Sweet P4 2.53 C1 @ 3220MHz!!! ***Update***


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
I finally landed a C1 to play with! :) So far so good @ 3220MHz / 1.70v. I still need to torture it more over the next couple of days, but I have been finding that once 3 stable runs of Codecreatures Benchmark Pro can be completed in a row, the system will take pretty much anything else thrown at it. ;) It is very helpful for quickly finding stability points to start with.

Test Rig

P4 2.53 C1 SL6DW Costa Rica
512MB PC2700 Kingston Value RAM (Winbond BH-6 chips)
Antec TruePower 550
Radeon 9700 Pro (NOT OC'ed)
2 ATA133 7200RPM 40GB Maxtors (RAID0 Highpoint 374)
Acoustic Edge
ATi PCI TV Wonder
Lite-On 48x Burner
Pioneer 16x Slot Load DVD
WinXP Pro

Custom waterblock with BlackIce Xtreme radiator, 500GPH Danner pump, and BayRes reservoir.


3220.40 MHz
169.49 MHz FSB

Vcore: 1.70v
VDIMM: 2.9v

Memory: 452 MHz 2-7-3-3 (Enhanced)

Sandra 2003

CPU: 8336/1854/4204
MM: 12838/16316
MEM: 3414/3419
Cache & Memory Benchmark

3DMark2000: 17162
3DMark2001: 16472


CPU: 7949
MEM: 7952
HDD: 1461

Codecreatures Benchmark Pro: 3119

Hexus Pifast: 65.78 Seconds

Prime95 running along as I type..... Will post as stable after a 24 hour run......

More to come........ :)

Gaming Benchmarks: (Will post as completed)

UT 2003

800x600: Flyby: 240 FPS BotMatch: 73 FPS
1024x768: Flyby: 222 FPS BotMatch: 73 FPS
1280x960: Flyby: 173 FPS BotMatch 72 FPS
1600x1200: Flyby: 117 FPS BotMatch: 69 FPS

Quake3 Arena

--------------------- Q3Bench RESULTS ---------------------

FILE: q3b_012503_213551.txt
START TIME: Saturday, January 25, 2003 09:35:51 PM
COMMENT: No Comment

DEMO: Quaver
CFG FILES RUN: Normal High Maximum
RESOLUTIONS RUN: 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200
NUMBER OF RUNS: 1 times.

NORMAL Configuration File Settings:
(640x480) 296.5,
(1024x768) 291.4,
(1280x1024) 270.6,
(1600x1200) 214.3,

HIGH Configuration File Settings:
(800x600) 293.8,
(1024x768) 291.7,
(1280x1024) 270.7,
(1600x1200) 214.5,

MAX Configuration File Settings:
(800x600) 285.9,
(1024x768) 282.1,
(1280x1024) 242.5,
(1600x1200) 176.1,



Golden Member
Jun 13, 2002
Wow...nice oc there Technonut, and that's a darn fine chip ya got there...;):D


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000

Congratulations - on landing that nice C1 and OC

Hum - 2X40Gb Raid - Sounds familiar ;)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
Thanks all..... :) I know that there are others pulling 3.3-3.4GHz OCs out there, but I am very satisfied. (For the moment :p ) I think I will call it a day, do some overnight DVD2SVCD, and give the Wife some attention... :D

jhites: Those be the very ones..... ;)

Toymaker: I would not trade the IT7 for any other P4 board around at this time. (Not even a GB)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
Do C1s cost the same? To lazy to try and look
No, there is no retail or OEM price difference if you locate a C1 yourself. However, there are very few places that will guarantee a C1 stepping. Many have ordered from Newegg only to find they received a B0 stepping. The places that do guarantee a C1 stepping usually will charge a premium over retail price.

Keep an eye out in the For Sale Forum for traders with a good reputation selling C1 steppings. That is where I purchased mine. ;)

The catch is, even if you get a C1, it may or may not OC any better than the B0.

EDIT: BTW folks, I am using DVD2SVCD right now with Prime95 running along with F-Secure Antivirus, Norton Internet Security, and all of my other background apps smooth as silk. Do you think it's stable? :p


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 1999
What's the default voltage for the 2.53 C1 ??

Is 1.7 abit high ??

What's your cpu temp ?



Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
Originally posted by: jose
What's the default voltage for the 2.53 C1 ??

Is 1.7 abit high ??

What's your cpu temp ?

The default is 1.525v. No, I don't think that 1.70v is too high since Intel specs call for a maximum of 1.75v.

I have been running full load since yesterday, and my temp right now is showing as 49.5C. The IT7 reads 8-11C higher than reported, so without my probe installed just shave 5C minimum from that.... 44.5C.



Jan 13, 2003
Originally posted by: SpeedyGonzales
Is the 2.53 P4 by default a C1 stepping ?


In case you missed the 2.40/2.66 thread:

There are seven different 2.53s, all having the designation SL6xx. Four are B0s (EV, D8, 85 and 82) and three are C1 (S2, EG and DW).


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Techno....Is that 1.7v set in bios or exactual as reported by some monitoring program??? I ask cause I though the abits undervolted A BIT (get it!!!)...Joking aside I am just wondering if this is actual vcore being deliver idle...Also list vcore swing if you don't mind between idle and full load....

I mean I set my board at 1.775v to get 1.71v idle and it drops to 1.66v under full load in prime95...Also I set vdimm to 2.7v and I get 2.72v


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
Techno....Is that 1.7v set in bios or exactual as reported by some monitoring program??? I ask cause I though the abits undervolted A BIT (get it!!!)...Joking aside I am just wondering if this is actual vcore being deliver idle...Also list vcore swing if you don't mind between idle and full load....
I had to set it to 1.75v in the BIOS to get an actual 1.70v idle. Yes, under full load the voltage will drop anywhere from .025-.05v, so it is actually running below 1.70v under full load.

EDIT: The BIOS VDIMM setting is also undervolting. When set at 2.8v, the Winbond HW Monitor reports 2.75v.

I have been working since yesterday afternoon to find how far this processor will go at close to default Vcore. I am pleased with the results, and will post my findings shortly....


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
I had some time to fool around yesterday, (lazy Sunday afternoon ;) ) and thought that I should see how much I could push the C1 at close to default Vcore. (1.525v) The results were quite good IMO:


3068.40 MHz
161.49 MHz FSB

Under 100% load running Prime95, DVD2SVCD, and all background apps at the same time, the Vcore floated between 1.52-1.54v :)

This of course had me thinking about the value of running 3220MHz @ 1.70v instead of the lower, cooler voltage. How much performance would I actually be losing?

Sandra 2003

CPU: 7872/1775/4001
MM: 12221/15542
MEM: 3234/3239

Memory: 428MHz 2-7-3-3 (Enhanced)

3DMark2000: 16462
3DMark2001: 16154


CPU: 7565
MEM: 7635
HDD: 1358

Codecreatures Benchmark Pro: 3116

Hexus Pifast: 68.91 Seconds


Gaming Benchmarks:

UT 2003

800x600: Flyby: 230 FPS BotMatch: 70 FPS
1024x768: Flyby: 215 FPS BotMatch: 69 FPS
1280x960: Flyby: 172 FPS BotMatch: 69 FPS
1600x1200: Flyby: 117 FPS BotMatch: 66 FPS

Quake3 Arena

--------------------- Q3Bench RESULTS ---------------------

FILE: q3b_012603_174446.txt
START TIME: Sunday, January 26, 2003 05:44:46 PM
COMMENT: 3.06GHz Default Vcore

DEMO: Quaver
CFG FILES RUN: Normal High Maximum
RESOLUTIONS RUN: 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200
NUMBER OF RUNS: 1 times.

NORMAL Configuration File Settings:
(640x480) 285.1,
(1024x768) 279.8,
(1280x1024) 263.4,
(1600x1200) 213.1,

HIGH Configuration File Settings:
(800x600) 281.2,
(1024x768) 278.8,
(1280x1024) 262.4,
(1600x1200) 213.1,

MAX Configuration File Settings:
(800x600) 273.1,
(1024x768) 270.7,
(1280x1024) 238.7,
(1600x1200) 175.7,

As you can see, (as expected) there is still very good performance compared to running @ 3220 MHz. ;)
I am impressed with this OC at close to default Vcore, and have run Prime95 the entire time non-stop while using DVD2SVCD for one DVD, Screenshot looped 3DMark2001 for awhile, and ran UT (original) set as spectator with 16 Bots, a heavy map, and completed a 999 frag limit.

EDIT: The system has been bullet-proof stable at the above Vcore / speed for 24 Hours now.... :)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
NICE! What a board and Chip! Gotta get me one of those CHips!!
Thanks PJ... :) I hope you can find one.

This is indeed a great C1. ;) I shut down Prime95 after 36 Hours+ @ 3068 MHz, and felt cocky enough to jump it up to: 3125.4 MHz / 164.5 MHz FSB without increasing the Vcore. I went straight to Codecreatures Benchmark Pro and promptly failed. :( Prime95 still ran like a champ though, so I bumped the voltage up one notch...... Good news! Everything is smooth as silk so far.

CPUZ Screenshot

As you can see the Vcore is at a very comfortable 1.552v under full load. :) I am going for at least 36 more hours of Prime95, 3DMark2001 looping, games, and DVD2SVCD before I can call it 100% stable, but it is looking good so far.

If I can maintain this speed/Vcore, I think that I will leave it alone.... (Does anyone think that I can?? :p )