Taliban: a portrait


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2000

<< Yeah reposted

What kind of sick mind has a problem with kite flying?

it's a 'waste of the government's time'. DOnt you know that citizens exist to support the government?

Down with the Taliban, guilty or not.
Aug 17, 2001
?Allah intensified the fire and destruction of those planes,? said prayer leader Maulana Abdul Aziz at a mosque in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, explaining why two hijacked planes were able to turn New York?s World Trade Center into rubble Tuesday.

ummm, does anyone else think this guy is an idiot?
Wouldn't one come to realize that if this was true then "Allah" would have just leveled the whole city???
These people are real savages i must say and very primitive like. and flying a kite IS educational you Taliban fools.
When kids fly kites they wonder and think about how it's possible to fly a kite. Thinking is Educational.
I think we really need to teach these people something but they won't listen. All we can really do is leave it up
to the US Gov. to decide what to do next. :frown:


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001

<< When kids fly kites they wonder and think about how it's possible to fly a kite. Thinking is Educational. >>

Thinking? I really doubt the Taliban wants its civilians to think. If the civilians think then they might realize that the Taliban is a bunch of dumbasses and overthrow them. The Taliban can't have that. That's why they banned TVs, computers, and radios.


Feb 1, 2001
Has anybody seen that CNN Presents special thing!?

It's about an Afghany woman who was born in the U.K. and goes back to Afghanistan to see what her father's homeland looks like... she did all of this undercover stuff... boy.. Afghanistan is one messed up place! The Afghanies I know are nice people... but looks like the stupid Gov't in these mostly Muslim countries fuxor everything up...


Senior member
May 12, 2001
All these taboos, yet they allow a huge drug trade to flourish under their tyrannical rule. I guess they don't think that is an obstacle to "education", while kite flying is.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

<< ?Allah intensified the fire and destruction of those planes,? said prayer leader Maulana Abdul Aziz at a mosque in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, explaining why two hijacked planes were able to turn New York?s World Trade Center into rubble Tuesday. >>

See this is the kinda guy that the Pakistani government fears and is eager to get rid of...


Senior member
May 29, 2000

<< ?Any enemy of the Muslims will be punished by God,? said Imam Mohammed Muslim Haqqani during Friday prayers at a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul. ?The United States and Israel are enemies of Islam.?
Such sentiments were also common in neighboring Pakistan, where Islamic fundamentalists enjoy widespread popularity.
?Allah intensified the fire and destruction of those planes,? said prayer leader Maulana Abdul Aziz at a mosque in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, explaining why two hijacked planes were able to turn New York?s World Trade Center into rubble Tuesday.

---The above quote taken from the above link---

How can Imam and prayer leader have such comments towards other human being? This is sad...