I would love to know how you crippled a Xeon 600 that bad. and Lets remember the 64 Bit solaris Kernel is just that: a 64bit Kernel. most of the apps are 32bit. I have an Ultra1 that I ran as a production server for multiple things, and I can tell you that even with SunOS2.9 is stil BOOTED THE 32BIT KERNEL. Apparently the first Gen Ultra's weren't so good with 64 bit ops. Its faily obvious that in that(100~400) range sun has the advantage but to put it up against a Xeon600? Thats kinda nuts, please enlighten us with specifics about outperformance. Solaris x86 does in fact suck, it is a pain to install and seems to hate most of the machines I own, most surprisingly a BX/333 combo. It does look and act like solaris, albeit slower once its up. Its kinda nice to have a Packaged Unix on peecee hardware, in fact I'm trying to ween a friend off MS with it. He mistakenly believes Linux is not mature enough to use as a prod OS ::shudder::. In any event, it was great to just have when it was free, but if your company can't buy it... might not be worth it.