Student Wants To Start Caucasian Club At High School...


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003

OAKLEY, Calif. -- Lisa McClelland says she isn't a racist. She says her campaign for a Caucasian Club at her California high school is a move toward diversity, not bigotry. SURVEY
Should a California high school student be allowed to start a Caucasian Club?
Yes, if there are other clubs like the Black Student Union and Asian Club she should be allowed to.
No. There should be no clubs targeting any ethnic group.
No. Only minorities should be able to have clubs targeting an ethnic group.

She says everyone is invited -- and nobody will be excluded.

McClelland's ethnic background includes American Indian, Hispanic, Dutch, German, Italian and Irish. She says she and her friends feel slighted by other clubs at Freedom High School in Oakley, such as the Black Student Union and the Asian Club.

McClelland says she's collected 245 signatures of support from students, adults and others since announcing her plans three weeks ago.

One person who won't be signing up is Darnell Turner, first vice president of the local chapter of the NAACP. Turner says he thinks the club will create racial tension.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
This is something I have thought about doing for a long time. I'm glad that she took the initiative to start such a club.


Jul 17, 2003
That's rather white of her.

And that's rather rascist of you. That girl has the right idea, and anyone who thinks differently is a hypocritical blowhole. Racial tensions my ass - kinda bad when your explanation applies to you just as much as it does what you object to huh? The NAACP cracks me up - everyone's ethnicity should be respected, unless you're caucasian! :disgust:


Oct 25, 2002
This is incredibly stupid, and so is that b!tch. Minorities start minority clubs because they're minorities. If you don't know what a minority is, here's a definition.

If you're still confused, minorities tend to have different cultures/values and risk losing it in the greater majority. The respective clubs are not racist or bigotted, but used as a forum to discuss the heritages and values that are different from the host environment. In high school and college, in addition to the "traditional" minority clubs, we also had some for Irish, Russians, and Greeks.

This chick doesn't have her head straight. In fact, she should put it to other use.

EDIT: To show how stupid this b!tch is, a caucasian is not simply a white man. Caucasian people are found not only in Europe, but the Near East, India, and Central Asia. She needs to narrow her racist agenda to "people of European descent," and have it be exposed for all to see.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
So, as long as a minority starts a race-based club, it is ok? Talk about a double standard. And, why are you attacking that girl personally? We try to have a good debate, and all you can do is call her a b!tch. Impressive.

I was thinking of starting a magazine called "Ivory" and the White Entertainment Television channel (WET for short). Anyone care to join me?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
EDIT: To show how stupid this b!tch is, a caucasian is not simply a white man. Caucasian people are found not only in Europe, but the Near East, India, and Central Asia. She needs to narrow her racist agenda to "people of European descent," and have it be exposed for all to see.

So, she creates a club that includes a large number of races, and that bothers you? I'm pretty sure her intent wasn't to include white males only. It sounds like you are the racist one here, not her.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
<<That girl has the right idea, and anyone who thinks differently is a hypocritical blowhole. >>

You must be the captain of the Anyone-who-thinks-differently-than-me-is-wrong club.



Jul 25, 2002
Racist ? Me ?
Sorry that ain't gonna happen.

But why dosen't she also start an Aryan Chapter if she wants to polarize society.



Jul 17, 2003
You must be the captain of the Anyone-who-thinks-differently-than-me-is-wrong club.

To think differently in this case means you're ignoring the double-standard involved, in which case I have no problem citing it. If you feel the need to flame me for drawing attention to it, oh well...

Yeah, it's so wrong for 'whites' to have a club too, even though it's explicity stated all are welcome. I mean, everyone knows there's no such thing as a non-white rascist right??

Just curious, what is the racial breakdown on Oakley's population anyway? Anyone know?


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
This is incredibly stupid, and so is that b!tch. Minorities start minority clubs because they're minorities. If you don't know what a minority is, here's a definition.

If you're still confused, minorities tend to have different cultures/values and risk losing it in the greater majority. The respective clubs are not racist or bigotted, but used as a forum to discuss the heritages and values that are different from the host environment. In high school and college, in addition to the "traditional" minority clubs, we also had some for Irish, Russians, and Greeks.

This chick doesn't have her head straight. In fact, she should put it to other use.

EDIT: To show how stupid this b!tch is, a caucasian is not simply a white man. Caucasian people are found not only in Europe, but the Near East, India, and Central Asia. She needs to narrow her racist agenda to "people of European descent," and have it be exposed for all to see.

I agree. But who cares this chick is going to get her ass beat by the minorities at her school


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Dari
This is incredibly stupid, and so is that b!tch. Minorities start minority clubs because they're minorities. If you don't know what a minority is, here's a definition.

If you're still confused, minorities tend to have different cultures/values and risk losing it in the greater majority. The respective clubs are not racist or bigotted, but used as a forum to discuss the heritages and values that are different from the host environment. In high school and college, in addition to the "traditional" minority clubs, we also had some for Irish, Russians, and Greeks.

This chick doesn't have her head straight. In fact, she should put it to other use.

EDIT: To show how stupid this b!tch is, a caucasian is not simply a white man. Caucasian people are found not only in Europe, but the Near East, India, and Central Asia. She needs to narrow her racist agenda to "people of European descent," and have it be exposed for all to see.

I agree. But who cares this chick is going to get her ass beat by the minorities at her school

Why? I don't see white stupents beating up minorities for making race-based clubs. Why would minorities act any differently?


Jan 5, 2003
Minorities form clubs because they are exactly that. Minorities. They do not have the same culture and belief system that most caucasians do. For example my university has an Afghan club and a Korean club. Why? 1% of the school = Afghan/Korean.. okay maybe not 1% in northern Virginia more like 15% ... but you get the idea.

Not only that it was only 50 years ago where a lot of white people were racist and black people were looked down on..not only blacks all non-whites. Forming a caucasian club will be viewed as racist forming a club..

me personally I don't care if they have a club or not.


Jan 20, 2001
They used to have these clubs throughout America . . . typically called the Klan. According to this young woman, she felt 'slighted' by other clubs. What the hell does that mean? If she wants to improve the diversity at her school she should start by diversifying her mind . . . maybe shake loose some of her ignorance. Then again maybe she should just transfer to a more homogenous school district to avoid the trauma of the minority clubs' "slights".


Nov 25, 2001
Hey, do you guys remember when you were a little kid? On father's day or mother's day or President's day, or whatever, you'd ask: "All these other people have their own holidays -- that's not fair. When is kid's day?"

And your parents or grandparents (or whomever they hired to watch you 'cause you were a latchkey kid) would say, "Oh silly, every day is kid's day!"

Same sort of thing applies here. :)


Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
They used to have these clubs throughout America . . . typically called the Klan. According to this young woman, she felt 'slighted' by other clubs. What the hell does that mean? If she wants to improve the diversity at her school she should start by diversifying her mind . . . maybe shake loose some of her ignorance. Then again maybe she should just transfer to a more homogenous school district to avoid the trauma of the minority clubs' "slights".

Expected a little more from you, Doc. She felt "slighted" so she's ignorant? Maybe she did feel slighted, doesn't mean she's ignorant. I wonder how the Black Student Union, the Asian Club or the NAACP would react if she wanted to join. I wonder how welcome she'd be? As to your Klan comment, I didn't see where she was expounding on the "superiority " of the white race, denouncing the "lesser" races, etc. She did say everyone would be welcome.

I often wonder why it is that when a "caucasian" expresses an observation about why there is no white history month, no caucasian club, etc., often times only doing so to point out the hypocrisy of those who scream 'inequality', 'tolerance' and 'heritage' the loudest, they are immediately labeled as racist.


Jan 20, 2001
Maybe it's the quality of the journalism but the article contained very little information about her Caucasian Club. She cites her multiethnic heritage but it's primarily nationality with the exception of Native American and Hispanic . . . I wonder why she knows Dutch, German, Italian and Irish but doesn't give the same shout out to (Chippewa, Cherokee or Chile, Cuba)? I've embraced my mutt status and have found myself welcomed across the spectrum. This young woman should do the same. If she is rejected then the offending club should be banished from campus. I would fully support her if she felt the Caucasian Club would meet a meritous unmet need at her school . . . such as expanding diversity.

IMHO, she's FOS . . . based on limited information. Her club charter may reflect a true advancement at Freedom High at which point I would say "bravo".

The Mercury News article at ATOT provides more info but nothing to imply her idea has merit. The issue is not fairness b/c many minority clubs evolve out of unmet needs. Most gospel choirs evolve out of schools that had favored the chorus or glee club. Most black student unions developed from popular elections that typically favored majority (white) candidates . . . these are generalizations, of course. Student branches of CHisPA or the NAACP may enrich a campus if they are inclusive. The Korean-American Student Association at my university started b/c some members of the Asian Student Association felt marginalized. Hell, some people claim Indians are not Asians . . . including some Indians.

If she's arguing that Caucasian history is being neglected at her school or great Americans of European/West Asian descent are being dissed then more power to her. I doubt that's the case but anything is possible in CA . . . particularly that close to East Bay.


Jan 20, 2001
I often wonder why it is that when a "caucasian" expresses an observation about why there is no white history month, no caucasian club, etc., often times only doing so to point out the hypocrisy of those who scream 'inequality', 'tolerance' and 'heritage' the loudest, they are immediately labeled as racist.

Before this past weekend, I did not know 1/4 of Washington's forces that won at Yorktown were black. Such oversights are typically called a "white washing" of American history. The history of our country has largely been written by white men which means most events of distinction . . . worthy of historical reference . . . refer to white men. Contrary to the BS from denizens at the Heritage Foundation the American North AND South owe much of their prosperity to the trade and labor of slavery.

There is no white history month b/c every month is white history month . . . even February . . . although blacks sorta claim it. There are no Caucasian clubs b/c Debate, Key, Future Farmers, Student Government, Young Republican, et al were essentially creations of the dominant ethnoracial group. After integration, it was an open question about whether minorities would gain entry. Fortunately, most of the nation is beyond that . . . with the notable exception of some southern states.

Personally, I would like to see all ethnoracial identified clubs evolve into new organizations capable of embracing diversity to meet common goals. The Caucasian club is a step backwards not forwards.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Does that mean it is wrong to have a caucasian club? No, it's only fair. Either we all get out little clubs, or none of us do. Welcome to democracy.


Aug 28, 2003
Lisa McClelland says she isn't a racist. She says her campaign for a Caucasian Club at her California high school is a move toward diversity, not bigotry.

Then why not start a Ethnic Diversity and Understanding club instead if that is really her intent?


Jan 20, 2001
The only clear goal of her club would be an emphasis on history . . . hence why not a History Club?

Until two years ago, when Lisa moved to Oakley, the teenager found herself immersed in diversity while growing up in Richmond and later Martinez. Her distinct style is derivative of who she is, from her bleach-splashed hair to the red-rimmed glasses she sports without lenses. On a recent afternoon, she spoke with conviction even as she fidgeted with a paper, inked stars and the letters "O-z-z-y" marked across her left hand.

Richmond? diverse? Uh, yeah. I support her 100% if her goal is to expand the opportunities at Freedom High to learn about different cultures and certainly history that is beyond the scope of the typical high school class. I just cannot fathom why one would call such a group the Caucasian Club.