Strange Sound Request

Mar 11, 2003
So I got a newish motherboard cpu and ram from my dad because he upgraded. Its faster than what I had. Problem is only one of the main sound channels work. The left channel is dead.

I tried putting in a sound card but it looks like all of the PCI slots are dead on it too. Everything else seems to work fine.

What does work is if i set the sound to quadrophonic and plug in something into the main speaker and then my headphones into the RR and RL speakers. Both channels work that way. Only problem is games and music doesnt come out of those. Any idea of a way to make it mirror the sound over FR FL and RR and RL? Been googling but am not even sure what to search for.

Windows 7 64
GA m6tp s3
6000+ X2

Any ideas would be most appreciated.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, it sounds like your southbridge and the socket are both still working. That's a good sign.

A detailed description of what else is broken on your mobo, the things that are still working properly, and what is only working with duct tape and shoeshine polish will help us narrow down potential solutions to your issue.
Mar 11, 2003
Haha. There is no shoeshine polish, but admittedly there is a bit of duct tape holding the case together. Hey, its not pretty but it works.

It looks like those are the only things that arent working that I can find. The PCI slots and the right sound channel. Pretty weird in my opinion. I am posting from the computer and I was playing portal earlier so everthing else must be completely fine.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Some motherboards require two jumpers on the FP_AUDIO connector, in order to pass audio through to the rear output connectors. If one of those jumpers is missing, or your case FP_AUDIO wiring is incorrect, then you could have that problem.