Strange power-on count reading on Samsung SSD


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2005
So my problem is that I wanted to buy a Samsung SSD from a guy who sent me a CrystalDiskInfo shot which showed 838 power-on count. He says that he had bought the stuff like 2 months ago. He also says the power-on count jumps irregularly. It also shows 1000+ power-on hours. Allegedly, he hooked it up to his notebook.

Is this possible or is he probably trying to scam me with that stuff? Has anyone experienced anything like this?

Could it be the wake-ups from sleep state can cause the power-on count to go up like this within 8 weeks? (my wildest guess to account for this problem)

The SSD was manufactured in late 2009 and it's a 256GB model with TRIM 2.1

Also, do you see anything unusual on this reading? E.g. used reserved block count seems to be over the threshold (or is it under it?) arghh.

Just asked for a new reading:

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Golden Member
Dec 18, 2009
How accurate is that timer? I'd imagine this data to be kept safely and accurately by the SSD.


Platinum Member
May 14, 2002
I wouldn't worry about the power on count. My less than one year SSD in my notebook is already over 1000. I'd try to figure out more about why it's marked as 98%. In the end, just don't spend too much for a used SSD. In the U.S., I'd say between $2-$1.5 per GIG is a good price for a NEW SSD.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2005
In the U.S., I'd say between $2-$1.5 per GIG is a good price for a NEW SSD.

Unfortunately, this particular SSD costs about $800 here in Hungary. The guy would give it away for about $470. US sites usually don't ship to Hungary and the prices inside the EU are soaring. They tend to replace the $ sign to € and that's it.

No warranty on the drive of course.