Switched my HTPC case, now computer won't boot


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
When I first tried to power on the system the power supply that came with the case would give a 1/4 second or so buzz and then turn off. Fan wouldn't spin up or anything. Subsequent power up attempts would do nothing. I'd have to unplug the PS to get it to repeat the symptom

I figured the power supply was bad so I switched it out with the one I'd been using before. With this PS I got absolutely nothing.

Well, maybe it's the switch. So I drag my old case over and hook the switch plug from it to the motherboard. Nothing

Clear the CMOS? Nope, doesn't help

All the standoffs are in the right places so it can't be a short.

The power LED on the board is on so it's definitely getting power.

I'm at a complete loss here. The system was fine until I transfered it to a new case and I've made no changes to it.

BTW, I'm kind of an idiot sometimes and when I put it together the first time I accidentally plugged the 6 pin PCI-e plug into the 8 pin ATX12V plug. I wouldn't assume I did any damage since the system never powered on. What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Well, nevermind. I did what I was hoping to avoid. Remove everything from the case and hook it back up on the table. Once I did that it booted up fine. It was either a short or problem with one of my peripherals since I have none of them hooked up. Meh