Team AnandTech SETI - 1:00 PM CDT Update - (Saturday, May 04, 2002)


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Team AnandTech SETI - 1:00 PM CDT Update - (Saturday, May 04, 2002)

Standings and Production of Teams near Team AnandTech

#06 ? 2,912,420 ? 18,043 Work Units ? 2,529 Members ? Chg 6 ? SETI@Netherlands

#07 ? 2,856,956 ? 3,854 Work Units ? 5,959 Members ? Chg 7 ? Team MacAddict

#08 ? 2,733,658 ? 3,235 Work Units ? 12,519 Members ? Chg 1 ? Team Art Bell

#09 ? 2,715,134 ? 3,062 Work Units ? 1,324 Members ? Chg 1 ? The Knights Who Say Ni!

#10 ? 2,560,429 ? 5,433 Work Units ? 2,570 Members ? Chg 1 ? Forum Hardware FR. Team

#11 ? 2,303,594 ? 6,210 Work Units ? 2,074 Members ? Chg 1 ? Team AnandTech

#12 ? 1,926,126 ? 5,234 Work Units ? 2,236 Members ? Chg 2 ? DSLR Team Starfire

Data Files are Updated! :D


Below are some of the many Reports available on:
Please visit my website for all of the reports.
For your convenience, just click on the links below ( quicker to visit the website so you can just use ?Page Back? to pick a different report.) :)

Under the heading of Team AnandTech Statistics you will find among other reports:

New Members Report - Last 7 Days :)
*A Report covering the last 24 hours including New Members, Departed Members, and Members that changed their SETI Name.

Complete Team Ranked by New WUs :)
*WUs completed in the last 24 Hours.

Complete Team Ranked by Total WUs :)
*This is a report, which includes all members with at least 1 WU and now contains ?Catch Days?. :Q

Big Movers :)
*Here you will find who moved up the Ranks the most in the last 24 hours. This is where you spot the new up and comers.

Team Ranked by 7 Day Moving Average :)
*If you have not been on the TeAm for at least 7 Days, you won't find your name here.

Team Standings 7 Days into the Future :)
*Look where you are predicted to be this time next week. If you have not been a member for at least 7 days you will find you are not predicted to make any progress because this is based on the current 7 day moving averages. If you don't like the prediction...Increase your WU Production.

Top 25 World Team Analysis :)
*I have constructed a short term (7-day moving average) and a longer term (30-day moving average) of the Top 25 Teams in the World. Using those averages a projection is made that indicates the number of days before Team AnandTech SETI catches any of the teams that are ahead of us or is overtaken by a team that is behind us. The projected ?Catch Date? is constructed with a 20/80 weighting of those two averages.

Chart of Teams Near Team AnandTech :)
*Credit and thanks to my buddy, Pascal - SETI@Netherlands

Attention: Internet Explorer 6.0 Users
There is a display problem when using IE 6.0. My reports are created using MS Office XP software and, when viewing the web pages generated by MS Excel 2002 and Front Page 2002 with Internet Explorer 6.0, some rows completely disappear and other rows have their borders distorted. There is a FIX ? Wait for the pages to completely download and then hit F5 to Refresh and the reports will appear properly. Thank you, Bill Gates. :)


All brought to you for your perusal and comments by the biggest bunch of rag tag crunchers in all of Team AnandTech - TeAm Smokeball :D

A Special thanks to one of our TeAm's most respected and helpful members, who has donated the hosting service for the TeAm Smokeball/Team AnandTech Website. Recent feedback indicates this hosting site provides its customers with lightning fast connections. So if you or any of your friends need a hosting service, I'd like to recommend GygaBite Web Hosting by WIZ. :D


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
There seems to be a hugh up and comer in the Top 25 Teams!




Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Thanks for the stats Smokeball :)

It look like the linux group added a user with 112,850 WUs this week. If you look at their production it is back at 1,200 WUs today on S@NL charts.

They will be getting repassed by Team Nippon and Team Canada in the near future.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
Thanks Smokeball! :D

Edit: I hope Enginer and the rest of the Federation feel better after relieving themselves like that!! :p


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Someone put me onto this stats site about a week or so ago, seems it was either Crazee or IJump. It is just awesome.


It is the best I have ever seen (Pardon me Soni ... you're still #1 in my heart ;) )!

Are there any stats that I'm providing that are NOT at least equal or better presented on that site than this 1:00 PM Update?

I'd like to hear from what you all think. Is there is a report you would like to see continued ... I'll do it. But STATSMAN is just flat out mind boggling. I could put the effort I use up here to something more productive.

Now I want some honest sincere responses. I'm not going to get my feelings hurt though I know that would never stop Evadman :p and a couple of others. Ha Ha LOL :D


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Actually there may be two sites that together are almost all emcompassing.


is the other one. :Q Just beautiful work. :)

This is the one I think I like the best: SETIatWork TeAm Anandtech Daily Statistics

You can customize it for your own OVERTAKE OTHERS perpective! WOW!

And it is updated HOURLY!


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001

<< Someone put me onto this stats site about a week or so ago, seems it was either Crazee or IJump. It is just awesome.


It is the best I have ever seen (Pardon me Soni ... you're still #1 in my heart ;) )!

Are there any stats that I'm providing that are NOT at least equal or better presented on that site than this 1:00 PM Update?

I'd like to hear from what you all think. Is there is a report you would like to see continued ... I'll do it. But STATSMAN is just flat out mind boggling. I could put the effort I use up here to something more productive.

Now I want some honest sincere responses. I'm not going to get my feelings hurt though I know that would never stop Evadman :p and a couple of others. Ha Ha LOL :D

Must have been Crazee, I don't remember seeing that site before......

Couple of problems that I see with Statsmans stuff.....

1. The team page only list the top 2000 on the team, that would cut off quite a few people, including all of the new members. We don't want them to have to wait to make the top 2000 to see stats.....

2. I would have to divide the weekly total to see my average, and the members aren't ranked other than by total WUs completed. I like seeing my name in the top 5 or so on the daily production and 7 day average.... :) Yeah, you can change to the Java version, but maybe I am just used to the quick, clean table.

I could go on, but I guess you get my point. I like this thread and the way the info is layed out.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999

<< is the other one. :Q Just beautiful work. :)

This is the one I think I like the best: SETIatWork TeAm Anandtech Daily Statistics

Something is wrong with the colors on that page... or am I just having a hang over? I can't look at it for
more than 5 seconds. In the other hand, smokeball's white/green/yellow pattern is very soothing :)

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Thanks for the stats Smokeball, much appreciated :)


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2000
Thanks for the update and info on the two stats sites Smokeball. :)


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Thanks Smokeball

<< 18,043 Work Units ? 2,529 Members ? Chg 6 ? SETI@Netherlands >>
