Students face "desecration of Allah" charges

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Imagine that. Its ok to burn the American flag and speak out against christians any way you choose, but if you protest against other countries or religions you'll face punishment.

More insanity from the Left. Anyone else suprised? We should all just go buy some turbans now and get it over with.

Remember kids, everyone is equal but some are more equal then others.


Students facing charges of 'desecration of Allah'
Hamas, Hezbollah flags used in college Republicans protest

College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.

The trouble began at an Oct. 17 anti-terrorism rally in which the students stepped on butcher paper painted to resemble the flags of the Middle East terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. The College Republicans say they simply copied the script from an image on the Internet and didn't know it bore the name of Allah in Arabic script.

University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin, however, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders the university "stands behind this process" of investigating the students for possible punishment.

"I don't believe the complaint is about the desecration of the flag," Griffin said. "I believe that the complaint is the desecration of Allah."

The university has 10 days from the time of the hearing to decide whether to sanction the students.

Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, which represents the students, insisted the school has no basis for punishing them.

"The College Republicans engaged in unequivocally protected political expression, and it strains all credibility to think the SFSU administration does not know this," he said. "There is nothing to try or investigate here other than protected expression."

Ten days after the incident, a student filed a formal complaint with the university against the campus group, alleging "attempts to incite violence and create a hostile environment" and "actions of incivility."

FIRE argues the university's Office of Student Programs and Leadership Development could have settled the matter informally or dismissed the charges instead of pressing forward today with a hearing.

The legal advocacy group sent a letter to SFSU President Robert A. Corrigan Jan. 23 arguing no American public institution can lawfully prosecute students for engaging in political protest or for desecrating religious symbols.

FIRE asserted "incitement" and creating a "hostile environment" are legal terms not applicable to the College Republicans' actions of stepping on flags.

"SFSU has a duty to uphold the First Amendment rights of all of its students, even if their expressive activity offends the religious sensibilities of some," the letter stated.

University officials wrote back Jan. 29, saying the school would continue to investigate the complaint "to give all parties the confidence that they will be heard and fairly treated by a panel that includes representatives of all the university's key constituencies."

A follow-up letter by FIRE urged Corrigan to call off the hearing, warning "if you continue to ignore your constitutional obligations, you risk personal liability for depriving your students of their rights."

"This is not even a close call, legally speaking," FIRE Vice President Robert L. Shibley contended. "The First Amendment protects using or destroying flags in political protest, and even SFSU administrators must realize that they cannot prosecute students for failing to respect a religious symbol."


Nov 25, 2001
Ah, those crazy young college Republicans and their wacky out-of-the-box spoofs of today's political issues. What will they think of next? Perhaps they'll hang a black man in effigy to show how important our civil rights are?

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ah, those crazy young college Republicans and their wacky out-of-the-box spoofs of today's political issues. What will they think of next? Perhaps they'll hang a black man in effigy to show how important our civil rights are?

So you dont approve of protests, or you dont approve of protests unless their in favor of your own personal causes? I have to laugh that someone who has the ACLU link in thier sig doesnt actually support freedom.

No suprise though. ;)


Nov 25, 2001
Oh no, I completely approve of protests so long as they're peaceful. I was merely commenting on the young Republicans and their ingenious method of protest.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ah, those crazy young college Republicans and their wacky out-of-the-box spoofs of today's political issues. What will they think of next? Perhaps they'll hang a black man in effigy to show how important our civil rights are?

So you dont approve of protests, or you dont approve of protests unless their in favor of your own personal causes? I have to laugh that someone who has the ACLU link in thier sig doesnt actually support freedom.

No suprise though. ;)

Interesting that you'd jump to that conclusion when I hadn't said anything of the kind. Straw-man much?


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ah, those crazy young college Republicans and their wacky out-of-the-box spoofs of today's political issues. What will they think of next? Perhaps they'll hang a black man in effigy to show how important our civil rights are?

So you dont approve of protests, or you dont approve of protests unless their in favor of your own personal causes? I have to laugh that someone who has the ACLU link in thier sig doesnt actually support freedom.

No suprise though. ;)

Interesting that you'd jump to that conclusion when I hadn't said anything of the kind. Straw-man much?

You certainly do. Telling us about "hang a black man in effigy". I'll repeat the OP so you might stick to it and not wander off into your own delusions.

College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.

Step on the flag of terrorist organization and you'll be punished in our country. Step on the American flag, and you?re celebrated. Those who kill us are apparently given more rights than we are given.


Dec 21, 2005
If they are punished, I can see this one eventually reaching the Supreme Court... It is absolutely ridiculous to punish them for their legitimate protest. The method of their protest makes sense, and I don't care what the Arabic scripts says, there is no good reason to punish these students.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
You certainly do. Telling us about "hang a black man in effigy". I'll repeat the OP so you might stick to it and not wander off into your own delusions.

College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.

Step on the flag of terrorist organization and you'll be punished in our country. Step on the American flag, and you?re celebrated. Those who kill us are apparently given more rights than we are given.
As usual, you're completely full of sh!t. Not once did I ever say the students in this case shouldn't be allowed to protest.

You should also take note that no one has been punished in this matter. Yet another lie. Why am I not surprised?


Apr 25, 2001
I wouldn't be much of a freedom loving liberal if I didn't defend their right to peaceful protest however they like. I might think they're idiots, but it's not really freedom if it doesn't hold for people I don't like, is it?

On the other hand, before we go riding away on our outrage horse, it would be worth thinking about just how "special" this case is. It's wrong to punish them regardless of who they are or who their target is, but I'm not so sure they would be treated any differently if they were walking all over an American flag.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
The complaint is not about the flag but about desecration of Allah.

University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin, however, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders the university "stands behind this process" of investigating the students for possible punishment.

"I don't believe the complaint is about the desecration of the flag," Griffin said. "I believe that the complaint is the desecration of Allah."

This is a state university?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Tell these students that they ought to stick to handing out porn for bibles, the school would probably give them a place to do so.;)

But the real reason is the school is afraid especially after what happened hereText

As for the ACLU it has been corrupted by CAIR and its members are actively seeking blasphemy laws which are the antithesis to free speech.

The Counterterrorism Blog reports on Parvez Ahmed, Chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), being elected last month as a board member of Florida's branch of the ACLU. (You can find his name toward the bottom of their Staff and Board list.)

At a CAIR-sponsored event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on February 16, titled ?Religious and Political Perspectives on the Cartoon Controversy,? (just a week and a half after the ACLU and Ahmed formally cemented their relationship), Ahmed called for the government of the United States, and those around the world, to adopt ?blasphemy? laws as a manner to ensure that the cartoons, originally published by a Danish newspaper, could never be published again. At the event, Ahmed stated:

?I think the next steps would be to broaden the scope of anti-hate laws and even contemplate about passing blasphemy laws, because blasphemy with such sacred icons, like the Prophet Muhammad, like the Koran, or the cross, or other religious symbols ? So governments, legislatures, international bodies ? must contemplate about what are the ways in which an anti-blasphemy law can be passed that can protect the right to exercise freedom of religion.?

How a blasphemy law protects freedom of religion is anyone?s guess. Can Muslims no longer practice their religion because of cartoonists in Denmark? One thing is for sure, blasphemy laws are a direct assault on the First Amendment right to free speech, a right which the ACLU claims to champion.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.
What a load of crap. They should be able to wipe their ass with the Koran just like they should be able to wipe their ass with the Bible without any consequences (unless it be public indecency)


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.
What a load of crap. They should be able to wipe their ass with the Koran just like they should be able to wipe their ass with the Bible without any consequences (unless it be public indecency)

If you do that make sure you flush or else CAIR might come after you and try to get you charged with a hate crime.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">CAIR-NY TO TAKE PART IN MTG ON QURAN DESECRATION

(NEW YORK, NY, 10/3/06) - On Tuesday, October 3, the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) will participate in a town hall meeting at Pace University to discuss a recent incident in which a Quran, Islam?s revealed text, was found in the toilet in a campus men?s room. CAIR-NY is calling on the university to treat the incident as a possible hate crime.</a>

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: 1prophet
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.
What a load of crap. They should be able to wipe their ass with the Koran just like they should be able to wipe their ass with the Bible without any consequences (unless it be public indecency)

If you do that make sure you flush or else CAIR might come after you and try to get you charged with a hate crime.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">CAIR-NY TO TAKE PART IN MTG ON QURAN DESECRATION

(NEW YORK, NY, 10/3/06) - On Tuesday, October 3, the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) will participate in a town hall meeting at Pace University to discuss a recent incident in which a Quran, Islam?s revealed text, was found in the toilet in a campus men?s room. CAIR-NY is calling on the university to treat the incident as a possible hate crime.</a>
Yeah yeah that's going to win them freinds and fans. Frankly I berlieve that a person has the right to burn any flag or wipe their arse with any text. It won't serve any purpose other than to prove what an idiot they are but they have that right to show what an idiot they are as long as it doesn't impede on others rights. Come on, we are America, not some Third World Desert Fiefdom of Eastern European, African or Asian Dictatorship.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Oh no, I completely approve of protests so long as they're peaceful. I was merely commenting on the young Republicans and their ingenious method of protest.

and how are the any different from Democrats?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Oh no, I completely approve of protests so long as they're peaceful. I was merely commenting on the young Republicans and their ingenious method of protest.

and how are the any different from young Democrats?
They're not, both groups are idiots. The only difference is that the young Democrats reek of Pot Smoke and B.O. and the young Republicans reek of Scotch and Arrogance.



Golden Member
May 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Step on the flag of terrorist organization and you'll be punished in our country. Step on the American flag, and you?re celebrated. Those who kill us are apparently given more rights than we are given.

Everyone I know would be outraged at people who burned the American flag. I don't know what fantasyland town you live in, but I'm sure the vast majority of Americans would never even consider celebrating the burning of our country's flag.
Oct 30, 2004

I've visited FIRE's website now and then over the years. It's a sorely needed organization. I wish them the best of luck in combatting this.


Sep 6, 2000
University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin, however, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders the university "stands behind this process" of investigating the students for possible punishment.

"I don't believe the complaint is about the desecration of the flag," Griffin said. "I believe that the complaint is the desecration of Allah."

I'd tell university spokeswoman Ellen Griffin to kiss my ass, if I want to desecrate Allah then get the fvck out of my way and let me desecrate.


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: glenn1
University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin, however, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders the university "stands behind this process" of investigating the students for possible punishment.

"I don't believe the complaint is about the desecration of the flag," Griffin said. "I believe that the complaint is the desecration of Allah."

I'd tell university spokeswoman Ellen Griffin to kiss my ass, if I want to desecrate Allah then get the fvck out of my way and let me desecrate.

But I think it's been proven what happens when people desecrate Allah, riots occur, places get bombed, and people get killed. The university is just ensuring this doesn't turn into a major issue with tons of violence. I don't disagree with the option the young Republicans took in exercising freedom of expression. Just as the same as I don't disagree with people burning the American flag for the same reason. But I understand what the university is doing and why. Hopefully the university will give them a slap on the wrist and that that will be enough to prevent people from setting buildings on fire.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: thraashman
But I think it's been proven what happens when people desecrate Allah, riots occur, places get bombed, and people get killed. The university is just ensuring this doesn't turn into a major issue with tons of violence. I don't disagree with the option the young Republicans took in exercising freedom of expression. Just as the same as I don't disagree with people burning the American flag for the same reason. But I understand what the university is doing and why. Hopefully the university will give them a slap on the wrist and that that will be enough to prevent people from setting buildings on fire.

Well put and reasonable. They should hear what all sides have to say and let all parties go on their merry way.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ah, those crazy young college Republicans and their wacky out-of-the-box spoofs of today's political issues. What will they think of next? Perhaps they'll hang a black man in effigy to show how important our civil rights are?

Yeah, too bad they didn't desecrate Jesus and hang a whitey. :roll:

WTF does this have to do with blacks? :confused:


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
burning a flag is a desecration of allah now? and no cartoons of mohammad either or you'll get your throat cut. its ironic the supreme court has a picture of mohammad on its walls, better blow it up too... guess we're just asking for it. after all, islam is a religion of peace (as long as you convert or stay quiet).