- Feb 5, 2001
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Windy Day (Jan 08 2008)
So we've been running this annoyingly load-intensive query everyday on the BOINC database to clean up results that failed validation. It took up to an hour to run, during which it hogs a bunch of database memory and slows everything down, including workunit distribution. Why not build an index? Well, indexes still take up disk/memory, and the main table field in question is of low cardinality, and we're only hunting for a few thousand out of a millions of rows each time. So Bob was looking into implementing a new fangled mysql "trigger" to flag the few rows when they enter this bad state, making them much easier to find without needing the overkill of an index. However, we only discovered today triggers don't work in our current version of mysql. So we built an index after all. We'll see how much it helps.
Other than that and the usual database backup outage this morning, mostly spent the day moving large numbers of files/archives around to prepare to grow the workunit storage space again. I also got the new server (maul - see yesterday's note) up to speed, more or less. Still won't be live for at least a day or two, but it's working. It's a 4x2.66 GHz dual core intel with 4 GB of memory. Looks like another perfect web server to me. Also had to grow our home directory space because, as you know, no matter how much space you have, it's never enough.
Somebody pointed to an article that mentioned the Cisco 2811 has a known throughput rated at about 61 Mbps. This was a surprise to me and Jeff - I guess this wasn't what we were told, and you'd think a router with 100 Mbp ports could reach a theoretical maximum of 100 Mbps. The cap seems to be due to CPU limits, and we are doing tunnel encryption and have a small but still non-zero set of access rules. Anyway live and learn. And no further progress on that since yesterday.
Another storm is whizzing through. The top third of a 50 foot tree just broke off right outside my lab window. Cool. I understand why people are freaking out about this current weather, but this is nothing compared to the hurricanes I dealt with growing up in downstate NY.
- Matt
#____Total Work Done____Todays WD_______AWD________overtake________Team-name
03______136.789.243______172.204______177.912______impossible______L'Alliance Francophone
04______115.769.874_______39.511_______53.976______impossible______BroadbandReports.com Team Starfire
05______114.201.247______125.601______147.678______impossible______BOINC Synergy
06_______97.655.972_______68.108_______59.174______impossible______Czech National Team
08_______81.352.689______127.005______124.509______impossible______The Knights Who Say Ni!
10_______40.385.302_______31.173_______34.859______impossible______Team Art Bell
11_______40.373.430______-42.330______-47.542________849 days______OcUK - Overclockers UK
12_______33.672.896_______21.575_______14.280______impossible______Team 2ch
13_______28.915.819_______14.640________8.632______impossible______The Planetary Society
14_______28.680.094_______25.454_______34.634______impossible______Team MacNN
15_______22.872.157______-78.163______-84.960________269 days______BOINC.Italy
16_______12.392.544______-40.685______-43.618________284 days______Ars Technica
17__________819.336_______79.175_______56.039______impossible______Team China
19_______74.738.871______141.506______152.341______notanoption_____TeAm AnandTech
20_______-1.446.335______-46.670______-46.483______impossible______Universe Examiners
21_______-2.414.774______-11.748______-29.824______impossible______Phoenix Rising
22_______-3.201.288_______48.546_______63.161_________51 days______Team Starfire World BOINC
24______-15.307.173______-35.168______-49.644______impossible______Dutch Power Cows
25______-17.153.118______-47.839______-55.480______impossible______Amateur Radio Operators
26______-17.645.153______-62.867______-71.438______impossible______PC Perspective Killer Frogs
28______-21.180.141______-17.613______-22.026______impossible______UK BOINC Team
29______-23.581.167_______28.041_______22.606______1.043 days______AUSTRIA - NATIONAL - TEAM
30______-23.647.625______-49.730______-55.248______impossible______Team NIPPON
31______-23.710.490_______-9.209______-15.991______impossible______US NAVY
32______-24.074.091______-65.445______-75.952______impossible______Team MacAddict
33______-24.387.925______-47.427______-48.472______impossible______BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA
38______-27.405.366______-15.802______-26.096______impossible______U.S.Air Force
39______-28.098.079_____-111.942_____-116.103______impossible______Planet 3DNow!
43______-38.666.392______-98.440_____-106.086______impossible______Team EDGE
44______-38.736.590______-91.939_____-102.037______impossible______HispaSeti & BOINC
47______-39.817.348______-76.739______-90.044______impossible______SETI Sverige [Sweden]
50______-43.447.479______-89.757_____-104.890______impossible______BOINC UK
Appart for Anandtech's stats, it shows how much more/less than Anandtech.
Also shows based on Average Work Done how many days for Anandtech to overtake the team, or be overtaken by a team behind...