to be launched just as the program and nothing more, but reside in it's own windows on the client machine without having them remote desktop to the terminal server itself evertime they are working in this program because they may have data that needs to be coppied and pasted to excel or word applications on the local machine. Is this something that is a possiblity to do? If so can someone give me a break down of what I'm needing to do for the setup of such a thing.



Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: marcusdutton
I am running a Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with Terminal services installed on it. I have a specific piece of software that about 5 users need access to. The reason that I need to do it through terminal services is that, the program keep trying to transfer 7GB of data to the client machine everytime they run a report through the software. This is very time consuming. The fastest way that I can think of and if this can be done is to run the application on and from the termainl server. The application just needs to be able to be launched just as the program and nothing more, but reside in it's own windows on the client machine without having them remote desktop to the terminal server itself evertime they are working in this program because they may have data that needs to be coppied and pasted to excel or word applications on the local machine. Is this something that is a possiblity to do? If so can someone give me a break down of what I'm needing to do for the setup of such a thing.

You will need Citrix or Windows Server 2008 (the longhorn release) in order to do desktop window remoting in the fashion your suggesting. Windows 2003 simply doesnt support it.


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2007
I'm not a citrix person, wouldn't even know which product that citrix carries to make that happen, and Server 2008 (longhorn) I can't get a hold of. Any other solutions?


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: marcusdutton
I'm not a citrix person, wouldn't even know which product that citrix carries to make that happen, and Server 2008 (longhorn) I can't get a hold of. Any other solutions?

For single app remoting on 2003 server, not that I'm aware of... There are definately some more TS/Citrix knowledgable folks than I around so hopefully they will poke their heads in...