SuperOrb on Athlon 1GHZ?


Dec 4, 2000
Whats up guys.. I just wanted to get some of those wonderful opinions that are floating around. I purchased an athlon 800@1Ghz and haven't set it up yet.. I also purchased a SuperOrb for my HSF but I've heard things lately that been unsettling.. such as broken cores and high temps (or falsely measured temps) Should I bail on this HSF and buy a FOP-32 or should I just deal with it? Thanks.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
performance on a super-orb is "over-read' by the mb. They appear to run cooler than they are.

This isn't to say it won't run at 1ghz. it should be okay. But be careful mounting it.



Senior member
Dec 21, 2000
There is alot of bad-mouthing of SuperOrbs that goes on here at Anandtech forums. Dunno whether it's warranted or not, every review says something different. At any rate, I have a 900mhz Athlon Tbird Running at 990 w/ Seti@Home full time along with all my other apps, and my machine never crashes.

Oh yeah, people also say it won't fit on an Abit KT7 motherboard, but it fits just fine. Everyone tries to put it on backwards. Just face the clip TOWARDS the capacitors and you're good to go. Maybe an older revision of the mb had problems?

My VIA hardware monitor says my system is currently running at 95 degrees fahrenheit. I don't know if that's 'mis-read' or not, but that's what it says.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
It isn't bad-mouthing. the nature of the orb-style heatsinks is that their airflow forces air underneath the socket- causing mis-reads by socket-thermistors. I will have updated tests that should more than confirm this(done with p3 socket-thermistor versus internal diode testing).

And every single review of the Super-orb has been done with a socket-thermistor mb. Read the link in my sig. EVERY SINGLE SOCKET A HEATSINK REVIEW that is done on a socket-thermistor MB is absolutely wrong. They are inaccurate, compressed readings. Don't believe me? Read the site in my sig to find out more.

In order for your supposed 95F temp to be correct, would require an ambient case temp of 10C(or 50F). Chances are, if your case is the average case, your cpu is running well into the 50s C.



Senior member
Dec 21, 2000
I didn't mean you specifically (badmouthing) Mike. I just read alot of negative posts here about ThermalTake coolers. I don't agree or disagree, I don't have enough data or knowledge to make a complete decision. All I know is the results I'm getting.

I did read the link in your signature, although it's pretty hard since all the images are broken. You appear to have good points but your solutions page doesn't really give any solutions other than 'wait for our upcoming tests', which I guess we'll have to trust you that they'll be better than everyone else's.

Additionally, I'm not sure we helped Cosmic make a decision. From reading your page it looks like all HSFs will exhibit 'over-read' unless proper precations are taken to ensure a correct read. I'm sure this is true but I think he wants to know if the SuperOrb sucks or not. And since it's the only socket HSF I've ever used I have nothing to compare it to.

PS - Mike, I'm not taking potshots at you; I just see a TON of conflicting information and obviously the HSF (and motherboard) market has some shaking out to do before we start getting accurate temperature readings from our processors. Cheers.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Pictures are up now if you want to see them. guess I forget to upload those when I switched the page over.

The Super-orb over-exhibits the over-read situation. So while reviews say it matches pal6035/fop38, i would personally say that core temp wise, it doesn't.

The reason I have no other solutions to recommend, until I have the time to put together something myself, I have nothing to go by. But to attack me(a college student, may I add) for not providing a solution(not you, responding to many people) is kinda petty, since I neither have the funds nor the time that a site like Anandtech or Tomshardware can provide. To require that I come up with the funds out of my own pocket(and I make NO money from the page) is kinda ridiculous when it should be these big, multimillion dollar websites striving to find a better solution. It SHOULDN"T be up to 2cooltek to figure something out, but it looks like it may turn out that way.

I am working on something to do some testing on my own. Until then, i would wait and see what 2cooltek comes up for his results. If his results are incorrect, or something is wrong with his methodology, then I will post it. Until then, I will continue to say that his "new" testing method is the best thing i've seen yet.

And as far as ensuring a correct-read, that's impossible to do. One thing you can do is ot determine your own theoretical temp, and compare it to your read temp.



Senior member
Dec 21, 2000

Hi remember me? Look, no one is trying to attack you. The point being brought up is that some of us have posted to this site for opinions on which HSF to buy. A "I have no suggestion but don't believe anyone's tests" is not the answer any of us are looking for. Your responses end up changing the whole tone of the thread, destroying the purpose for posting.........gee like this one. No one disputes your findings; any one with half the HSF knowledge as you have (this would be me) could have figured that out just by reading each article. Regardless, from all of the postings you have made thus far I think we all get the picture: The current tests are flawed and if we need more info, we should check out your page. I don't care about the testing, I just need to know which HSF should I get? Hedgehog w/ 37 CFM Fan ($50), Alpha PAL6035 w/ 37 CFM Fan ($30), or the SuperOrb ($24)? Those are huge price differences. Since you are a student and understandably find it difficult to come up with the $$$ for your own tests, you of all people should understand the real concern here. Are any of these HSF combo's worth the money? If so which one? If you can't directly answer this question, then don't post. The question is do we need to know of the inaccurate tests? Yes. Do we need to know this on almost all of the messages posted for HSF suggestions? HELL NO!!


Senior member
Dec 21, 2000

I apologize if I came across as attacking you. I certainly did not intend that. I thought the "PS" in my message made that clear but apparently not.

Please do not take it personally.



Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999

Then maybe you friggin' forget me recommending the taisol CGK742092. And I constantly recommend this heatsink. YOu get PAL Level performance for $20 someodd dollars. Much better performance than the S-orb and certainly a better value. If you fail to read me recommending the taisol's, then it is your friggin' problem, not mine.


It is a response more to people like Schuang who feel the need to require me to do my own testing. I thought I posted in my last one that it wasn't directed at you. Just a lot of frustration boiled up.

All is cool between is :D.



Dec 4, 2000
Wow, what have I done! heh ... anyways.. I'm sure the Orb will perform OK, I'm just worried about the installation and removal (if I have to). I don't want a broken core. If the FOP-32 is much safer and easier to install, I'll buy it.. all I want to know is if you think it is worth the hassle to have to resell my SOrb and wait a week for the FOP-32? In other words.. is all this SOrb fear a little hyped?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
The fear is a tad-hyped, the performance is definately hyped, but the FOP series is notorious for really hard to work clips.

If you want an easy clip heatsink with really good performance take a look at the Taisol CGK742092.



Dec 4, 2000
Yeah, I wanted that Taisol, but it doesn't fit the MSI K7T PRO 2A... oh well, I'll just stick with the Sorb I think.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Oooh, big man hiding his info and e-mail.

Who do you work for, Anandtech or Thermaltake? Are you guys upset because i'm revealing the truth behind the sham testing, or revealing the truth behind the sham testing that makes your heatsinks look better than it actually is?



Senior member
Dec 29, 2000

which heatsink would you recommend for the K7T Pro2 since the one from Taisol doesn't fit on this board (and is almost not available here in Germany)?

Thanks. :)


Sep 5, 2000
The cracked cores camemostly from people trying to fit coolers made for p3's on their T'birds (The G'orb was notorious for this). The S'orb and C'orb were designed for socket A and will work fine as. There are better coolers, but unless you are ready to try massive overclocking you won't notice the difference.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999

YOu mean until you can actually measure temp accurately, you won't know a difference ;).


Can you get an alpha pAL6035 or an FOP series heatsink? I'd get those, they both perform very nicely.



Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
Yes, the Alpha's and the Global Win heatsinks are widely available in fact I already used an old PAL6035 and a FKP32 on my old Socket7 systems. While the FKP32 performed great, its clip was a pain to use and eventually broke when I tried to remove the heatsink for the third or fourth time overall (luckily the CPU was a K6-2 with its metal plate and no SocketA-CPU). On the other side, the PAL's clip was very weak and resulted in a not-so-good cooling performance. But I heard they improved the clip on the new PAL6035. Anyway, I wonder whether I need better cooling at all...what do you think? (I would like to hear your opinion because you seem to have some knowledge in this area...)
I have a K7T Pro2 with an T-Bird 800 (not overclocked and I don't want to overclock it in the future) and a Coolermaster HSF (CF5-5G11). The temp sensors (if there are sensors at all...!?!) show me

38-40°C CPU
28-30°C Case

Full load (looping 3DMark 2000 for several hours at maximum settings to heat up my GeForce DDR as well):
43-46°C CPU
30-33°C Case

Thanks! :)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
its a bit warm, but its up to you how much you want to overclock to determine what kind of heatsink you may want to get, or to stick with your own.

MSI k7t pro2a, from readings, appears to read a bit low. 10-12C, usually, but i'm still trying to find out where it reads temps from.



Dec 4, 2000
Well.. it turns out that the Super Orb saga has resulted in the most horrible outcome.. cracked core!! Yup, dead CPU with SOrb and very little force! I am so damned frustrated.. what is with these bastard cores being so sensitive and crap HSF companies who can't make it easy?!? Anyway.. looks like a new core for me and DEFINATELY a new HSF. I'm terrified to put on any HSF, I'm gonna try the FOP-32 I think, maybe even the Alpha PAL6035..


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Well, remember that no Thermaltake cooler is on the amd approved heatsink list. Hmmm... I wonder why...

(i'm sure thermaltake PR will have something to say about this).
