stupid linux newbie questions


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
Never used linux, but i'd like to give it a ride, but i have a couple of questions that i'm sure you can all answer, first.

1) can the linux kernal get viruses like goner, lovebug, etc? someone told me that it couldn't.
2) is it that <i>hard</i> to learn the linux os?
3) what's the best version of linux to grab?
4) are there basic programs that it will run with. ie, what browser does it use. i have dsl that requires drivers for the device, etc.

sorry, i just don't know the answers and i'd appreciate any answers even though they're stupid questions.
tnx ahead of time!



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
1) can the linux kernal get viruses like goner, lovebug, etc? someone told me that it couldn't.

You'd be hard-pressed to get a virus in the kernel, userland viruses are possible but difficult. goner, lovebug, etc are all Windows-specific.

2) is it that <i>hard</i> to learn the linux os?

Depends on your willingness to learn. Linux works a lot different than Windows and takes time to get used to, but once you do it's easier and makes a lot more sense than Windows.

3) what's the best version of linux to grab?

Use the search function, please. Someone wrote it for a reason.

4) are there basic programs that it will run with. ie, what browser does it use. i have dsl that requires drivers for the device, etc.

There are many progams for it, otherwise it wouldn't be very usefull.


Oct 23, 2001

<< 1) can the linux kernal get viruses like goner, lovebug, etc? someone told me that it couldn't. >>

Not really. One would have to do something incredibly dumb (download attachment, make executable, run as root). So therefore most virus writers dont even bother writing stuff for *nix.

<< 2) is it that <i>hard</i> to learn the linux os? >>

Yes and no. For a while (a month to about a year) it can be very anti-intuitive, and very different from the things that you are used to, since the most powerful utilities are all command line as opposed to gui.
However, after that, it becomes second nature and it become impossible to go back to using a baby os like windows :).

<< 3) what's the best version of linux to grab? >>

This very much depends. If you want to jump right in with little/no gui tools, probably debian or slack. For me, I like having at least the possibility of using th gui, so I use mandrake. Red hat is also user friendly.

<< 4) are there basic programs that it will run with. ie, what browser does it use. i have dsl that requires drivers for the device, etc. >>

This depends on the particular service that you have and such. I know that the mandrake 8.0 install found my network automatically, which is one of the reasons that i really like it. As far as programs, theres almost everything that you could want, with the "problem" being that everythings constantly in a beta phase (well, not everything, but a lot of stuff).
The bset advice i can give is to jump in and have fun with it. :)



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
There are plenty of LKM (Loadable Kernel Module) trojans out there. But just like Windows, if you are smart you wont get them. OF course, with Linux you dont have outlook working against you ;)


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001

<< 3) what's the best version of linux to grab?

Use the search function, please. Someone wrote it for a reason.

Geez dude, don't be such an ass. Give him a little direction.

I would have to say Red Hat would be a good place to start. But there are many different ones out there. Just make sure it has a good community of users so you can find a place to have your questions asked. A good way to learn is pick up a book on your chosen distro and just start reading.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Ok, if using the search function makes you an ass (or atleast telling people to use it), Ill tell you which is the best Linux distibution... Hope that helps.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Geez dude, don't be such an ass. Give him a little direction.

I did, I pointed him to the button on the upper right that says "search".

If you don't mind reading the same threads every week that's fine, but I'd rather have different discussions once in a while.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
Then what is the point of a message forum? Just about every single question has been asked before so why even have this place around? You guys should lighten up a little, it's hard enough to learn Linux. It's even harder would you have a hard time finding info.

<< Ok, if using the search function makes you an ass (or atleast telling people to use it), Ill tell you which is the best Linux distibution... Hope that helps >>

I didn't say that. The way he said it (IMHO) made him sound like an ass.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
tired of ppl blowing other folks off. "use the search" come on now. many folks are new and they just need some pointers.
god, if you're tired of answering "dumb questions," then dont bother replying. im sick of folks like this.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
There is no answer to "which linux is best". Why ask a question that has been asked dozens of times when there is no answer? Being referred to the search is an easy way to find probably a dozen threads about the subject than we would be able to stuff into 1 thread right here.