Take some responsibility people!

Last Rezort

Apr 16, 2005
So im walking by a tv at work a min. ago and i see an add.
Diet failure is not your fault. Cortizol will help you.
Anyways to cut to the chase it basicly says that, its not your fault for not keeping up with your diet, just your fault for not buying our pills.

I say we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
Bush, you start.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Last Rezort
So im walking by a tv at work a min. ago and i see an add.
Diet failure is not your fault. Cortizol will help you.
Anyways to cut to the chase it basicly says that, its not your fault for not keeping up with your diet, just your fault for not buying our pills.

I say we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
Bush, you start.

Shhh... Personal responsibility isn't something the left seems to want people to embrace. It'd make them less dependent on gov't.;)

Oh, and nice try with the Bush thing - however it shows that instead of true personal responsibility - you wish to see others take responsibility. True personal responsibility starts with yourself. Bush is a leader - is taking responsibility for his leadership. Just because you want him to say he was wrong doesn't mean he has to do that just to take responsibility.



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Willoughbyva
In what way has he taken responsibility? (Bush that is).

In what ways do you think he hasn't? Seems to me that he is standing by his decisions on Iraq and Afghanistan - thus showing he has taken responsibility for those decisions.

Just because you don't like what he does or think he is wrong - does not mean he hasn't taken responsibility.

I think the left of today has a warped sense of responsibility. It's like they think people should apologize for something just because others may disagree.


Sure would be nice if this thread didn't devolve into another bush-bash and would instead deal with personal responsibility as noted by the OP(despite the obligatory ant-bush whine).

I myself am sickened by the lack of responsibility people take for themselves. If you are overweight - do something about it by getting off your duff. A pill isn't going to fix the problem - it only covers up the problem by changing looks. Laziness(which we all have at times) and horrible eating habits are the problem - time people took it upon themselves to fix those things instead of looking to the latest pill.
Same could be said about other "drugs" used to "fix" people's behaviors- but that might run this topic down another road...



Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Shhh... Personal responsibility isn't something the left seems to want people to embrace. It'd make them less dependent on gov't.;)

And the right seems to want people to be more dependent on Jesus. At least government isn't all in your head.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Willoughbyva
In what way has he taken responsibility? (Bush that is).

In what ways do you think he hasn't? Seems to me that he is standing by his decisions on Iraq and Afghanistan - thus showing he has taken responsibility for those decisions.


Standing by your decision without ever saying that you have made a mistake in undertaking that decision in the first place is NOT taking responsibility. It is being stubborn and hoping that those that are telling you that you need to take responsibility will finally give up so that you NEVER have to take responsibility.


Mar 29, 2004
In other words there is a chance in hell for any accountability from bush and espically me CaD.

Nothing new.

That's ok, bush is beyond a apology fixing anything anyhow, even though crying for daddy and saying he's sorry from gitmo would be a hoot.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Willoughbyva
In what way has he taken responsibility? (Bush that is).

In what ways do you think he hasn't? Seems to me that he is standing by his decisions on Iraq and Afghanistan - thus showing he has taken responsibility for those decisions.


Standing by your decision without ever saying that you have made a mistake in undertaking that decision in the first place is NOT taking responsibility. It is being stubborn and hoping that those that are telling you that you need to take responsibility will finally give up so that you NEVER have to take responsibility.

Again, just because you don't like the decision does not mean that he or anyone else has to agree with you. It also doesn't mean he is not takinging responsibility. Just because you want him to say it was wrong doesn't mean it was or that he should have to say it was for him to be taking responsibility for his decisions.

Now back to personal responsibility... oh wait...



Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2005
I completely agree. I'd bet half of these prescription related conditions are caused by malnutrition.

I know from my experience that my allergies can be largely overcome by proper diet and omega 3 supplements (or just eating walnuts/coldwater fish, but fish oil is so much easier and in a way cheaper). My ADD -- same issue.

Treat the cause not the symptom.

And what's really scary is how much these companies spend on advertising versus research. They also can run several studies and only reference the ones that would promote their product.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Legend
And what's really scary is how much these companies spend on advertising versus research. They also can run several studies and only reference the ones that would promote their product.

Its appauling how much they spend on advertising. Then they turn around and say if they charged REASONABLE prices to americans, R&D would be severely cut. Total BS. R&D + patents are their bread and butter. I dont have the old copy of tech review handy, but (IIRC) they spend billions more on advertising than R&D.


May 27, 2005
Advertising brings in more revenue due to increased sales. Why shouldn't they advertise?


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2005
zendari, the point is not that they advertise, but that the money spent on advertising is many times more than what's spent to improve the product. The products are already so expensive. They can also fund say 1000 studies. If 10 of those studies support their product, then that's all the consumer will hear about. It's dishonest.

Many people are sheep and will believe the ads and that taking several prescription drugs is the answer. The reality is many prescription drugs can be avoided by having a diet full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and not with soda and fast food. And you'll also find that there are billions of dollars spent on fast food and soda advertising.

America has become a consumer whore market that's being bombarded with advertising for unhealthy lifesytles and then bombarded with quick fixes for these lifesytles that has serious long term side effects (ie overall your health will worsen). It's very counter-productive. We'd be so much better off if there were more regulation on this. While I consider myself a libertarian, some things must be regulated.

I'm not saying all prescription drugs are bad. They certainly have their place.

Furthermore while advertising does increase revenue, there is a finite amount of wealth in this nation. The money could be put to so much better use elsewhere, like improving everyone's health. That would also be more productive in the long term because everyone would be a healthier more productive person. If everyone stopped this destructive fast food/pill fix craze and had a healthy lifestyle, the economy would surge like crazy. I'm an idealist, I know.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Last Rezort
So im walking by a tv at work a min. ago and i see an add.
Diet failure is not your fault. Cortizol will help you.
Anyways to cut to the chase it basicly says that, its not your fault for not keeping up with your diet, just your fault for not buying our pills.

I say we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
Bush, you start.

Uncovered - Stand up to the Emporer that has no clothes



Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Last Rezort
So im walking by a tv at work a min. ago and i see an add.
Diet failure is not your fault. Cortizol will help you.
Anyways to cut to the chase it basicly says that, its not your fault for not keeping up with your diet, just your fault for not buying our pills.

I say we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
Bush, you start.

Shhh... Personal responsibility isn't something the left seems to want people to embrace. It'd make them less dependent on gov't.;)

Oh, and nice try with the Bush thing - however it shows that instead of true personal responsibility - you wish to see others take responsibility. True personal responsibility starts with yourself. Bush is a leader - is taking responsibility for his leadership. Just because you want him to say he was wrong doesn't mean he has to do that just to take responsibility.


The "Left"? The right wing religious nuts are the ones who wish to put the government in everyones lives. The Republicans are the ones who support bigger, more intrusive government.
Furthermore, Bush has utterly failed to take responsibility for the fact that Iraq was an unjustfied war. People are dying because of it.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
Advertising brings in more revenue due to increased sales. Why shouldn't they advertise?

Its scary, honestly, that such a young kid can be so misguided. Maybe once you growup and start thinking for yourself you will see the errors of your parents/religious leaders. I hope.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: zendari
Advertising brings in more revenue due to increased sales. Why shouldn't they advertise?

They shouldn't advertise prescription drugs, period. Its a tremendous waste of money. If doctors are doing their job, the advertising should have no effect on revenue.

Per the FDA and the drug companies, prescription drugs are only to be taken under a doctor's care. Patients should not be demanding drugs because the TV said so. They should be going to their doctor and receiving his recommended treatment. If they don't like his treatment, they are free to get a second opinion.

Who knows more really? Joe Blow watching FoxNews saying "I want Celebrex and Viagra!!! Der!!" or his doctor who is well-studied and knows Joe's medical history? If the FDA felt that Joe Blow should have unrestricted access to a prescription drug, it would be on the store shelf.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2005
Anyone ever notice that none of the drugs advertised are ever cures? They're only treatments for chronic conditions. That way they sell more. I guess that's just the way the ball bounces.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: zendari
Advertising brings in more revenue due to increased sales. Why shouldn't they advertise?

They shouldn't advertise prescription drugs, period. Its a tremendous waste of money. If doctors are doing their job, the advertising should have no effect on revenue.

Per the FDA and the drug companies, prescription drugs are only to be taken under a doctor's care. Patients should not be demanding drugs because the TV said so. They should be going to their doctor and receiving his recommended treatment. If they don't like his treatment, they are free to get a second opinion.

Who knows more really? Joe Blow watching FoxNews saying "I want Celebrex and Viagra!!! Der!!" or his doctor who is well-studied and knows Joe's medical history? If the FDA felt that Joe Blow should have unrestricted access to a prescription drug, it would be on the store shelf.

My wife works in a pharmacy and she's always complaining about the little old ladies that go:
"No! I want the diabetes monitor that B.B. King uses!"
May 10, 2001
Anyone ever notice that none of the drugs advertised are ever cures? They're only treatments for chronic conditions. That way they sell more. I guess that's just the way the ball bounces.
i doubt that the creation of cures for diseases is being repressed so much as the incentive to cure symptoms is much more profitable and thus researched.
But you can create a sustained competitive advantage by creating a cure for something they are creating symptom-cures for, so competition takes care of these things.
Advertising brings in more revenue due to increased sales. Why shouldn't they advertise?
1.) these people arn't selling anything but a sugar pill
2.) advertising prescription medicine should only be allowed when there is competition in the market.

When there's only one drug for a particular aliment advertisement is only going to get people to take the drug that don't need it.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Last Rezort
So im walking by a tv at work a min. ago and i see an add.
Diet failure is not your fault. Cortizol will help you.
Anyways to cut to the chase it basicly says that, its not your fault for not keeping up with your diet, just your fault for not buying our pills.

I say we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
Bush, you start.

Shhh... Personal responsibility isn't something the left seems to want people to embrace. It'd make them less dependent on gov't.;)

Oh, and nice try with the Bush thing - however it shows that instead of true personal responsibility - you wish to see others take responsibility. True personal responsibility starts with yourself. Bush is a leader - is taking responsibility for his leadership. Just because you want him to say he was wrong doesn't mean he has to do that just to take responsibility.


The "Left"? The right wing religious nuts are the ones who wish to put the government in everyones lives. The Republicans are the ones who support bigger, more intrusive government.
Furthermore, Bush has utterly failed to take responsibility for the fact that Iraq was an unjustfied war. People are dying because of it.

Yes, the right does it too. How many people are dependent on government contracting jobs? If you work for a defense contractor, you gotta love republicans and hate the democrats that pull funding for the job you were dependent on!

I care more about these guys telling the truth though. An honest Bush would say things like this:

"Hey. I know you people just got attacked, but you see a lot of my buddies have really been itching to take this Hussein guy out since a long time ago. He's in the same neighborhood as Osama. So why don't we just swing on over since we'll be in the neighborhood anyway? On the plus side, the place has got a lot of oil. After he's gone, nobody will be around to stop us from just whooping in there and grabbing some. You know you need it!"

" I know the medicare bill just subsidizes pharmaceutical companies. But hey, those guys help pay my campaign bills! Gotta do the tit for tat."

"Yeah I know my social security plan won't solve the problem with social security. Hey, though, my banking buddies can make a lot of money off those private accounts. They pay my campaign bills too ya know?"

"They don't hate our freedom. I think they hate our oil gluttony though"

"My daddy doesn't think invading Iraq is a good idea. Not like I read his book though." (A World Transformed)


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: NeenerNeener
Yes, the right does it too. How many people are dependent on government contracting jobs? If you work for a defense contractor, you gotta love republicans and hate the democrats that pull funding for the job you were dependent on!

If you want to keep a government contract you'd better be living and breathing neocon rhetoric or keep your mouth shut. No middle ground.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Furthermore, Bush has utterly failed to take responsibility for the fact that Iraq was an unjustfied war. People are dying because of it.

Again, your opinion does not make it fact. Just because you think it was unjustified doesn't mean that Bush hasn't taken responsibility for it.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Furthermore, Bush has utterly failed to take responsibility for the fact that Iraq was an unjustfied war. People are dying because of it.

Again, your opinion does not make it fact. Just because you think it was unjustified doesn't mean that Bush hasn't taken responsibility for it.


You sure about that? Everything I've seen lately is pointing the finger at "bad intelligence". Perhaps our intelligence sources really dropped the ball, I don't know. But I do know that we invaded Iraq based on WMDs that weren't really there, and as commander in chief, Bush has NOT taken responsibility, and the blame has instead been sort of placed on our intelligence services. Maybe it is deserved, but Bush has certainly not taken responsibility for it.