Sunrocket Users...I need some help


Jun 13, 2000
I just signed up for Sunrocket and killed my subscription to the Packet8 service. The problem is that Packet8 shutdown my service today so I don't get billed for the month of January and I'll be without phone service at home in another 10 minutes.

Does anyone know what settings I need to get Sunrocket working with my unlocked Linksys PAP2? I just need the IP information and any config settings to get it working. I bought one back when they were free after rebates and I knew it'd come in handy. It's gonna be a week before I get the equipment from Sunrocket. Thanks-


loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
81 don't need the PAP2, the Gizmo is Sunrocket's phone adapter. Just plug it in (I recommend behind the router) and go.

Wait, now I'm confused, do you want to use the PAP2 instead of the Gizmo?

Ok, after reading it 3 times, I realize you want to get up and running with the PAP2 since you won't get the Gizmo for a week. D'oh, I'm slow.