Jun 27, 2005

It can't be filibustered either.

This is a good thing on so many levels. Obviously it's fantastic for Alaska and Alaskans but it's also a good thing for America. What's more, there is a provision in the bill that keeps all the oil domestic. When it's up and running it will cut our reliance on ME oil by almost half.

"But you wont see a drop of that oil for 10 years..." So what? We should have been drilling up there 15 years ago. And adding a new spur to the pipeline + construction = JOBS!!! Good paying jobs at that.

*happy dance*


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy

It can't be filibustered either.

This is a good thing on so many levels. Obviously it's fantastic for Alaska and Alaskans but it's also a good thing for America. What's more, there is a provision in the bill that keeps all the oil domestic. When it's up and running it will cut our reliance on ME oil by almost half.

"But you wont see a drop of that oil for 10 years..." So what? We should have been drilling up there 15 years ago. And adding a new spur to the pipeline + construction = JOBS!!! Good paying jobs at that.

*happy dance*

So instead of around 7-8%, we'll get around 3.5-4% from the Middle East?

Ok, in a non-cynical note, I suppose it's good news. Personally, I'm more interested in the possibility of a few new nuclear plants.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy

It can't be filibustered either.

This is a good thing on so many levels. Obviously it's fantastic for Alaska and Alaskans but it's also a good thing for America. What's more, there is a provision in the bill that keeps all the oil domestic. When it's up and running it will cut our reliance on ME oil by almost half.

"But you wont see a drop of that oil for 10 years..." So what? We should have been drilling up there 15 years ago. And adding a new spur to the pipeline + construction = JOBS!!! Good paying jobs at that.

*happy dance*

So instead of around 7-8%, we'll get around 3.5-4% from the Middle East?

Ok, in a non-cynical note, I suppose it's good news. Personally, I'm more interested in the possibility of a few new nuclear plants.

Agreed, think the public is less afraid of Nuclear Power than it was a decade ago...


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy

It can't be filibustered either.

This is a good thing on so many levels. Obviously it's fantastic for Alaska and Alaskans but it's also a good thing for America. What's more, there is a provision in the bill that keeps all the oil domestic. When it's up and running it will cut our reliance on ME oil by almost half.

"But you wont see a drop of that oil for 10 years..." So what? We should have been drilling up there 15 years ago. And adding a new spur to the pipeline + construction = JOBS!!! Good paying jobs at that.

*happy dance*

So instead of around 7-8%, we'll get around 3.5-4% from the Middle East?

Ok, in a non-cynical note, I suppose it's good news. Personally, I'm more interested in the possibility of a few new nuclear plants.

Same here. I'd also like to see the price of solar panels fall.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Our children's children's children will utter our names as a curse, we the greatest pigs who ever lived.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Our children's children's children will utter our names as a curse, we the greatest pigs who ever lived.
But if the oil is there, you KNOW people are gonna want to get at it.

it was only a matter of time... :(



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Thank god they finally opened it up, it should've been done years ago.



Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy

When it's up and running it will cut our reliance on ME oil by almost half.

I didn't see that. I saw at peak it will be 1 million barrels a day....in 2025.
By then other domestic supplies will have dwindled and we will be importing more oil than ever before(not in the link).



Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
Thank god they finally opened it up, it should've been done years ago.


Yup, to hell with national parks so long as you can drive your SUV.


Nov 11, 1999
Heh. So how much oil is there under ANWR?

Estimates range from 2-15 billion barrels... only about half of which is recoverable with current technology...

Current US consumption is approaching 7 billion barrels/ year...

So even the most optimistic estimates are merely a year's supply... with total world depletion theoretically occurring in ~50 years...

Why are we in such a hurry to deplete our own reserves of what is and will continue to be a strategic resource? Is there some good reason to consume our own resources as quickly as possible, like a business liquidation sale?

Drilling and refining it now just means we'll be even more dependent on foreign sources down the road...


Jul 25, 2002
Note to self - buy gas hog in 2015, sell it in 2016.

Why don't we just pump it dry and eat Santa's raindeer ?



Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Heh. So how much oil is there under ANWR?

Estimates range from 2-15 billion barrels... only about half of which is recoverable with current technology...

Current US consumption is approaching 7 billion barrels/ year...

So even the most optimistic estimates are merely a year's supply... with total world depletion theoretically occurring in ~50 years...

Why are we in such a hurry to deplete our own reserves of what is and will continue to be a strategic resource? Is there some good reason to consume our own resources as quickly as possible, like a business liquidation sale?

Drilling and refining it now just means we'll be even more dependent on foreign sources down the road...

I read on MSNBC, I believe, that there's 95% certainty that there is 4.25 billion barrels that are recoverable. Anymore than that and you're looking at some pretty low likelihoods though.

*edit* Here's their little Q&A.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Is there some good reason to consume our own resources as quickly as possible, like a business liquidation sale?

Yes. Think of the poor, thirsty SUVs. Their LONG commutes from the 'burbs. Their insatiable thirst. Just think of the SUVs for christmas' sake!


Aug 24, 2004
Another pristine piece of land being trashed. We humans are a disgrace. From chopping down forests to drilling in pure territory, we are destroying mother earth. I could care less about a few months of oil. Mother nature to me is the most important thing.

They say that your health is the reason you are able to do your job and make money, well earth is the reason we are able to do anything. If we don't stop destroying it each single day, there will be huge consequences.


Dec 12, 2003
Heh. Silly Republicans, cheering because they can destroy the environment AND drive their SUVs another year.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Originally posted by: raildogg
Another pristine piece of land being trashed. We humans are a disgrace. From chopping down forests to drilling in pure territory, we are destroying mother earth. I could care less about a few months of oil. Mother nature to me is the most important thing.

They say that your health is the reason you are able to do your job and make money, well earth is the reason we are able to do anything. If we don't stop destroying it each single day, there will be huge consequences.




Senior member
Mar 2, 2005
Yep, $cr3w the earth. You get to drive your escalade for another six months.
Jun 27, 2005
You guys and your six months... get real. If that were the case Prudhoe would have dried up decades ago. It's the single dumbest reason ever given for not drilling there. Get over it. ANWR will be pumping for DECADES!!! What's more it will give this state a huge boost. Jobs, lease royalties, oil royalties... Life is good.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
You guys and your six months... get real. If that were the case Prudhoe would have dried up decades ago. It's the single dumbest reason ever given for not drilling there. Get over it. ANWR will be pumping for DECADES!!! What's more it will give this state a huge boost. Jobs, lease royalties, oil royalties... Life is good.

But the total impact is still only 6 months to a year supply of oil.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
You guys and your six months... get real. If that were the case Prudhoe would have dried up decades ago. It's the single dumbest reason ever given for not drilling there. Get over it. ANWR will be pumping for DECADES!!! What's more it will give this state a huge boost. Jobs, lease royalties, oil royalties... Life is good.

But the total impact is still only 6 months to a year supply of oil.

It will be the first or second largest oil field in the US (depending on the actual size of the reserves).
1. Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 13+ billion barrels
2. East Texas 6.0 billion barrels
3. Wilmington, California 2.8 billion barrels
4. Kuparuk River, Alaska 2.6 billion barrels
5. Midway-Sunset, California 2.2 billion barrels
6. Kern River, California 1.95 billion barrels
7. Yates, West Texas 1.95 billion barrels
8. Wasson, Texas 1.8 billion barrels
9. Elk Hills, California 1.5 billion barrels
10. Panhandle, Texas 1.4 billion barrels

It's potentially double the size of the current #2 oil field in the US. It may be one of the 20 largest fields in the world. It's not small potatoes. You can't just dismiss it as a drop in the bucket. This is a significant field and will have an impact on domestic oil supplies.



Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
You guys and your six months... get real. If that were the case Prudhoe would have dried up decades ago. It's the single dumbest reason ever given for not drilling there. Get over it. ANWR will be pumping for DECADES!!! What's more it will give this state a huge boost. Jobs, lease royalties, oil royalties... Life is good.

But the total impact is still only 6 months to a year supply of oil.

It will be the first or second largest oil field in the US (depending on the actual size of the reserves).
1. Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 13+ billion barrels
2. East Texas 6.0 billion barrels
3. Wilmington, California 2.8 billion barrels
4. Kuparuk River, Alaska 2.6 billion barrels
5. Midway-Sunset, California 2.2 billion barrels
6. Kern River, California 1.95 billion barrels
7. Yates, West Texas 1.95 billion barrels
8. Wasson, Texas 1.8 billion barrels
9. Elk Hills, California 1.5 billion barrels
10. Panhandle, Texas 1.4 billion barrels

It's potentially double the size of the current #2 oil field in the US. It's not small potatoes. You can't just dismiss it as a drop in the bucket. This is a significant field and will have an impact on domestic oil supplies.

The most realistic estimates would put it at #3. Anymore is very unlikely (5% chance of more).

And I'm not really sure anyone is really arguing that it is small potatoes, but more like pretty meaningless as a whole. Your article states that ANWR will allow us to depend on 64% of foreign oil instead of 68% by 2025, an increase no matter what.

The truth is, ANWR is a baind-aid, and very far from a fix. The United States consumes billions of barrels of oil every day, so 4.25 in the long run isn't that spectacular.


Nov 11, 1999
My point still stands, whoozyerdaddy-

The ancient Easter Islanders were a seafaring people. They cut down every last tree on their island, making canoes, leaving themselves impoverished and stranded on that one island... maybe we should cut down somebody else's trees.... save a few of our own, just in case we might need 'em later...

Orr is this just an extension of the James Watt school of conservation- might as well use it up now, because we won't need it when the end times come?


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
"But you wont see a drop of that oil for 10 years..." So what? We should have been drilling up there 15 years ago. And adding a new spur to the pipeline + construction = JOBS!!! Good paying jobs at that.
Glad you enjoy permanently sh8ing in your own yard while pissing into the wind, just to recover a grand total of a couple of years of oil consumption at current rates.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates:
The range of potential is from 5.7 to 16.0 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil (the 95 percent to 5 percent probability range).
U.S. oil consumption is almost 20 million barrels per day!. Assuming the best case estimate of recovering 16 billion barrels, that's only about a 750 day supply, and as you so casually note, it won't even be available for ten years.

All those so-called "good paying jobs" won't buy anyone any oil anytime soon, if ever, although I'm sure Halliburton will pocket yet more big time bucks. That's a freaking crock of sh8! :|