I'm going to Campinas Brazil for about a year. I have never been there before and it's time to get some information. I'm going to be learning portugese. How similar is portugese to spanish? will I be able to talk to people who speak spanish easily? What about the water? Is it like mexico where you stay away at all costs? How many tape worms am I going to have?
I'm also going to be bringing my riovolt. What kind of connectors am I going to need to plug it into the wall? And on the subject anybody have any recommends for tiny portable speakers with good sound I can bring along? And what about the mail system? How crappy is it? I want to take pics with my digital camera and send back the SD cards through the mail so my parents can save them on their computer. I won't have any computer or internet
Toss me anything you know.
I'm also going to be bringing my riovolt. What kind of connectors am I going to need to plug it into the wall? And on the subject anybody have any recommends for tiny portable speakers with good sound I can bring along? And what about the mail system? How crappy is it? I want to take pics with my digital camera and send back the SD cards through the mail so my parents can save them on their computer. I won't have any computer or internet
Toss me anything you know.