tell me your convenience store stories


Oct 27, 2001
Is there something that always goes on at a particular store location of convenience store you frequent? Tell me about it.

My story is about a Plaid Pantry store in a ghetto part of the town. I frequent the store since it is very conveneint location wise as its right my usual route. When I go in past 9PM or so, there is at least one trasient looking old guys browsing through the alcoholic beverage section and the same 'ol store clerk telling them "you need to show ID before you can buy them" and those people usually curse out the store clerk, then storms out of the store. One of the memorable experience was also at Plaid Pantry, albeit a different store, which is right across the street from my friend's house. My friends and I were chilling at her house and we decided to get our self some Jone's Soda and a bag of chips. This poor guy was following us around the whole time and when we finally headed to the checkout, he got in front of us, told us that he'll pay for our food with his food stamp in exchange for giving him equivalent amount in cash. No I'm not going to corrupt the food stamp system for his convenience and we said hell no. He bugged us some more until the store lady told him that she'd call the police if he doesn't stop harassing us.


Feb 7, 2002

<< Is there something that always goes on at a particular store location of convenience store you frequent? Tell me about it. >>

I go to the convenient store sometimes, walk in, pick the item(s) I want to buy, pay the cashier and leave.

I don't lead a very exciting life. :(


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
When I was 15 I saw two guys running out of a store with a case of beer in each hand. Then clerk, a older Indian guy, ran after them saying "stop, you bandits". The guys jumped into the back of a station wagon waiting for them.

Another time I was working at an Ameristop in Dayton, OH while in college and this dude ran by the front door REALLY fast. I didnt think much of it. Then the 2 ladys who worked at the dry cleaners next to Ameristop said they just got robbed. I quit 3 weeks later.

Another time I saw a OLD man drive his Caddy into the front of the store because he thought he had it in reverse.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2000
If you call my work's gas dock a convience store then there are quite a few interesting things that happen there. Mainly people ramming the dock and getting pretty close to taking out the pumps.



Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2000
when I was in high school......... which was a few years ago now

I went to the 7-11 for lunch and when we walked in the lady clerk asked us about
a student that stole her purse well we didn't know so we went and got our junk food........

well low and behold a few more people we knew came in and one guy was with them
the clerk started cussing out and yelling at..........

she grabbed one of the old 16oz coke bottles you know the short thick glass bottles
and busted him in the head with it......... the bottle broke and i mean shattered over his head pop went
everywhere we had our hands full of stuff that we wanted she told us to get out and we don't have to pay...... and she called the cops on the dude she busted in the head............. he got up and ran out the store before we got out lol......... I can't believe he came back and tried to act like nothing happened....



Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999

<< she grabbed one of the old 16oz coke bottles you know the short thick glass bottles
and busted him in the head with it.........

I'm sure the story went on from there... the criminal probably sued her and the store and won a bunch a cash.


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Here's my little anectdote for lowering the drinking age:

My friends and I used to drive 1/2 hour into a crappy section of Buffalo to buy beer when we were 16. We'd spend $100 in some weekends.
Anyway, one day we drove out there, got out of the car and there were a bunch of kids hanging around outside offering us "cheeba" and "sniff." We refused and went in to buy our beer, but the guy wouldn't sell to us. So, on the way out when the kid offered us some cheeba, I figured "what the hell, we can't get drunks", gave him $7, he said OK and ran around the corner, came back and threw a bag at my feet.
I had never smoked before that day, but I did for about 6 years after that.



Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001

<< Here's my little anectdote for lowering the drinking age:

My friends and I used to drive 1/2 hour into a crappy section of Buffalo to buy beer when we were 16. We'd spend $100 in some weekends.
Anyway, one day we drove out there, got out of the car and there were a bunch of kids hanging around outside offering us "cheeba" and "sniff." We refused and went in to buy our beer, but the guy wouldn't sell to us. So, on the way out when the kid offered us some cheeba, I figured "what the hell, we can't get drunks", gave him $7, he said OK and ran around the corner, came back and threw a bag at my feet.
I had never smoked before that day, but I did for about 6 years after that.

Wow. Would you be interested in dating my daughter?


Oct 27, 2001

<< i wish 7-11 would bring back the 99cent chilicheese superdog. :D >>

oh poor you.. Must have been a quite memorable bad experience huh?


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
You the big one, I don't want to see you around here anymore. You go now. And stop reading those magazines

This is the first Kwik-i Mart in the world.

It's not very convenient.

Must you dump on everything.

I don't have too many great convenience store stories. The funniest think about them are the stores in the ghetto my by old middle school (go Ligon!). The stores had signs saying "Corner Grocery." I never realized a forty constitutes groceries. But I guess it makes sense if Catsup is a vegetable :D