Subseven Trojan - help


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
I use this free antivirus.. AVG
I don't know how good it is. It runs every 24h and I never pay any attention to the results because I didn't think I could get a virus.. I'm wary about emails and I'm firewalled.. Anyhow, it told me today that I have subseven trojan. It can't delete those files though. I don't know what to do.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Okay. Next thing, is how do I know what version I have. According to this I have to mess around with the registry. I'm not too confortable hacking my registry because it said so on the web. Anyone familiar with registry cleaning (for trojans)?? Dammit this sucks.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
I don't know about that. I have read some stuff that is telling me that i need to change the registry back. I'm reading up on registry stuff right now, I was never too comfortable with it.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I had subseven few months ago - antivirus just detected and deleted some files. You must mannually cleanup the registry, some ini files, files in Restore folder, some subfolders in Windows and System etc. Some new folders they put have randomly generated names, so it is very difficult to find out if they are virus or not. Make sure AV set to check ALL files, hidden folders, and no folders and files in exception list.
Painful process...


Senior member
Mar 28, 2001

<< I'm not too confortable hacking my registry because it said so on the web. >>

If the web said &quot;go jump off a cliff&quot; would you do that? This is slightly the wrong attitude to take, methinks. Ok, you dont want to go in and just delete stuff, that would be silly, and could cause you more grief. But theres nothing wrong with going in, having a look around, hitting 'cancel' or 'no' if it asks you anything you're not sure about (just like any other aspect of windows). In the registry, it is possible to export parts of the registry out into files, afterwards you can delete the tree, safe in the knowledge that you have a backup that you can put back in (just by double clicking the particular file) should any problems arise.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
haha.. yeah sorry, you must have misunderstood me Metallibloke. I did infact mean &quot;if the something on the web told you to jump off of a bridge would I do it?&quot;.. well, that's how I inteded it anyways. I let the virus scan I have (AVG) fix the files. It said &quot;1 files fixed, 2 files infected&quot;... this is after I told it to fix. So I was left with two infected files. However, I did run the full test the next day and it didn't report anything. I'm beginning not to trust this person that's living in our house temperarily though. :| I don't download trash off the net so I don't know how I would have gotten this. Thanks all.