Strange muscles sore after workout

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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
So I'm wondering if this is normal or not. I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.

The other day, I completed a set of bench presses. Every new set I did, I felt a dull soreness in my biceps which got slightly worse per set. At the end of the entire workout, I felt like I did bicep curls. Now I understand the biceps contribute to stabilizing the bar but does it work it out this much?

Also, after doing a set of heavy squats, I noticed my calf muscles are starting to get sore even though I don't really feel them getting a lot of work when doing squats.

The level of soreness is not bad but it does feel like if I did some isolation workouts.

Is this normal?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I don't know about the bench, but the calfs getting sore during squats might be because of incorrect form. I've read a few threads over at that suggested it could be related to form, and when I deloaded and improved my form it seemed to help.

My particular issue was that I was not using my hips enough, so my calfs were getting used too much (although, like you, during the workout I didn't realize or feel it).

You may want to search a little over on their forums, a few threads I found actually had pictures to illustrate which part of the leg was sore and what might be causing it.
Mar 22, 2002
During bench, bicep soreness can occur if you feel like you're trying to tear the bar inward. It can also occur if you have poor shoulder mechanics during the bench or if you're lacking full shoulder ROM. That's not normal and is typically a compensation for tight pecs/tight posterior capsule.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
Thanks guys for the tips. For squats, only my right calf was sore and I found it it was because I broke my foot. About 2 months ago, I dropped a 45lb weight on top of my right foot and felt pain but it didn't affect walking or anything so I ignored it. It is my 3rd metatarsel which apparently has an attachment to one of the calf muscles so every squat, I aggravated it. Glad I had a doctor look at it yesterday.

As to my biceps, the soreness is concentrated right where the biceps meet the forearm. I get the same soreness when I do overhead presses. Strangely, I don't get them when doing barbell presses or pushups. I think it is related to how I'm holding the bar vs natural hand position when using dumbells or doing pushups.

Thanks again guys.
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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
So I'm still trying to figure out the bicep soreness. I'm going to work on my form on the press and bench press but I also wanted to test if my biceps were relatively weak.

I tried a 1 RM on a curl and was able to do 45lbs per arm althought my right was a little easier to do.

I press 3x8x115lbs and bench press 3x8x175lbs. Are my biceps weak for the amount of weight I can do on press and bench press?
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