States w/ advertising laws on price listing (...rebates)


Junior Member
May 29, 2003
Sorry I couldn't make the subject more clearer, but now enough room. Several months ago, somebody posted in this specific forum "Hot Deals" stating about a little know Massachussets law that stated that companied have to state the actual price without the rebates included. If they listed rebate prices it had to be smaller print than the actual price. If the company posted the rebate price larger and more prominently than the actual price, the consumer has a right to go to the store and buy the item at actual price (basically the store would pay the rebate).

IIRC, the state was Massachussets or some NE state. I was wondering if this applied to other states as well.


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Keep in mind that while these laws sound good on paper, in practice enforcing them is a different matter. Don't think you're going to walk into a Circuit City store and start yelling at the manager about pricing policies. Yes, you could complain to the state attorney general, but that's not going to get you a deal on a hard drive this weekend. So unless you're prepared to hire a lawyer, you're still at the mercy of the store you're doing business with.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Take a law book, video camera, and the sale ad to your store (oh, and take bail money too).