Pictures are up now if you want to see them. guess I forget to upload those when I switched the page over.
The Super-orb over-exhibits the over-read situation. So while reviews say it matches pal6035/fop38, i would personally say that core temp wise, it doesn't.
The reason I have no other solutions to recommend, until I have the time to put together something myself, I have nothing to go by. But to attack me(a college student, may I add) for not providing a solution(not you, responding to many people) is kinda petty, since I neither have the funds nor the time that a site like Anandtech or Tomshardware can provide. To require that I come up with the funds out of my own pocket(and I make NO money from the page) is kinda ridiculous when it should be these big, multimillion dollar websites striving to find a better solution. It SHOULDN"T be up to 2cooltek to figure something out, but it looks like it may turn out that way.
I am working on something to do some testing on my own. Until then, i would wait and see what 2cooltek comes up for his results. If his results are incorrect, or something is wrong with his methodology, then I will post it. Until then, I will continue to say that his "new" testing method is the best thing i've seen yet.
And as far as ensuring a correct-read, that's impossible to do. One thing you can do is ot determine your own theoretical temp, and compare it to your read temp.