pillage2001 Lifer Sep 18, 2000 14,038 1 81 Jan 4, 2001 #1 What's this new feature in the forums?? The system Rig?? What is it for??
B bigbootydaddy Banned Sep 14, 2000 5,820 0 0 Jan 4, 2001 #2 read. its so you can lists your cpu configs and blah equipment...makes a link.
H HoopDogg Banned May 30, 2000 563 0 0 Jan 4, 2001 #3 you're allowed up to 10 different rigs programmed in I believe lots of cool features (tho I prolly wont use it)
you're allowed up to 10 different rigs programmed in I believe lots of cool features (tho I prolly wont use it)