Technical News, and SETI@home daily stats for 09.03.2007.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
The Return of Bruno

I apologize for naming this thread the same as 1987 Bruce Willis oeuvre, but such things cannot be helped.

Last night there was a "perfect storm" where 3 of the 4 splitters barfed, and we ran low on work to send out. As a reminder, the splitters are the processes that make the actual workunits we send to the clients. The one remaining splitter that stayed afloat kept the traffic from completely dropping to zero, but still there was some cleanup necessary this morning to get things back on track, including a reboot of kryten again.

Speaking of kryten, Eric got the new server assembled, and Bob came up with the name "bruno" in honor of Giordano Bruno - a monk who in 1584 proposed the existence of "innumerable suns" and "innumerable earths" with living inhabitants. He was promptly burned at the stake, though it is argued whether there were other reasons for his roasting. Anyway, the server is up and its disks will be stress tested all weekend. I just configured the last remaining odds and ends of the OS so that we can log onto the thing.

Early next week Jeff and I will break out the machetes and start cleaning out the server closet. We have some cable rerouting and power mapping to deal with before we can put the new servers (bruno and sidious) in there. Sidious is an addition to the server complex, where bruno threatens to take over the roles of up to four other machines - koloth, penguin, kryten, and galileo - though we'll be happy if it only ends up replacing kryten.

There were still some lingering issues on the web server (isaac). Certain web pages were hanging for inordinate periods of time. The trail of guilt started with mysql, which led us to php, then to apache, and finally to sendmail. At this point I was stumped why mail was being a problem, and brought Eric and Jeff in to look over my shoulder. We were all flummoxed, but eventually we found that the loopback interface had no IP address assigned to it. Hunh?! Turns out this particular install of the OS failed to include the boot startup script for the loopback interface, and therefore no service could connect to localhost, hence the mail issues, etc. That ate up a couple man hours.

- Matt

#____Total Work Done____Todays WD_____AWD________overtake_______Team-name
02______207.578.693____1.284.134____1.052.240______impossible______SETI.USA Team Starfire
04_______77.633.188______176.439______167.041______impossible______L'Alliance Francophone
05_______74.883.571______101.664_______92.120______impossible______Czech National Team
06_______72.920.635______152.232______141.383______impossible______BOINC Synergy
08_______43.628.556_______12.291________4.249______impossible______OcUK - Overclockers UK
09_______36.710.779______125.079______111.994______impossible______The Knights Who Say Ni!
10_______33.577.087_______-9.234______-10.756______3.122 days______BOINC.Italy
12_______24.351.900_______79.804_______73.656______impossible______Team Art Bell
13_______22.703.268_______64.960_______56.061______impossible______Team 2ch
14_______18.779.539_______47.968_______44.642______impossible______The Planetary Society
15_______14.456.097_______24.953_______22.731______impossible______Ars Technica
16________7.529.529______111.565______106.562______impossible______Team MacNN
17________2.424.209_______-8.680______-13.445________180 days______Universe Examiners
18_______45.715.734_______75.234_______76.040______notanoption_____TeAm AnandTech
19_______-2.680.342________1.501_______-9.519______impossible______Phoenix Rising
20_______-7.676.512_______37.237_______25.496________301 days______SETI@Taiwan
21_______-8.702.772______-37.364______-42.892______impossible______Planet 3DNow!
22_______-9.585.888_______-7.118______-14.313______impossible______Amateur Radio Operators
24_______-9.911.390______-13.315______-25.415______impossible______PC Perspective Killer Frogs
28______-15.069.392________8.717________6.149______2.451 days______Team MacAddict
29______-15.296.434______-15.518______-16.989______impossible______Team NIPPON
30______-15.582.923_______26.480________8.664______1.799 days______Dutch Power Cows
34______-16.742.275______-20.865______-19.822______impossible______BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA
35______-16.791.357_______81.404_______65.622________256 days______Team Starfire World BOINC
38______-21.355.927______-41.318______-42.178______impossible______Team EDGE
40______-22.182.370_______14.091_________-271______impossible______UK BOINC Team
43______-23.125.700_______-8.568______-12.348______impossible______U.S.Air Force
44______-23.734.636_______12.667________3.034______7.823 days______US NAVY
45______-23.772.855______-28.274______-35.811______impossible______SETI Sverige [Sweden]
47______-25.431.930______-34.535______-45.235______impossible______The Final Front Ear
48______-25.678.911______-24.761______-31.754______impossible______BOINC UK
49______-25.970.332______-50.435______-51.204______impossible______World Wide S.E.T.I.
50______-26.068.261______-40.103______-42.973______impossible______SETI@Home Poland

Appart for Anandtech's stats, it shows how much more/less than Anandtech.
Also shows based on Average Work Done how many days for Anandtech to overtake the team, or be overtaken by a team behind...



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Starfires time is dropping quickly!.....

Poor old monk bruno!:( ,& wow was he ahead of his time! ,ironic too that he was a religious figure;)


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks for the numbers and the interesting info, Rattledagger! :D
Yeah, Starfire is approaching fast - way too fast. :(
I think an increase in production is needed. ;)