Super Tuesday 2004 Thread - Georgia: Edwards 48% Kerry 43% Edwards Announcing Dropping Out


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
3-2-2004 Howard Dean Finally Wins A State, His Own, He Wins Vermont 2 to 1

Howard Dean's home state voters handed him his only victory of the Democratic presidential season Tuesday, two weeks after he withdrew from a race he once appeared destined to dominate.

Vermont Democrats showed little concern that Dean withdrew from the race Feb. 18 after going winless in the first 17 contests, favoring their former governor by a 2-to-1 margin over front-runner John Kerry, exit polls showed.

John Kerry is stumping hard right now in downtown Atlanta.

John Edwards is 90 miles south in Macon. Edwards will then drive back to Atlanta later tonight and will be at the new Georgia Tech Conference Center for the Election results.

Edwards needs Georgia to stay alive is the sentiment.

Georgia is predicted to be the Florida this November because of the deep Job Losses that don't exist according to the AT experts.

Georgia has more registered women voters than men.



Senior member
Nov 12, 2003
dont worry Bush is goin to win the election. i still think Florida is goin to be the key state
georgia may be a battleground state but i dont think it will be like florida


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: xcalibir
dont worry Bush is goin to win the election. i still think Florida is goin to be the key state
georgia may be a battleground state but i dont think it will be like florida

Florida is still a lock for Bush because if his brother and other Cronies.

Georgia has been left behind and not happy about that.



Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
The winner of Ohio wins the election.

No Republican has ever won without Ohio.

Only twice has a Democrat won without it.....and this year wont be the 3rd time.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Ferocious
The winner of Ohio wins the election.

No Republican has ever won without Ohio.

Only twice has a Democrat won without it.....and this year wont be the 3rd time.

Depends on the south. I have two possible scenarios where kerry wins Ohio but loses the whole shooting match. But then again I don't think Ohio will fall on the (D) side this time around(especially with kerry getting the nod). Also, I think we have a good chance at putting the great state I live in - in the (R) column this time.:D



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
3-2-2004 Howard Dean Finally Wins A State, His Own, He Wins Vermont 2 to 1

Howard Dean's home state voters handed him his only victory of the Democratic presidential season Tuesday, two weeks after he withdrew from a race he once appeared destined to dominate.

Vermont Democrats showed little concern that Dean withdrew from the race Feb. 18 after going winless in the first 17 contests, favoring their former governor by a 2-to-1 margin over front-runner John Kerry, exit polls showed.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
WTF???? Stupid FoxNews is reporting still that Kerry has won Georgia. LOL
They still have the checkmark next to Kerry but show Edwards with the more votes....?????????????????


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Ferocious
The winner of Ohio wins the election.

No Republican has ever won without Ohio.

Only twice has a Democrat won without it.....and this year wont be the 3rd time.

Excuse my ignorance, but what's the significance of Ohio? Does it have an important role in the election process...or is this Ohio thing simply a statistical coincidence?



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Chadder007
WTF???? Stupid FoxNews is reporting still that Kerry has won Georgia. LOL
They still have the checkmark next to Kerry but show Edwards with the more votes....?????????????????

If he wins Georgia, is that enough for him to stay in???

Precincts Reporting: 19 of 3018 (1%)

John Edwards 42238 48%
John Kerry 38386 43%



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Chadder007
WTF???? Stupid FoxNews is reporting still that Kerry has won Georgia. LOL
They still have the checkmark next to Kerry but show Edwards with the more votes....?????????????????

If he wins Georgia, is that enough for him to stay in???

Precincts Reporting: 19 of 3018 (1%)

John Edwards 42238 48%
John Kerry 38386 43%

Not really, im sure he will drop but it seems like everyone is jumping the gun tonight.


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Ferocious
The winner of Ohio wins the election.

No Republican has ever won without Ohio.

Only twice has a Democrat won without it.....and this year wont be the 3rd time.

Excuse my ignorance, but what's the significance of Ohio? Does it have an important role in the election process...or is this Ohio thing simply a statistical coincidence?

Ohio is being fixated on by the pundits because it will have 20 electoral votes in 2004 which is about 7.4% of the total you need to win an election.

I think that people say that no Republican has won without Ohio or that Missouri has gone with the winner each election saved one is because these two states are a close reflection of the whole U.S. in terms of population dynamics. You have a couple of urban centers with large minority populations, battleground suburban areas outlining the big cities and more conservative outside the metropolitian areas. You have a mixture of industry and agriculture. The unions are a core base of the Democrats but there is also a large conservative religious population. It will be a battleground state. Gore spent nothing in Ohio in 2000 and lost by 4% or about 180,000 votes.
Because Ohio has been hard hit in manufacturing job losses and a sluggish economy, it will be a test to see if the Democrats can win this state.