I will be setting up a network that has been assigned a static public IP. SBC has given a range of "usable" IPs as well. For instance:
Modem IP = 172.xxx.xxx.x (is this simply the setup GUI IP?)
Public IP= 68.xxx.xxx.38 (is this the Gateway IP?)
"Usable Range"= 68.xxx.xxx.33 - 37 (are these the IPs I set as static on each PC in the network? 2 of which are video surveillance servers, the 3rd just needs internet access)
DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
With this set-up, I have gotten conflicting info concerning hardware; 1 camp says "use the Linksys router you were using when you had a dynamic IP with port forwarding to the same private IPs --the modem will sort them out", another camp says, "buy a switch and use the above mentioned static "usable range' IPs and a software firewall port forwarding". I am inclined to believe the switch camp would be less hassle.
What do I need to do?
Modem IP = 172.xxx.xxx.x (is this simply the setup GUI IP?)
Public IP= 68.xxx.xxx.38 (is this the Gateway IP?)
"Usable Range"= 68.xxx.xxx.33 - 37 (are these the IPs I set as static on each PC in the network? 2 of which are video surveillance servers, the 3rd just needs internet access)
DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
With this set-up, I have gotten conflicting info concerning hardware; 1 camp says "use the Linksys router you were using when you had a dynamic IP with port forwarding to the same private IPs --the modem will sort them out", another camp says, "buy a switch and use the above mentioned static "usable range' IPs and a software firewall port forwarding". I am inclined to believe the switch camp would be less hassle.
What do I need to do?