Is there something that always goes on at a particular store location of convenience store you frequent? Tell me about it.
My story is about a Plaid Pantry store in a ghetto part of the town. I frequent the store since it is very conveneint location wise as its right my usual route. When I go in past 9PM or so, there is at least one trasient looking old guys browsing through the alcoholic beverage section and the same 'ol store clerk telling them "you need to show ID before you can buy them" and those people usually curse out the store clerk, then storms out of the store. One of the memorable experience was also at Plaid Pantry, albeit a different store, which is right across the street from my friend's house. My friends and I were chilling at her house and we decided to get our self some Jone's Soda and a bag of chips. This poor guy was following us around the whole time and when we finally headed to the checkout, he got in front of us, told us that he'll pay for our food with his food stamp in exchange for giving him equivalent amount in cash. No I'm not going to corrupt the food stamp system for his convenience and we said hell no. He bugged us some more until the store lady told him that she'd call the police if he doesn't stop harassing us.
My story is about a Plaid Pantry store in a ghetto part of the town. I frequent the store since it is very conveneint location wise as its right my usual route. When I go in past 9PM or so, there is at least one trasient looking old guys browsing through the alcoholic beverage section and the same 'ol store clerk telling them "you need to show ID before you can buy them" and those people usually curse out the store clerk, then storms out of the store. One of the memorable experience was also at Plaid Pantry, albeit a different store, which is right across the street from my friend's house. My friends and I were chilling at her house and we decided to get our self some Jone's Soda and a bag of chips. This poor guy was following us around the whole time and when we finally headed to the checkout, he got in front of us, told us that he'll pay for our food with his food stamp in exchange for giving him equivalent amount in cash. No I'm not going to corrupt the food stamp system for his convenience and we said hell no. He bugged us some more until the store lady told him that she'd call the police if he doesn't stop harassing us.