Nope, I havent' seen it...the previews haven't really intruiged me enough to bother watching it, and as far as it making me forget about Star Wars...well...let's just say that it's hard to forget when people practically know you as THE town "Star Wars Freak Geek".
Oh, and yes...I like it. >>
You will never know what joy is until you see LotR!
To see the mighty elvish armies of the Second Age in shining armour take on Sauron's fiece armies, to see the mighty Gil Galad and Isildur battle Sauron, to see the an Elf take on a superbly rendered Cave troll.. to see gandalf facing a huge Balrog surrounded by hundreds of Orcs...to simply see middle earth.
Enough to bring joyous tears to your eyes
But that is nothing compared to what's to come...the batgtle of Helm's Deep, the battle of orthanc with huge, enraged Ents, and......THE PELENOR FIELDS!!!!!!!
One taste of the ecstasy that is LotR and ye shall denounce the petty Star Wars!