star Wars Lightsaber 4.97


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Cool looking and it completely retracts into the handle. If they only made it so that it was lighted. And they need to change that age range from 4-10 to 4 and up.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2002
Not to thread crap, but as a warning, this is one of the flimsier lightsabers they make.

if its just for show, its great though.


Golden Member
Jan 19, 2002
Extremely durable for the price. I bought a few for my coworkers at the office...


Platinum Member
Jan 25, 2001
Heres a rave review....more like a cry for help:


this is a GREAT lightsaber. i have mace windu's lightsaber, obi-wan's, qui-gon's, and darth vader's lightsabers. i had a b-day party and a few of my friends came over and we had a HUGE battle with them. we had one of my friends use vader's lightsaber and everyone else used the other lightsabers. we re-did the final battle from episode II. i used the green saber and some of my friends brought over their own lightsabers that are the same as the ones that i was using. i was yoda. in the end, i had some more of my friends some over and they were the clone troopers. we ha our parents use their cars s the republic gunships and then we rescued the "troubled remaining 12 jedi." then all of the jedi went to battle count dooku. i had all of the other jedi go and battle him first but tey all lost. so i, yoda went and did all these crazy flips and used 2 sabers at the same time and i finally destroyed dooku. basically, i would get 3 of these lightsabers if i were u. overall, it's a GREAT product, buy a couple.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2000
My 3-yr old Nephew has 2 of them, pretty durable with the abuse he puts them through.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2002
Originally posted by: ChurchOfSubgenius
Heres a rave review....more like a cry for help:


this is a GREAT lightsaber. i have mace windu's lightsaber, obi-wan's, qui-gon's, and darth vader's lightsabers. i had a b-day party and a few of my friends came over and we had a HUGE battle with them. we had one of my friends use vader's lightsaber and everyone else used the other lightsabers. we re-did the final battle from episode II. i used the green saber and some of my friends brought over their own lightsabers that are the same as the ones that i was using. i was yoda. in the end, i had some more of my friends some over and they were the clone troopers. we ha our parents use their cars s the republic gunships and then we rescued the "troubled remaining 12 jedi." then all of the jedi went to battle count dooku. i had all of the other jedi go and battle him first but tey all lost. so i, yoda went and did all these crazy flips and used 2 sabers at the same time and i finally destroyed dooku. basically, i would get 3 of these lightsabers if i were u. overall, it's a GREAT product, buy a couple.

I can't stop laughing.


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Johnbear007
Originally posted by: ChurchOfSubgenius
Heres a rave review....more like a cry for help:


this is a GREAT lightsaber. i have mace windu's lightsaber, obi-wan's, qui-gon's, and darth vader's lightsabers. i had a b-day party and a few of my friends came over and we had a HUGE battle with them. we had one of my friends use vader's lightsaber and everyone else used the other lightsabers. we re-did the final battle from episode II. i used the green saber and some of my friends brought over their own lightsabers that are the same as the ones that i was using. i was yoda. in the end, i had some more of my friends some over and they were the clone troopers. we ha our parents use their cars s the republic gunships and then we rescued the "troubled remaining 12 jedi." then all of the jedi went to battle count dooku. i had all of the other jedi go and battle him first but tey all lost. so i, yoda went and did all these crazy flips and used 2 sabers at the same time and i finally destroyed dooku. basically, i would get 3 of these lightsabers if i were u. overall, it's a GREAT product, buy a couple.

I can't stop laughing.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Techie333
Originally posted by: Johnbear007
Originally posted by: ChurchOfSubgenius
Heres a rave review....more like a cry for help:


this is a GREAT lightsaber. i have mace windu's lightsaber, obi-wan's, qui-gon's, and darth vader's lightsabers. i had a b-day party and a few of my friends came over and we had a HUGE battle with them. we had one of my friends use vader's lightsaber and everyone else used the other lightsabers. we re-did the final battle from episode II. i used the green saber and some of my friends brought over their own lightsabers that are the same as the ones that i was using. i was yoda. in the end, i had some more of my friends some over and they were the clone troopers. we ha our parents use their cars s the republic gunships and then we rescued the "troubled remaining 12 jedi." then all of the jedi went to battle count dooku. i had all of the other jedi go and battle him first but tey all lost. so i, yoda went and did all these crazy flips and used 2 sabers at the same time and i finally destroyed dooku. basically, i would get 3 of these lightsabers if i were u. overall, it's a GREAT product, buy a couple.

I can't stop laughing.



Golden Member
Apr 24, 2001
Take it out of its original packaging and what do you say?

It's no longer a collectable! --Comic Book Guy