Teens Defend Polygamy at Salt Lake Rally


Apr 2, 2001
Teens Defend Polygamy at Salt Lake Rally
By JENNIFER DOBNER, Associated Press Writer
Sat Aug 19, 5:53 PM

Mattie holds a sign in favor of her family's ...
SALT LAKE CITY - Calling their lives blessed, more than a dozen young women and girls from polygamist families in Utah spoke at a rally Saturday, calling for a change in state laws and the right to live the life and religion they choose.

"Because of our beliefs, many of our people have been incarcerated and had their basic human rights stripped of them, namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," said a 19-year-old identified only as Tyler. "I didn't come here today to ask for your permission to live my beliefs. I shouldn't have to."

Polygamy is banned in the Utah Constitution and is a felony offense. The rally was unusual because those who practice polygamy typically try to live under the radar.

It drew about 250 supporters to City Hall, said Mary Batchelor, co-founder of Principle Voices of Polygamy, which helped organize the event.

The youths, ages 10 to 20, belong to various religious sects, as well as families that practice polygamy independent of religious affiliation. They said they spoke voluntarily. They gave only their first names, saying they were protecting the privacy of their parents.

Dressed in flip-flops and blue jeans, bangs drooping over their eyes, the teens at Saturday's rally talked on cell phones and played rock music, singing lyrics written to defend their family life.

All of the speakers praised their parents and families and said their lives were absent of the abuse, neglect, forced marriages and other "horror stories" sometimes associated with polygamist communities.

Speakers said that with "dozens of siblings" and multiple "moms" they are well supported, encouraged to be educated, and can make their own choices about marriage.

"We are not brainwashed, mistreated, neglected, malnourished, illiterate, defective or dysfunctional," 17-year-old Jessica said. "My brothers and sisters are freethinking, independent people; some who have chosen this lifestyle, while others have branched out to a diversity of religions."

First brought to Utah by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1846, polygamy was abandoned by Mormons as a condition of statehood in 1890. The church now excommunicates members found to be practicing plural marriage. It also disavows those who call themselves "fundamentalist Mormons," although most Utah-based polygamists identify themselves with those terms.

Fundamentalists split with the Mormon church in the 19th century and continue to believe plural marriage is the key to eternal salvation.



Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005

I always found that nickname very manly.

Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

Who was talking trash about the LDS church?


Senior member
May 31, 2006
Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol

Actually, from what I understand of their theology it is polygamy on Earth that is not to be practiced. In the afterlife it is perfectly fine.

btw, as a side note it seems that if gay and lesbians can marry and stuff, why can't they? Its part of their belief system.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: LEDominator
Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol

Actually, from what I understand of their theology it is polygamy on Earth that is not to be practiced. In the afterlife it is perfectly fine.

btw, as a side note it seems that if gay and lesbians can marry and stuff, why can't they? Its part of their belief system.

Because this country is mostly protestant, therefore the laws are two. Infidelity and sin are just starting to seep into our legal system, hence the gay marriage and such. Polygomy just hasn't been reached yet.



Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Dumac

I always found that nickname very manly.

Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

Who was talking trash about the LDS church?

I thought that was a guy.


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol

So the government is always right? Or if not, people should keep quiet and not do anything until the government realizes its wrong and changes things. Black people and women would still not have the right to vote (amongst other rights) if everyone thought like this.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol

The only part of this post that made much sense at all was the first paragraph. If you read the article, you'd see that they said the mormon church excommunicates polygamists. Nobody is going to trash talk about LDS members.


Jun 21, 2006
Originally posted by: fire400
first off, Mormons, as I've studied do not practice polygamy today. so you can't trash talk about LDS people abou' this unless you wanna look stupid.

besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support? besides, society as a whole, and the moral factor has already said that more than one marriaged partner in the same household or anywhere at the same time is absolutely absurd.
you get one chance, if you mess up, it could be the last. chose your eternal companion well, propose with certainty, not hesitation or half hearted feelings.
you can try again, but it's not a game.

alright, I gotta say those teens are stupid. why? because they are so jaded, they probably can't even tell a trance song from a pop/rock song. lol

I noticed all the torrent sites don't have a "trance" category...FTL...


May 28, 2001
Originally posted by: fire400
besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support?
You know, the government used to support slavery pretty hard. Even executing people found to be aiding escaped slaves.

Yeah, screw the Quakers, I never liked their oats anyway.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
Originally posted by: tweakmm
Originally posted by: fire400
besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support?
You know, the government used to support slavery pretty hard. Even executing people found to be aiding escaped slaves.

Yeah, screw the Quakers, I never liked their oats anyway.
Mattie looks like a horse.

An example of poor judgement by the government (later repealed by amendment 21) is the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors... for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

I'm still waiting for us to come to our senses over this one: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. :D

I haven't had the oats in a very, very long time. They don't go bad, do they? I'm going to find out. Nuke some of that stuff up (the unflavored stuff) and dump some milk, butter, and sugar into it.

I'll see you all later.


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
I totally support these people's right to have polygamous marriages. If it makes them happy then there's nothing wrong with it.

Agreed. Same with gay marriages. I'm not about telling people how to live their lives, I can barely figure out my own.

However one of the big problems with polygamy is when the women (or girls in many cases) grow up and marry without alternatives.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Rumpltzer
Originally posted by: tweakmm
Originally posted by: fire400
besides, why the hell would you defend something the gov. is against and seriously does not support?
You know, the government used to support slavery pretty hard. Even executing people found to be aiding escaped slaves.

Yeah, screw the Quakers, I never liked their oats anyway.
Mattie looks like a horse.

Although far too young for me now, she's exactly what I wanted most at that age: redhead, pale skin, etc. I've never been one for the 'classic' look. Don't like tans, don't generally like blondes, don't like big chests, don't like makeup, don't like designer fashion, don't like fitness obsession, etc.

Not sure I can handle multiple parents, it was hard enough to get into their pants while watching out for just one set.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
I totally support these people's right to have polygamous marriages. If it makes them happy then there's nothing wrong with it.

sure if willing ADULTS are going into the contract then fine. i see nothing wrong with it myself. Problem is this is not what is happening. many older men are takeing 12-15yr old girls and forcing them to merry.

that causes other problems. such as what about teenage boys in the area? who they going to merry? the solution they have is to throw the boys out of the church and make them move away.



Oct 12, 2003
The government shouldn't be involved in anything as personal as people choosing to build their lives together. If people want to sanctify what they do in a religious manner, that's their business.

The LDS church excommunicating polygamists, is just another example of their intolerance.


Golden Member
Dec 18, 2000
You can marry as many people as you want, I don't care, but the men in these cults trade their 13 year old daughters to each other. For that they deserve life in prison where they can't molest any more children. I don't think many women over 25 would care to marry a man with other wives, they have to marry girls that are too young to know better and under their fathers strict control.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
I totally support these people's right to have polygamous marriages. If it makes them happy then there's nothing wrong with it.

sure if willing ADULTS are going into the contract then fine. i see nothing wrong with it myself. Problem is this is not what is happening. many older men are takeing 12-15yr old girls and forcing them to merry.

that causes other problems. such as what about teenage boys in the area? who they going to merry? the solution they have is to throw the boys out of the church and make them move away.

That's not a problem with the concept, but rather of the implementation. For example, there's nothing wrong with polyandry, which is the converse where women have more than one husband. Combine these, and you can have potentially a single family that has multiple men and women, who raise children as a group.

The traditional nuclear family is essentially a cultural artifact.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
Polygamy = automatic ex-communication from the LDS church, and is only practiced at small, fake, LDS churches.

But, aside from that, John Stossel did a report on polygamy, and found that the family's that practice it aren't complaining at all. None of them seem to be psychologically depressed, they are full functional, and they are able to have a lot of children, all whom do well in school. That said, I would never do it.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: jimmybgood
The government shouldn't be involved in anything as personal as people choosing to build their lives together. If people want to sanctify what they do in a religious manner, that's their business.

The LDS church excommunicating polygamists, is just another example of their intolerance.

Sounds like the LDS church started excommunicating polygamists due to OTHER people's intolerance.

First brought to Utah by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1846, polygamy was abandoned by Mormons as a condition of statehood in 1890.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
I totally support these people's right to have polygamous marriages. If it makes them happy then there's nothing wrong with it.

sure if willing ADULTS are going into the contract then fine. i see nothing wrong with it myself. Problem is this is not what is happening. many older men are takeing 12-15yr old girls and forcing them to merry.

that causes other problems. such as what about teenage boys in the area? who they going to merry? the solution they have is to throw the boys out of the church and make them move away.

That's not a problem with the concept, but rather of the implementation. For example, there's nothing wrong with polyandry, which is the converse where women have more than one husband. Combine these, and you can have potentially a single family that has multiple men and women, who raise children as a group.

The traditional nuclear family is essentially a cultural artifact.

i agree.

i never understood why its frowned on. I would think say a family of 4 adults (say 2 men 2 women) would be ideal. say have 2 out working and having the 2 others take care of hte house and kids.