1. DS9 - i am a big fan of the continuing story line. ds9 goes from point a to point b and then picks up at point b in the next episode. point b continues on too point c.. etc etc etc. i dig that. bashir grows so much. the growth of the bashir/obrien relationship is cool. same for quark/odo. i love how the characters all grew together or into different more beautiful ways. i can not explain it very well, but if you have seen it.. i am sure you understand what i am trying to say. the only thing i did not like was the odo/kira get together. LAME!
2. TOS - i dont like putting tos so high becaue it makes me come off as like one of those 'im hardcore because i like the original' neener neener neener.. love my greatness.. sort of thing.. but that is not the case at all. i have probably seen only 1/3 to 1/2 of TOS but i love every bit of it. the only character that gets on my nerves is Checkov(spelling?).
3a. TNG - I was tempted to put this behind voyager. I love TNG, but i have this weird fascination with voyager. sometimes tng feels sort of old. it also does a point a to point b.. but the next episode.. everything is back at point a.. i like how things continue and move on.
3b. VOY - i think i may be the only person who actually digs voyager. the doctor is just such a rockin character. also, guys like paris and chakotay, while obnoxious and boring in the beggining, grow on you by the end of it. i actually cared about them. the same can be said with janeway. one thing i really disliked was 7of9. she has so much more potential. she was overused. her whole 'i have no idea what this is because im bored' thang grew old quick! and how come at the end janeway is the new 'borg expert'. picard was freakin locutus!
5. ENT - i like the idea, but i can not stand archer. his character is so wishy washy at times. it seems like they are trying to force a kirk-like image on too bakula and he just isnt feelin' it. i liked the idea of a continuing plot this season, but it is getting kinda lame. at one point the xindi lizard guys actually said in a bush-like manner 'you are either with us or against us'. i mean cmon.. if you want to put your politics into the thing.. hide it better! make us work for it!
2. TOS - i dont like putting tos so high becaue it makes me come off as like one of those 'im hardcore because i like the original' neener neener neener.. love my greatness.. sort of thing.. but that is not the case at all. i have probably seen only 1/3 to 1/2 of TOS but i love every bit of it. the only character that gets on my nerves is Checkov(spelling?).
3a. TNG - I was tempted to put this behind voyager. I love TNG, but i have this weird fascination with voyager. sometimes tng feels sort of old. it also does a point a to point b.. but the next episode.. everything is back at point a.. i like how things continue and move on.
3b. VOY - i think i may be the only person who actually digs voyager. the doctor is just such a rockin character. also, guys like paris and chakotay, while obnoxious and boring in the beggining, grow on you by the end of it. i actually cared about them. the same can be said with janeway. one thing i really disliked was 7of9. she has so much more potential. she was overused. her whole 'i have no idea what this is because im bored' thang grew old quick! and how come at the end janeway is the new 'borg expert'. picard was freakin locutus!
5. ENT - i like the idea, but i can not stand archer. his character is so wishy washy at times. it seems like they are trying to force a kirk-like image on too bakula and he just isnt feelin' it. i liked the idea of a continuing plot this season, but it is getting kinda lame. at one point the xindi lizard guys actually said in a bush-like manner 'you are either with us or against us'. i mean cmon.. if you want to put your politics into the thing.. hide it better! make us work for it!