well seeing as you already have the Abit BH6 ... if you want Intel .. you would only need a CPU ... no new mobo ... so that would cost you less ....
If you want to upgrade MOtherboard and cpu ... then Either one is fine ... AMD system will perform better and cost less ...
But Intel system will have slightly more supported chipsets ..
I've got a duron and a celeron system ... and i like em both ...
think about how much you wanna budget for your project ... and go from there ...
I know you can get a p
PIII 850 CPU for $210 + $11 shipping (price found on pricewatch)
then all you would need is a slotket for probably around 15 bucks ...
and then a HSF ...
so for around $250 you would be done ... probably could overclock it too since thats the 850e (pretty positive its just e not eb .. so at 100mhz FSB ..) 952 at 112mhz FSB should definatly be attainable and as long as your vid card can do it ... the CPU can probably handle 125mhz FSB too.
for around 300 to 350 bucks ... you could probably pick up a good kt133 board (Abit, Msi, Asus ... not any of that cheap crap (fic)) and a 900mhz to 1ghz Tbird ... which would probably overclock in the area of 1 ghz to 1.1ghz ...
both systems would perform similarly ...
or if you wanna go the cheap route ... pick up a celeron 566 FCPGA ... i know these suck compared to p III but for like 60 bucks you can get one ... and then a Slotket and fan .... and maybe some thermal paste ... and you would be most likely running at 850 mhz or more ...
also .. i had one of those cyrix POS things ... p200+ was really 150mhz ... with the FPU of a 486....
also ... if you go the amd route ... you would probably get more then 75 bucks on the used bh6 board ... not bad for a mobo thats a couple years old ... and more if you include the old CPU ... (maybe lots more ... i got around 50 bucks when i sold my 300a ... but that was like 6 months ago ... (i picked up a 533a and oced it to 896 ... and currently thats my second box)
get whatever you think is the best option for you. THere is no right or wrong, both AMD and Intel are Great when it comes to making CPUs that run.