In about ten hours from the time of writing our interteam SoB race is going to start.
Then it will be midnight here in The Netherlands and the stats of DukeBox will be giving the accurate count for the subteams.
Thx again for the generous offer of DukeBox for letting us use his stats site with a few extra options so it will be easier to provide you all with accurate and hopefully daily stats. Hoorah for DukeBox.
Now for the few simple rules of this race. Most of you have already read them, but here they are again:
In about ten hours the biggest challenge for the TeAm is going to happen. Will The Significant Others be able to give The Red Rascals a big beating for their megalomania or are The Red Rascals not the highflyers they appear to be and will keep The Significant Others at bay.
As someone said: Time will tell
In my next post I'll give the hints and tips for assimilating and recruiting. I'll have to think of increasing my number of posts. Joined in 1999 and not even 2000 posts looks a kind of silly, might give someone the idea I'm lazy or something.
BTW Has anyone seen or heared anything from NicColt? He hasn't been around for awhile and hasn't dumped in about two weeks in SoB. Am starting to get worried, not for the race, but that something has happened.
Edited by RaySun2Be, only to pin to the top of the forum
Edited by RaySun2Be, only to unstick the thread
Then it will be midnight here in The Netherlands and the stats of DukeBox will be giving the accurate count for the subteams.
Thx again for the generous offer of DukeBox for letting us use his stats site with a few extra options so it will be easier to provide you all with accurate and hopefully daily stats. Hoorah for DukeBox.
Now for the few simple rules of this race. Most of you have already read them, but here they are again:
- Start date = January 15th
- End date = March 15th
- All TA SoB crunchers should dump whatever they have in their queues on January 14th.
- If dumping is not possible, then an average will be calculated on earlier results.
- If a new member is recruited by either IJump, raysun2be or me, then they will be added to our stats. All other new members will be added to the TA SoB-team stats, whether recruited or on their own.
- IJump will be adding one computer to the account of AMDBorg for every two computers he adds to his own account.
- Stats will be taken from the DPC stats site. Reason for this is that there the statistics per day can be generated with fixed time frames. If a day is missed then, it won't be too difficult to get updated stats again.
- Stats will be posted as soon as possible and when time permits, but at least every other day.
In about ten hours the biggest challenge for the TeAm is going to happen. Will The Significant Others be able to give The Red Rascals a big beating for their megalomania or are The Red Rascals not the highflyers they appear to be and will keep The Significant Others at bay.
As someone said: Time will tell
In my next post I'll give the hints and tips for assimilating and recruiting. I'll have to think of increasing my number of posts. Joined in 1999 and not even 2000 posts looks a kind of silly, might give someone the idea I'm lazy or something.
BTW Has anyone seen or heared anything from NicColt? He hasn't been around for awhile and hasn't dumped in about two weeks in SoB. Am starting to get worried, not for the race, but that something has happened.
Edited by RaySun2Be, only to pin to the top of the forum
Edited by RaySun2Be, only to unstick the thread