Termal Paste?


Jun 8, 2002
I'm posting to this forum because it has to do with cooling. The thermal paste that is between the CPU and the heatsink. I still have some from my last build, ArcticSilver. This was a few years ago... 3-4. Does this stuff expire or is it still safe for me to use on my build today?


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
There is a recommended shelf-life, but no real expiration date. Even though AS claims their goops don't settle out, well, they do. So you will want to gently stir the stuff up before application. The stirring tool you use should be spotless and you don't want to stir too harshly or you can incorporate bubbles. It can also be messy as you have to pull the plunger out of the syringe to get the tool in there.

The tool I use is a plastic coffee stirrer that you can get at a lot of fast-food restaurants. I wipe it down with alcohol and dry it with a piece of coffee filter (lint free).
