OK.... Hitler's culture said that all Jews should be stuck in concentration camps, or killed. Are you saying that because Hilter's culture was different we should respect him killing Jews? America didn't think so and that's why we worked to eleminate him and his mindset. The Taliban will kill it's own people for walking around at night, or even in public during the day. I think there is a certain point that you have to draw a line between was is right and wrong. Part of what is happening in Afganistan's culture is wrong, not their entire culture. If you want to say I hate them because they are different, so be it. Czar, at what point do you stop respecting a culture because of what it does, if any?
<< Dude..... They flog women for walking in public with men who they are not related too, or even just walking in public in general. Are you say don't hate them. If someone flogs an innocent woman for walking in public, I will HATE them. >>
That is by your standards of living, they have a different standard. They are a different culture which is not a part of ours so we should respect their own lives and their own actions regardless if we think its wrong. >>