State of the union speech


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Hey the state of the union thread is mostly people's reactions to the speech before it happened, so here's a new thread for people who have seen the speech.

Just watched it on the internet. Well-executed I thought. I haven't seen Bush speak well before.

Some good points simply made, good clear defenses. Hopefully some of the proposals will turn into effective policies. Good to see a definite stand on free trade, and looking for an urgent bipartisan effort to deal with the impending retierment problem. Became too ideological with regard to foreign policy and democracy, no need to offend non-democracies that work with the US and are in good international standing IMO.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
basically he made a bunch of promises that he can back off on and tried to marginalize the dissenters by implying things about certain positions of belief


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
I thought that it was a very well-written speech. The delivery was pretty good too, especially in comparison to the past.

I liked a lot of the ideas, although i REALLY hope the universal cloning ban doesn't get pushed through. I doubt a lot of what he promised will ever materialize, but hey, its always possible. It has already been a cold day in hell in that he talked about the addiction to oil and finding alternative sources.

Perhaps I was just imagining it, but I thought it seemed like he was doing a lot less "With me or against me" and making more overtones of working bipartisan-ly than usual.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)

Maybe we should just back to the times when the SOTU was not a public speech, but just a letter to congress.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)

Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)
Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?
Heh, good one buddy. I just got home from the lab (about 12:30am), so I need to get a copy of the transcript.

I rarely watch his speeches, mostly because I despise his smirk, as well as near complete lack of gravitas. Plus reading takes a lot less time, as I read close to 900 words per minute.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)
Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?
Heh, good one buddy. I just got home from the lab (about 12:30am), so I need to get a copy of the transcript.

I rarely watch his speeches, mostly because I despise his smirk, as well as near complete lack of gravitas. Plus reading takes a lot less time, as I read close to 900 words per minute.



Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)
Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?
Heh, good one buddy. I just got home from the lab (about 12:30am), so I need to get a copy of the transcript.

I rarely watch his speeches, mostly because I despise his smirk, as well as near complete lack of gravitas. Plus reading takes a lot less time, as I read close to 900 words per minute.
I was complementing your reasoning. Don't be confused.


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Meuge
I rarely watch his speeches, mostly because I despise his smirk, as well as near complete lack of gravitas. Plus reading takes a lot less time, as I read close to 900 words per minute.
You can see the videos on Fox. Takes longer than reading, but it's more authentic. Unusually, there is gravitas in this speech.


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: screech
I thought that it was a very well-written speech. The delivery was pretty good too, especially in comparison to the past.

I liked a lot of the ideas, although i REALLY hope the universal cloning ban doesn't get pushed through. I doubt a lot of what he promised will ever materialize, but hey, its always possible. It has already been a cold day in hell in that he talked about the addiction to oil and finding alternative sources.

Perhaps I was just imagining it, but I thought it seemed like he was doing a lot less "With me or against me" and making more overtones of working bipartisan-ly than usual.
Somewhat. I tend to shy away from the idea of cloning, taking one person and producing a copy of him that is. The human-animal mutants that he mentioned were quite scary, a nice rhetorical device (that is presuming no-one wants to do such a thing, who knows!)


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: CSMR
Originally posted by: screech
I thought that it was a very well-written speech. The delivery was pretty good too, especially in comparison to the past.

I liked a lot of the ideas, although i REALLY hope the universal cloning ban doesn't get pushed through. I doubt a lot of what he promised will ever materialize, but hey, its always possible. It has already been a cold day in hell in that he talked about the addiction to oil and finding alternative sources.

Perhaps I was just imagining it, but I thought it seemed like he was doing a lot less "With me or against me" and making more overtones of working bipartisan-ly than usual.
Somewhat. I tend to shy away from the idea of cloning, taking one person and producing a copy of him that is. The human-animal mutants that he mentioned were quite scary, a nice rhetorical device (that is presuming no-one wants to do such a thing, who knows!)
He is just using the good old "scare people with stuff they don't understand".


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)
Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?
Heh, good one buddy. I just got home from the lab (about 12:30am), so I need to get a copy of the transcript.

I rarely watch his speeches, mostly because I despise his smirk, as well as near complete lack of gravitas. Plus reading takes a lot less time, as I read close to 900 words per minute.
I was complementing your reasoning. Don't be confused.

And you should know about reasoning Mr. 'tax breaks are subsidies'


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
I started this thread and I want to say please keep the thread clean, please don't insult other members and please only comment on the speech after having read it or heard it.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)

Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?

How do I know?

Simple. Bush is choke full of bullsh!t. He can't do anything but spew bullsh!t everytime he opens his mouth. The entire Bush regime consists of nothing but shameless liars.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: CSMR
Originally posted by: screech
I thought that it was a very well-written speech. The delivery was pretty good too, especially in comparison to the past.

I liked a lot of the ideas, although i REALLY hope the universal cloning ban doesn't get pushed through. I doubt a lot of what he promised will ever materialize, but hey, its always possible. It has already been a cold day in hell in that he talked about the addiction to oil and finding alternative sources.

Perhaps I was just imagining it, but I thought it seemed like he was doing a lot less "With me or against me" and making more overtones of working bipartisan-ly than usual.
Somewhat. I tend to shy away from the idea of cloning, taking one person and producing a copy of him that is. The human-animal mutants that he mentioned were quite scary, a nice rhetorical device (that is presuming no-one wants to do such a thing, who knows!)
He is just using the good old "scare people with stuff they don't understand".

^precisely. Anyone who is simply "scared of cloning" has no idea what they are talking about (my apologies if this applies to you, whoever is reading this, but its true). People often think of cloning other people/animals/etc when they hear the word "cloning," because they do not understand the concepts behind it. In all honesty I have little knowledge myself but at least I can differentiate between cloning another animal or person and cloning a part of one. You might want to research therapeutic cloning, for instance, to look at a type of cloning that could greatly benefit the health of various people.

As for the animal-human "mutants" (hahaha....), you ("you" being anyone for such a cloning ban)might want to look into the idea of giving a monkey a human immune system in order to test a certain type of immunosuppressant drug, or similar concepts. human-animal cloning can obviously be very beneficial; its not like it immediatly means that we will have Godzillas with human heads running around NYC.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2005
I was happy to see him mention the enormous number of people out there without medical insurance in this country. They really get the short end of the stick I think, and I even hear that hospitals go out of their way to charge them more than those with insurance. I hope that he can turn his statements into policy and make some progress on that issue.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
I enjoyed the part where he tried to push his Social Security fix and all the Democrats laughed at him and started clapping.

Basically, his speech was a lot more conservative (meaning, of course, non-offensive and more status-quo) than usual. This can mean a couple of things. One, that Bush has finally turned over a new leaf and realized that alienating half of your country's citizens is not a good idea, and not the way to act as POTUS. Or, he's realized his political impotence, and is finally reaching out so as to not get his own party skewered come November.

Being that the former is so unlikely, that John Kerry would have to make an invigorating speech before it could happen, I'm gonna go with the latter.



Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: astrosfan90
I was happy to see him mention the enormous number of people out there without medical insurance in this country. They really get the short end of the stick I think, and I even hear that hospitals go out of their way to charge them more than those with insurance. I hope that he can turn his statements into policy and make some progress on that issue.
Yes. Extending tax breaks for insurance (while sensible as is reduces medicaid costs) is one part of the solution, but I think the other part must be reducing costs. There was mention of reducing costs by reducing legal liability, but somehow the whole system needs to become more competitive IMO. Maybe having transferable electronic records will make a difference here?


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Aisengard
I enjoyed the part where he tried to push his Social Security fix and all the Democrats laughed at him and started clapping.

Basically, his speech was a lot more conservative (meaning, of course, non-offensive and more status-quo) than usual. This can mean a couple of things. One, that Bush has finally turned over a new leaf and realized that alienating half of your country's citizens is not a good idea, and not the way to act as POTUS. Or, he's realized his political impotence, and is finally reaching out so as to not get his own party skewered come November.

Being that the former is so unlikely, that John Kerry would have to make an invigorating speech before it could happen, I'm gonna go with the latter.
I feel basically he is saying what he believes (though I find it difficult to see how someone can believe idealistically in democracy, especially a successful politician). It seems to me that his portrayal as an extremist comes from one decision, to invade Iraq, without the support of France and Russia, and getting bogged down there.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
Originally posted by: CSMR
Originally posted by: Aisengard
I enjoyed the part where he tried to push his Social Security fix and all the Democrats laughed at him and started clapping.

Basically, his speech was a lot more conservative (meaning, of course, non-offensive and more status-quo) than usual. This can mean a couple of things. One, that Bush has finally turned over a new leaf and realized that alienating half of your country's citizens is not a good idea, and not the way to act as POTUS. Or, he's realized his political impotence, and is finally reaching out so as to not get his own party skewered come November.

Being that the former is so unlikely, that John Kerry would have to make an invigorating speech before it could happen, I'm gonna go with the latter.
I feel basically he is saying what he believes (though I find it difficult to see how someone can believe idealistically in democracy, especially a successful politician). It seems to me that his portrayal as an extremist comes from one decision, to invade Iraq, without the support of France and Russia, and getting bogged down there.

And that one decision hardly being a minor one. Going to war with Iraq, is probably the biggest decision he will ever make.

And lots of other decisions "with us or against us", and NSA wiretapping, true, stemmed off from Iraq and the larger issue of terrorism. But you can't marginalize those decisions on his personality just because you define it as "just one".


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
First off I'd like to say that those public speaking lessons are starting to pay off. He didn't sound like slurring drunk this time around. He impressed me with his coherence.

A few quick jabs: wood chips? human animal hybrids?!?!? and I hope he means it when he says he's working on incentives, and such for alternative energy sources.

Insulin is made from a hybrid gene (e Coli and a human gene, IIRC) and it's not the only one. He cannot stop funding for that, many of his old drinking and coking pals would be pissed.

But over all the chimp is finally making a modicum of sense, I just hope he means it.
May 16, 2000
For those who want cliff notes version of SotU 2006:

blah blah blah
pander to the black vote
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
just go along with us
blah blah blah
we're strong
blah blah blah
interventionism and foreign interference
blah blah blah
dictator, terror, freedom, democracy (actually to his credit I'm AMAZED it took him that long to use his keywords)
blah blah blah
Islam isn't my religion and is therefore bad
blah blah blah
terrorist, Bin Laden (I thought he didn't matter?)
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
stay in Iraq
blah blah blah
ok you caught us, we'll be more secretive about how we screw up in the future
blah blah blah
shhhhh! quit pointing out how wretched and incompetant we are
blah blah blah
token poster soldier
blah blah blah
terrorism, democracy
blah blah blah
we're gonna take over the entire middle east, Iran is next?WMD?s?anyone heard this tune before???
blah blah blah
back my faith based initiatives so god will stop punishing the world for not being fundamentalist evangelicals
blah blah blah
I wipe my ass with your Constitution, and am going to keep doing it, and there?s nothing you can do about it because I have a picture of a bird on the rug in my office
blah blah blah
I?ll make the rich richer
blah blah blah
everyone who matters is getting richer as we speak
blah blah blah
exchanging living wage jobs for walmart and mcdonalds
blah blah blah
love your country, import a Mexican to be your domestic
blah blah blah
I?m the most fiscally irresponsible president in history?another 40 years in office and we should have the budget balanced
blah blah blah
line-item veto
blah blah blah
social security/medicare
blah blah blah
send more jobs to china, buy more Chinese goods (this message brought to you from walmart)
blah blah blah
increase healthcare? pharmaceuticals want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
energy ? more coal, less regulation of coal industry?fewer surviving workers means a solution to the social security problem, see?
blah blah blah
more science ? once I dictate what science is allowed
blah blah blah
no taxes to pharmaceuticals, they want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
cutting all electives and support programs in school
blah blah blah
love America? Bash gays
blah blah blah
I got two puppies on scouts, nyah nyah
blah blah blah
cloning must be banned, it could eventually bankrupt pharmaceuticals, they want to increase profits at the expense of the poor and uninsured
blah blah blah
remember the dem?s are unethical too
blah blah blah
sorry bout you white folks in new Orleans?my bad
blah blah blah
aids is gods punishment for being black?or maybe it?s for not be a fundamentalist evangelical?whichever
blah blah blah
token mention of Lincoln & King
blah blah blah
god god god, yeah god, go god

There you go, from more than 5000 to under 500 words.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Dissipate
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Dissipate
That speech was so full of bullsh!t I didn't even bother to watch it. :)

Then how do you know it was full of bullshit? Did you read the transcript?

How do I know?

Simple. Bush is choke full of bullsh!t. He can't do anything but spew bullsh!t everytime he opens his mouth. The entire Bush regime consists of nothing but shameless liars.

Democrats stood an aweful lot for all the "bullshit" Bush said.