Tbird or P3?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Right now, I'm using an Abit BH6 and an Intel Celeron 300a@450. I want to upgrade my motherboard and CPU. I have had good experiences with Intel and want to stay Intel as much as I can, but current AMD pricing and technology have made me thinking...

which is the best investment for now and for about a year? I like the fact that I can get a Tbird 800 and motherboard for about the same price as a coppermine. How much would the Tbird overclock?

Which one should I go for now? Intel has always been #1 in my book, and has relieved many headaches going from a Cyrix 200mhz. Would the AMD be as stable as an Intel platform? Thanks!


Junior Member
Jan 2, 2001
amds are just as stable as intel, plus in many cases faster (i have a t-bird 800) they overclock very well and are soooo cheap how can you not buy one!


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
Would AMD be as stable? Yes easily, my current box with Win2K has never ever gotten a BSOD. I have had an uptime of over a week, and only came down to install something. I would say give AMD a shot, but wait a short while for the KT133A(266FSB) boards to come out. It will give better OCing capability. Also youll have the option to upgrade to Palomino at a later date in time also without switching MBs. BTW Im currently running a 800 T-Bird @ 1060.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2000
Basically you can buy either one and be insured that you'll have a good processor. I paid $235 for a P3 866 about a month and a half ago and couldn't be happier with it, and my roommate bought a 1.1 ghz tbird at about the same time. We're both very happy with what we bought, both processors run well, Intel just costs a bit more. Buy what you feel confident in, as both are great choices.



Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2000
I've always been pro-Intel until I broke down and bought a Duron. Now I have a T-Bird and both are unbeatable for the price. If price is even remotely an issue, go with the T-Bird.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2000
I'm surprised there is no flame wars yet....

But anyways, as much as I love all the AMD stuff, and with how cheap it is, if you're running Win2k, definately go Intel. There is alot of patching and whatnot to get a good, stable Win2k box. If you're doing anything else (98, ME, Linux, etc.) definately go AMD. Prices are cheap, and they are every bit as fast as an Intel.

Russell "Mr.Bios" Sampson


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
Mrbios... there is really only 1 major patch.. the VIA AGP Win2K patch... and MS said it was their fault. Im running Win2K and its 100% kick ass.


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
"as much as I love all the AMD stuff, and with how cheap it is, if you're running Win2k, definately go Intel. There is alot of patching and whatnot to get a good, stable Win2k box.

Well, you are just wrong.

I have a "Classic" Athlon 850@1045 and I am using the finicky Abit KA7-100 board and with Win2K it is rock stable. I have been running Prime95 for 3 months or so with no rebooting. Win2K is not even supposed to work well with the KX133 chipset, but I have had no issues, I even game heavily in Win2K. Sorry to tell you, but the statement you made is not a factual one, it is plain wrong.


Oct 10, 1999
well seeing as you already have the Abit BH6 ... if you want Intel .. you would only need a CPU ... no new mobo ... so that would cost you less ....

If you want to upgrade MOtherboard and cpu ... then Either one is fine ... AMD system will perform better and cost less ...

But Intel system will have slightly more supported chipsets ..

I've got a duron and a celeron system ... and i like em both ...

think about how much you wanna budget for your project ... and go from there ...

I know you can get a pPIII 850 CPU for $210 + $11 shipping (price found on pricewatch)

then all you would need is a slotket for probably around 15 bucks ...
and then a HSF ...

so for around $250 you would be done ... probably could overclock it too since thats the 850e (pretty positive its just e not eb .. so at 100mhz FSB ..) 952 at 112mhz FSB should definatly be attainable and as long as your vid card can do it ... the CPU can probably handle 125mhz FSB too.

for around 300 to 350 bucks ... you could probably pick up a good kt133 board (Abit, Msi, Asus ... not any of that cheap crap (fic)) and a 900mhz to 1ghz Tbird ... which would probably overclock in the area of 1 ghz to 1.1ghz ...

both systems would perform similarly ...

or if you wanna go the cheap route ... pick up a celeron 566 FCPGA ... i know these suck compared to p III but for like 60 bucks you can get one ... and then a Slotket and fan .... and maybe some thermal paste ... and you would be most likely running at 850 mhz or more ...

also .. i had one of those cyrix POS things ... p200+ was really 150mhz ... with the FPU of a 486....

also ... if you go the amd route ... you would probably get more then 75 bucks on the used bh6 board ... not bad for a mobo thats a couple years old ... and more if you include the old CPU ... (maybe lots more ... i got around 50 bucks when i sold my 300a ... but that was like 6 months ago ... (i picked up a 533a and oced it to 896 ... and currently thats my second box)

get whatever you think is the best option for you. THere is no right or wrong, both AMD and Intel are Great when it comes to making CPUs that run.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2000
In terms of stability and speed, the t-bird is every bit as good as a P3, especially at current prices. In general, I find that the t-bird is easier to overclock than Intel's P3 line of chips.

If you don't need the upgrade immediately, however, I suggest you take Dulanic's advice and wait for the upcoming 266MHz. fsb motherboards. In addition to what Dulanic said, these new motherboards will support DDR RAM, which is only slightly more expensive than current PC133 RAM.

So, I'd say AMD is the way to go.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2000
They are cheaper and Intel just plain sucks. Why is it better to build an AMD?
AMD is the platform that most people are building these days.
If Dell used AMD chips the performance market would swing with a majority of people buying AMD 'cause right now AMD has about 45% of the performance market.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
<<'cause right now AMD has about 45% of the performance market.>>

But only 17% of the overall CPU market.


Golden Member
Nov 11, 2000
I would go for a T-Bird simply becasue of:
1. Stablility, I personally have a classic Athlon, but friend who have it say go get one for my next PC, so I will get a T-Bird.

2. Easily OCed. They overclock very easily as long as they are cooled properly. Without a decent heatsink and fan you could be looking at a near meltdown at about 85C and that will suck if it does.

3.They are very well priced! Much cheaper, and the mobos are reasonably priced too.

4. There is no 4... But makes me look smarter if I added it in... ;) :)

Good Luck,



Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2000
I'll put a quick post in now...

I'd go with a AMD. After deciding to go for an AMD for the first time this summer, I wouldnt think twice about getting another one.

At the moment, I'd recommend a T-Bird 800-900Mhz


Senior member
Nov 28, 2000
definitely go w/ amd. if you wanna overclock to about 1ghz...get a 800mhz duron for around 80 bucks. if not spend 200 on the 1ghz tbird


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2000
I suggest the AMD anytime. Not saying intel suck.. just saying the AMD are betting (in my opinion) :)


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
from an overclocking standpoint, AMD chips rock. For example, Im running a tbird 750 @ 1.008ghz (the .008 is just so I can brag to all the 1.0 ghz guys :)). Anyway, this chip makes it to 1.1ghz pretty easily but I have to run @ 1.85v which I'd rather not do. I can run @ 1.008 (notice the .008 again...:)) at 1.75v rock stable. Also, the prices for AMD are pretty awsome. About stability... I'm running this chip on my server running Win2k Advanced Server. I also run SQL Server, DHCP for the rest of my network, AD, DNS, NAT, and various other services w/ no problems. I also do quite a bit of gaming (Elite Force, NOLF, Q3A, UT) w/ no problems.

But in the end, your the one using it, so like divinemartyr said, buy what your confident in.


Platinum Member
Dec 5, 2000
I'm surprised there is no flame wars yet....

Ok Intel sucks :D.

Go T-bird. I've been an Intel drone for the longest time but decided to go AMD this time. No regrets. Had a few problems when I set it up but things are rock solid now. With the low AMD prices it's a pretty easy decision.


Sep 6, 2000
one simple phrase for you.... AMD T-bird on an MSI K7T ProA2 board. Or, if you want to wait for a short period, just scratch out the &quot;2A&quot; and pencil in &quot;Turbo&quot; instead.

That one short phrase pretty much summarizes what the best possible current computing solution is. On the Intel side, the Celeron situation is pathetic, the P-3 has come to the end of the line, and the P-4 is a work in progress. The AMD solutions, OTOH, are mature, stable, and work. Buy the T-bird and MSI board - you WILL NOT be disappointed.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
looks like my next computer will be AMD powered then... <sigh> so much for Intel.


Senior member
Aug 6, 2000

This thread has caused me to have a change of heart. I have built nothing but Intel systems. A couple months ago, this would have been a topic of great debate. But today, it appears unanimous. Because of this thread, my next system will be a T-Bird.


Golden Member
Dec 14, 2000
I was in the same boat as you. Intel cpus from the get-go.. picked up a 1.2ghz t-bird system and WOW.. it's REALLY fast.. it hasn't hiccuped once yet.. and C H E A P..

Intel is a great cpu.. but... it gets expensive to buy intel system after intel system to stay up with technology..

Good stuff.. Glad I found this board or I probably would have never had the sense to try an AMD system


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
Watch out don't get caught with your pants down like 3DFX fans.Will AMD be the next damn to burst??.Besides welfare checks can't keep AMD going for ever.Take a look at all the AMD chips they have on the market and selling below company cost,common sence tells you it can't last.AMD watch your back!!3DFX throught they where in heaven untill the stock market player,s pinched their butts and said you lost the battle.3DFX user,s were like you hard core AMD fans.Remember You never no what winning is untill you have lost.PS Don't you wounder when you pay twice as much for a video card as you do the CPU,something is wrong here.