People, as least those that are sensible, will buy whatever gives them the most performance for the money. Right now, that's what you get with Intel. In four months, the pendulum may swing back to AMD...or it may not...we will have wait and see.
It's hard not to give Intel a serious look right now...particularly when you get get a 2.4GHz system for $140 (processor) + $115 (motherboard) = $255, if you already got the memory. Moreover, this is achieved with the stock, quiet Intel heatsink.
Intel couldn't be competitive part because their processors cost so much to produce. However, now that they dropped their production costs from $100 to <=$55 per processor (according to Cnet and other sites), they can afford to compete with AMD to some extent. The 2.2GHz P4, which will overclock from 2.8GHz to 3.1GHz, will drop to $220 online in late May. The 2.4 will debut then, and it may overclock to 3.2GHz; moreover, the 2.4 should be $220 itself by late July, and the 2.2A should cost about the same as 1.6A's do now. In July, Intel will debut the 2.53GHz P4 at $500, and it should drop to $220 by which time the 2.4A's (oc'able to 3.2GHz?) should be the same price as 1.6A's are now. It looks like this cycle will repeat over and over...from 2.6GHz to 2.8GHz to 3.0GHz to 3.2Ghz and beyond.
When many here are buying the 1.6A, they're probably thinking..."I'll get the 1.6A for $140 and run it at 2400...and then get the 2400 when it hits $140 and run it at 3200...or maybe get the 2.8A when it drops to $150 and overclock it to 3600MHz."