Question strange LCD image retention on nearly new laptop


May 18, 2019
I have a 2018 model Acer Nitro 5 but it was purchased new just 5 months ago.

It has so far spend most of this time sitting to the left of my computer desk acting as a TV for twitch/youtube/netflix. I always close the lid every night but do not shut the machine down.

yesterday I pulled up a twitch stream and watched for about 45m or so, I then went to change streams when I noticed the streamer's overlay had 'burned in' on the screen.

How could this 5 month old LCD retain that image after less than an hour? is it a sign of poor panel quality? or a strange fluke?

Of all the LCD's and laptops I've owned over the years I've only had 1 other instance of this and it was with a 9 year old monitor that sat on a static background screen all day.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
is it a sign of poor panel quality?

I would say, in my unprofessional opinion, that you must have been afflicted by some seriously crappy panel. I have only had one LCD monitor do this on me, ever, and it was a TN panel monitor from 2003 or thereabouts. It was a very nice, very very well built Dell monitor (never owned anything since with even remotely as good build quality), but after about a year or so the image retention started getting really bad.

The problem would diminish slowly over time if the monitor wasn't used at all, but always came back again.

I hear LCD retention happens because of static electricity charges building up in the subpixels themselves. Panel controller is apparently able to prevent such occurrences by switching polarity on the drive current for pixels periodically. *shrug* Dunno how true this is. If correct, it would require the display controller being aware of the issue and able to correct for it, and unfathomably, your laptop's isn't. :(