For the love of god, if you are a fan of horror games at all - or adventure games - or both; then please, buy Scratches. It is one of the most terrifying, most masterfully-crafted horror games I have ever played.
It is unique in that it's not a streamlined, glorified haunted castle that tries to shock you with juvenile gore and cheap scares. No... it is quite the opposite. Rather, the game places you in a familiar environment (a house) with a well-to-do premise (you are a writer looking to finish his latest book), and after a little while, the game slowly begins to screw with your head and creep you out in more ways than I can adequately explain here.
It is intelligent, cerebral, slow-burning horror of the highest degree. Think less "OH CRAP WHAT WAS THAT", and more, "Did that... did that seriously just happen?" kind of horror. Yes, it's a point-and-click adventure game; yes, there are some difficult puzzles, and yes, there is a lot of reading. But if you put aside some time to play it, you will experience one of the most unnerving, disturbing games ever.
If I say any more I will spoil it. Just buy it. I don't even like point-and-click games, but as a horror fan, Scratches checks all the right boxes.