Suggestions for a gaming rig?


Junior Member
Mar 17, 2012
  • Current specs:
  • CPU: AMD Athlon 3800+ (dual core) @ 2 GHZ
  • RAM: DDR2 - 3 GB
  • Motherboard: Asus A8N-BR (Pyrite) (1 PCI, 2 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Video, LAN, IEEE-1394)
  • GPU: Nvidia gForce 6150 LE (I think)
  • Misc: This computer is a HP slimline (s7700n) -- you can see why I say I can't reuse parts.

  • - New system
  • Uses of the PC: Gaming (emulation and not), school use (word, power-point), internet browsing, downloading
  • Budget: About 1200 American dollars
  • Country buying from: USA (and I live in the USA)
  • Brand: no preference
  • Reusing-parts: I probably can't (see the description of my current slimline)
  • Overclocking: No
  • Resoultion: Up to HD (current monitor is 1680 x 1050, will get a HDMI compatible monitor)
  • When I plan to build: By the end of summer (i still need a few hundred more $$$)
Was wondering if I could get possible suggestions of parts. I have several things the computer should be able to do/have.


- USB 2.0 speeds that are minimum of 30 MB a second
- USB 3.0 speeds that are at lest 300+ MB/s [I do want a SSD eventually
- Firewire (and or eSata port) --- because I have a external hardrive that has both along with USB
- At lest a solid terabyte (1.5 TB)
- Has either a VGA or DVI port (current monitor I have has both)
- Also has support for HDMI (for the future monitor)
- Multicard reader (although I mainly need SD and Memory Pro Stick Duo)
- Able to use a PS3 controller AND A XBOX 360 controller (and it if possible all of Wii's main controllers)
- I would like a quad core, would hex make much difference in real performance?
- Multiple internal DVD drives (mostly to spend less time swapping discs when installing games).


- Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit) (Main OS) -- Mostly for languages
- Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit (if needed)
- Windows XP (if 64 bit won't run some of the games I have) (if needed)
- Folding@home (although I use my PS3 for that when I'm not using it)
- Able to run most games from DOS era on, probably high settings

Gaming Software:

- Will use steam:
-- Elder Scrolls
-- Portal 1 & 2
-- Batman Arkham (Asylum/City)
-- Sonic Generations
-- Quake
-- Wolfenstein (3D)
-- Commander keen
-- Bioshock (1/2)
- L.A. Noire
and others
- Will use CD/DVD's of the games I have:
-- Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness & Beyond the Dark Portal
-- Warcraft 3 - Reign of Chaos & Frozen Throne
-- Diablo 1 - 3 (when it comes out)
-- The Sims 1 - And all expansions
-- The Sims 2 (probably)
-- Simcity 4000 & Rushhour
- May use emulation (to run up to the PS2/Wii)

What else I would like (MISC)

- Nothing I can think of @ moment

What I don't need:

- Speakers
- A monitor (@ this time)
- Dual GPU's (though folding@home may be useful for this)
- Alienware (or similar)
- Would rather not have to overclock anything. Rather would use good fans to cool.

* - My current (slimline)'s lowest is 2.6 (graphics), than game graphics (3.0), processor/RAM are 4.7 & primary hardisk is 5.6 . . . My current computer can play Warcrafts, SimCity & TS1 -- about anything past 2004 it probably can't play.

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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2011
Try the general hardware forum, there is a sticky post for you to copy and paste there with the relevant info you need to provide. Also don't ask for a price for your old rig, pretty sure it is against forum rules.