Originally posted by: geno
Things I've learned through time for storing cars
Change your oil
Either swap on some cheapie rims/tires, or put it on stands to preserve your tires
don't start the car on a regular basis
Full tank of gas
Add a 12oz bottle of Isopropyl dry gas,NOT methanol type!
Add some fuel stabilizer,there are some really good ones,at your local snowmobile,and boat
then fill tank with Super/premium fuel, and let it run/drive it for a few mins.
disconnect battery
Oh befoe you park it,make Sure that there is no food/drinks in the car!
Put d-con and glue traps around the outside of the car {where you wont step in glue boards,LOL}
put some glue boards under the hood.. darn mice love cars.
some people say to put bounce stinky drier sheets,{not the unscented ones}
in the car/trunk etc.
Best wishes!