Superb Business Idea. I will insult people for not achieving their goals!! L@@K


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Here is an idea I just had yesterday ( one of the millions of creative ideas); People will hire me to insult them and punish them for not achieving their goals. Basically I will be like a mommy, but a sadistic mommy. Say some dude in college is having a really really hard time studying and making good grades because he plays CS all day. Well he will hire my consulting services. We will work togather and set a goal. For example, 2 hours of studying = 1 hour of CS and atleast 2 Bs in the mid terms.

Now let's say he doesn't do that. I show up and insult the hell out of them. I will tell him stuff about his mom, even his mom didn't know. I will call him all sorts of names and demeaning things. I will bring a night stick with me and beat the crap out of him. This way, to avoid these insults and physical beatings, he will start achieving his goals.

This can work for anyone, not just students. So what should the hourly rate be?


Dec 8, 2003
They have the exact opposite thing in Japan. Guys who hang around on the street, and you pay them some yen for 60 seconds of absurd, overwhelming praise. They read it out of a little book. '

BTW- There are already million who do it for free, although they argue otherwise.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
OK, Vercetti, let's see wat choo got....

I have always wanted to diddle Jessica Alba , but no matter how many times I broke into her house, I just couldn't get the job done.