ah yes, thanks. xorg.config.saxsave was the old one. replaced it with the modified one and badabing, i'm back in suse.
Now I have to see what I did wrong while following ATI's Online Instructions the last time
Ok, so I'm using ./ati-driver-installer-8.14.13.run command to open the file (apprently ATI hasn't updated it's instructions since 8.18 came out so I edited to cmd to: ./ati-driver-installer-8.18.8-x86_64.run which is the filename that was downloaded form the ATI site. even logged in as root, I still get "Permission denied"
I may be new to linux, but isn't root the ultimate privaledge? As if there are certain features that must be enabled per user, how to I set root as a super user? (why isn't it already?)
I think last time, to get around this, i used sh ati-driver-installer-8.18.8-x86_64.run to open it. m'bad?
online instructions