For those who want cliff notes version of SotU 2006:
blah blah blah
pander to the black vote
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
just go along with us
blah blah blah
we're strong
blah blah blah
interventionism and foreign interference
blah blah blah
dictator, terror, freedom, democracy (actually to his credit I'm AMAZED it took him that long to use his keywords)
blah blah blah
Islam isn't my religion and is therefore bad
blah blah blah
terrorist, Bin Laden (I thought he didn't matter?)
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
stay in Iraq
blah blah blah
ok you caught us, we'll be more secretive about how we screw up in the future
blah blah blah
shhhhh! quit pointing out how wretched and incompetant we are
blah blah blah
token poster soldier
blah blah blah
terrorism, democracy
blah blah blah
we're gonna take over the entire middle east, Iran is next?WMD?s?anyone heard this tune before???
blah blah blah
back my faith based initiatives so god will stop punishing the world for not being fundamentalist evangelicals
blah blah blah
I wipe my ass with your Constitution, and am going to keep doing it, and there?s nothing you can do about it because I have a picture of a bird on the rug in my office
blah blah blah
I?ll make the rich richer
blah blah blah
everyone who matters is getting richer as we speak
blah blah blah
exchanging living wage jobs for walmart and mcdonalds
blah blah blah
love your country, import a Mexican to be your domestic
blah blah blah
I?m the most fiscally irresponsible president in history?another 40 years in office and we should have the budget balanced
blah blah blah
line-item veto
blah blah blah
social security/medicare
blah blah blah
send more jobs to china, buy more Chinese goods (this message brought to you from walmart)
blah blah blah
increase healthcare? pharmaceuticals want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
energy ? more coal, less regulation of coal industry?fewer surviving workers means a solution to the social security problem, see?
blah blah blah
more science ? once I dictate what science is allowed
blah blah blah
no taxes to pharmaceuticals, they want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
cutting all electives and support programs in school
blah blah blah
love America? Bash gays
blah blah blah
I got two puppies on scouts, nyah nyah
blah blah blah
cloning must be banned, it could eventually bankrupt pharmaceuticals, they want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
remember the dem?s are unethical too
blah blah blah
sorry bout you white folks in new Orleans?my bad
blah blah blah
aids is gods punishment for being black?or maybe it?s for not be a fundamentalist evangelical?whichever
blah blah blah
token mention of Lincoln & King
blah blah blah
god god god, yeah god, go god
There you go, from more than 5000 to under 500 words.