It looks like the article URL we use for preview revisions was leaked out. Oops. It'll get 'officially' released soon, possibly with some extra testing tacked on from one of NVIDIA's full press kits, on top of the results from the ...erm, 'Qualification Sample' board I used for the article.
For those that didn't get to see it and are interested in the conclusion, it's competent and pretty speedy, but it's not a revolutionary step over, or any faster than, anything that's out just now already. Indeed it's merely playing feature catch up with VIA K8T800 in some respects, a chipset that's been out since the beginning.
Anyway, we'll have the coverage back up soon.
EDIT: I've had a couple of emails asking about 1000MHz HT support in the new chips. It seems it is in there, but only wants to kick in when you use a new CPU that'll require it. Maybe. I'm still not 100% sure and as I mention in the review, the press documentation is usefully vague. It was definitely 800MHz HT clock for the duration of the testing, for the benchmarks I obtained, using a regular Socket 754 Model 3200+. We were however using an ES BIOS and have been told a shipping BIOS will give a lot more tweaking and speed to the chipset.