Originally posted by: ShawnD1
Hitman was a good series. You could stealth your way through, or you could rambo everything. The first one (Codename 47) sucked balls, but the ones after that were all good.
One of my favorite video game series. I played Contracts because it came with my video card, and I couldn't find any of my other games. I ended up playing each mission dozens of times trying different ways of getting through them without being seen. Same with Blood Money. Hitman is a great stealth type game.
MGS (Metal Gear Solid) has stealth elements as well, but it is pretty repetitive and boring to me.
Crysis has the ability to go through most of the first half without being seen. I like games where I can try to get through without killing anyone, and Crysis had that going for it until the aliens show up.
The original Rainbow Six was a stealth type game too (at least the way I played it). It was another one that I tried to get through each mission without firing a shot. I haven't played any of the sequels though.
edit: If you play a thief character in NWN, you can often get around dungeons without even being seen, which can be fun in its own right.
Same with Oblivion. Invest in some magic, or cameleon skills, and you can sneak around places and not even fight anyone.