Team Anandtech moves within 30 days of 1st overall!! plus Poll


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
wow.. we're getting close to 1st overall! yesterday we had about 1.4 million blocks completed, which is pretty good, though not even CLOSE to what our potential really is.

if you haven't joined, or have friends online who don't have RC-5, try to get them to join.

Russ here has a website which gives you the CLient PRECONFIGURED. all you need to do is enter your e-mail address! Paulson ALSO has a website for configuring your own client, should you chose not to get Russ' version.

it's a great way to give back to the team anandtech. I don't understand why most people here don't run it! it doesn't damage your computer in any way. if you think it's pointless, fine, but you can still try it! be adventurous!

AND finally, I'm going to create a Poll.


Oct 10, 1999
I'm a "NO" as well.

Saying that RC5 doesnt dammage your computer is a crock. Running your CPU at 100% usage all the time is not good for it at all. After a month of running it (RC5), my stable 300a@464, no longer runs at anything but 300, and crashes even at that speed.

Dont say something like "Well maybe your system wasn't so stable". It was good enough for me. I did not have my system crash in almost 2 months. The only time my system was ever down was when I added a few programs that asked for the system to be restarted.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Just over 100 days.

Ran RC5 on my PIII 700E @ 960 machine for 2 months without any problems...even in Denver's 90+ degree heat. :)


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
Been running RC5 for 539 days using 3 different CPU's all o/c and never had any problems. BH6 PIII@800,also ran C300a and C366,V3 3000,256mb PC133,Xgamer,2-WD 20gig 7200rpm,Pioneer 104,new model 7237 6 fans including cpu,video,and ps.


Oct 9, 1999
I am with Stefan on that one.

RC5 is a cpu killer,or at best it shortens it's life considerably.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
So your CPU will only last you one year instead of 5? Big freakin' deal. I really don't plan on using my P3 700e @ 966 9 months from now. I figure by then I'll be on dualie 1.5 GHz. :D

Seriously, though, I've run RC5 on the CPUs:

80486 SX33 ;)
K6-2 350@400
K6-2 450@504
Celeron 400 @ 575
Celeron 566 @ 952
Pentium III 700 @ 966

And haven't had a bit of trouble on any of them. Overclocking, if anything, is causing the damage. Not RC5. My P3 runs all day while I'm at work, & is only off for 6-8 hours a day while I sleep 'cause it's too fvcking loud & keeps me awake. My K6-2's ran with virtually 100% uptime for months, the only downtime coming when I fvcked them up. Perfect, 100% stability.

Don't run it if you don't want to, it's your computer. But don't be afraid that it will damage your CPU. It puts no more load on it than a frag session in Q3 does.

Viper GTS


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Joined TA a long time ago, before that I was cracking along on my own.
I achieved a pretty decent keyrate of 15.000 KKeys/sec for a while, then I stopped for like a year, joined again just recently with a not so impressive 1700 KKeys/sec, which Im hoping will grow a bit soon :)

And as for killing CPU's, if your CPU cant handle being 100% loaded, its not properly cooled, or is simply pushed too far, and while its true rc5 is what loaded it, like someone said, OC'ing too far is what killed it.


Oct 9, 1999
Like Hardware said , What's the point?

It's not as if we are searching for a cure for cancer here!!!


Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
To all you nay-sayers, are aware that one of the options under the "Why are you doing this?" section of the RC5 participant profile is "Why not?" Why do people pay thousands of dollars to make their cars go really fast in a straight line for 1/4 mile? That certainly has no useful purpose. So why do they do it?

Because they feel like it, and because they can.

Viper GTS


Oct 9, 1999

<< Because they feel like it, and because they can. >>

Yes and Because i dont want to.

I would not even be having this discussion if you were to keep those posts where they belong.

You have your own Distributed Computing Forum,Why not use that one?

I am not against people running RC5 Seti .... but there's a place for it &amp; in my opinion it should not be in General Hardware forums.

If people want to join in then that's just fine,tell them about it then point then to Distributed Computing,but posting threads in General hardware is not correct in my opinion.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Its not like there's an excessive amount of posts about RC5 around here, so it shouldnt bother you all that much.
This forum prolly has like 50x the amount of visitors compared to the Distributed forum, so for getting exposure, this is the right forum.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
I never post in Distributed Computing, 'cause frankly RC5 isn't that important to me. Yes, I do it. But it's just something to keep my comp busy while I'm not on it. Plus, the competition between the various hardware boards &amp; groups is pretty funny sometimes. Have you seen the girls on the DPC pages? Damn! ;)

And you're absolutely right... You needn't do it if you don't want to. Just don't expect us to have a reason for doing it, 'cause we probably don't have one.

Viper GTS


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Budman, Stefan &amp; Hardware: What's the big deal here? If you don't like the thread don't read it and surely don't post in it to bump it back to the top. When's the last time you saw a Distributed Computing post outside the DC forum? DC members rarely post in General Hardware so this post should not be considered off-topic or incorrect. This rare post was made in effort to recruit new members to the team and would have little effect if posted in the DC forum because the members are there already.

If you choose not to participate that's fine, but don't give incorrect information to scare away new members. Running your CPU at 100% does not harm it if your system is properly cooled. If you cooked your CPU running RC5 or SETI@Home then it's a result of improper cooling and/or overclocking. I've got 23 systems running SETI@Home 24/7 and have had zero CPU failures. I've been participating in the SETI project for over 18 months and have had zero CPU failures.


PS - Interested members please visit the Distributed Computing forum and join the Team Anandtech SETI@Home or RC5 bunch!!!


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I dont care if its OT but rc5 will stress your cpu for sure. For me its no problem right now I am on a 1-2 month cycle with new mb/cpu
My point is why rc5 I can write you a programm to count from 1 to 999999999999999 you can distribute it on your pcs for sure.
with seti I can see a sense to search for &quot;life&quot; but whats behind rc5? Just count from 1 to 99999999999999999?


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Budman - if you think it is a problem that the occassional Distributed Computing message gets posted, you can go to the on topic location to complain - Forum Issues. I doubt that anything will happen, Anandtech is supportive of distributed computing and, as long as they are only occassional and in good taste, recruiting or news threads are ok.

Hardware - OGR (doen by the same client as RC5) has a practical application. SETI@HOME also is a science project.

Stephan - you are correct, if you have a poorly cooled computer, running RC5 (or other programs that run the CPU at 100%) might be bad. However, the problem isn't RC5, the problem is your computer. RC5 is just a diagnotic that helps find the problem.



Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
I just joined recently after having adamantly refused for months. Well I am very happy that I joined. :D I found the DC forum to be a very nice, tight &amp; friendly community. I found the competition with the DPC exhilarating. To put it simply, I see this as computer sport and I love sport. I feel like a relay runner in a team. My actual contribution in terms of blocks per day isn't much but my enthusiasm for Team Anandtech (and particularly The Borg) is becoming quite intense. Plus I do feel that I am giving back something to Anandtech.

For those who might be interested in joining TA Cube and becoming Borg, Russ has new setup disks that do not even require your email address at

Hassle-free cracking!

Just send him some info to describe your herd like mentioned on this page.

If I can do it, anybody can!


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hardware: I see no useful point in rc5 either. It's just a matter of time before the code is cracked. Searching for alien signals has a purpose but even then there's a very slim chance of ever finding anything. However I do see a point in being a part of a team and joining in the search for the code or signals. There's a great bunch of people over in the Distributed Computing forum. Plus this gives the Anandtech website some pub which it more than deserves.

Stressing the CPU isn't a problem IMO. Lots of people even use rc5/SETI in combo with a looping 3D program or game to burn-in/test a new system. I think Stefan is wrong when he says rc5 killed his CPU. More likely overclocking in combo with poor cooling and/or over voltage damaged it. Like I said, 23 systems 24/7 with no CPU problems.

BTW, I mean no offense to anyone who doesn't like Distributed Computing. That's cool. But the members in DC (especially SETI and rc5) have been trying to recruit new members and it's very difficult. Try and give them a break. :)
