Mem, I respect your opinion but have to ask why would one abandon a perfectly fine operating system when there is still roughly 5 years of support remaining? Even XP is hardly in the cemetery at this point.
The fact that Microsoft is pushing Windows 10 so hard (they CAN'T give it away fast enough to suit them) and has even tricked people into blindly installing it should be enough to cause folks to balk. Aside from touch screen support, Cortana???, and DX12 for future gamers, exactly what about 10 is a real upgrade? None of those things have appeal so far as I'm concerned. It also sacrifices a few things that many will miss. You can't even say with assurance that Microsoft's definition of "life of the device" is a definite time period, or that it will exceed 2020 without cost.
Windows 7 (without all the telemetry) is the finest Windows operating system for desktop computers to date, IMHO. If you must have apps, buy a phone.
I'll admit to installing Windows 10 on laptop yesterday after a nightmare of trying to get 7 or 8/8.1 to run properly on it. The laptop had a complete hard drive failure and I FINALLY discovered it had used 8.1 with Bing. I never realized what an important distinction that "with Bing" was until that laptop hit my door. When I realized the embedded key wouldn't work with anything else, I found a legit iso of that version after considerable searching. Installed it and it activated immediately. When it repeatedly failed to install one of the major update rollups, I gave up on that OS and upgraded it to 10 Home. It's running 10 Home just fine and I made it look and act so much like 7 that I don't think the owner will really notice the difference (except for no Media Center).
I abandoned Win7 back in 2012 after using it for three years, one to Win8 and the other to good old Linux. Fact is, there's nothing special about Win7.
I've had ALL my Windows Operating Systems very stable, same goes for Linux.
I'm a gamer so DX12 is important to me and only path for that is Win10, now if I could have Linux and DX12 in one OS I would be one very happy gamer and ditch Windows for good, however having said that I have had no issues with Win10 in gaming or general use and to be honest last time I had serious issues was way back in the early days of WinXP with the dreaded Via 4 in 1 drivers, I bet old folks here remember that.
Bottom line Win7 is really a tweaked Vista(I liked Vista so not saying that is a bad thing) but offers nothing special ,you can argue about stability etc but as I've stated, I've had too many Operating Systems that were all solid and served me well over the years, even good old DOS 6.22 lol..
As to real upgrade well what did Win7 offer over Vista SP2 as a real upgrade, yep hardly anything, at least Win8.1 and Win10 offer a lot more.
Anyway I stated why, four good reasons, improved security, longer life span, DX12 for gamers, free upgrade.
Btw my brother upgraded his six years old HP laptop from 7 to 10 without issues( ie no driver or software/stability issues).
I'm well aware no OS can guarantee a perfect upgrade, but that goes for Win7 or any OS you care to name as well.
Win10 is very easy to use and works fine as a desktop PC if that is your preference, remember end of the day you have to move forward sooner or later.
Right, back to my Win10 online gaming
